How about a "Won the battles, but lost the war" achievement for winning all your games in a tournament, but still not winning overall? This would apply to triple gammon tournaments only.
As an example, this happened to Erinity and me in different sections of Madhouse 2008 - Week 4
Possibly have a minimum number of players in a section to get the achievement, or have a separate, higher-scoring achievement for doing it with 7 or 8 players in your section?
Pedro Martínez: I'm not sure now... I have 11 won games of massacre chess, each lasting more than 10 moves, against unique opponents, and not in a fellowship. But I was not given credit for those, either. I give up... I'll just keep playing.
I still have a question on achievements. I have started many new types of games since the inception of the achievements, and have won more than 10 games against unique opponents (and more than 10 moves) in several game types since then, yet, my number of games in which I've won "10 games out of 50 game types" remains stuck on 39... why is this? Here is just one example:
11 won games Game Event Opponent Your color End of game Number of moves Plakoto mini elimination tournament #5 Petromil black 27. May 2009, 10:57:58 51. Plakoto ₣ŁĄΜЄ РΙŦ (SE/8 All Games) dalkelly black 27. May 2009, 10:21:13 50. Plakoto 2 wins match bidžiganga black 24. May 2009, 04:54:28 35. Plakoto Friday 4 player elimination #74 japajka white 18. May 2009, 15:07:41 23. Plakoto Schoffi XII - my 12th tournament schoffi white 13. May 2009, 10:44:06 48. Plakoto Normal game livia black 13. May 2009, 10:25:36 45. Plakoto All games; 5 players; fast start. #32 lenkacz black 11. May 2009, 12:22:12 46. Plakoto Normal game BAHADDIN black 30. April 2009, 13:19:53 0. Plakoto Normal game pisipaddy black 26. April 2009, 07:28:49 13. Plakoto Normal game Priscilla black 24. April 2009, 08:03:00 47. Plakoto 2 points match vtavgjoe black 22. April 2009, 21:18:10 48.
10 of the 11 won games have 10 or more moves, but nothing has changed for my progress towards this achievement. Do these have to be public games? (not in a fellowship?) This has happened with several of my new game types already.
I have just added 11 Espionage achievements and I would like to add that, due to nature of this game and other things, these achievements will NOT be given manually on a player's demand, based on finished games. It means that everybody shares the same start point.
Assunto: Re: 50 won games of 10 game types/50 won games of 50 game types
AbigailII: I think there is a bug in those achievements, too. For the achievement "10 won games of 50 game types and at least 10 moves," I have watched and counted several variants where I have sailed past 10 victories against unique opponents and more than 10 moves, but the counter never changed. The only explanation I can think of is this: The unique opponents that you have beaten in one variant can not be the same opponents you have beaten in another variant. For example, if I beat 10 different people in atomic chess, I must beat a totally different set of 10 people in corner chess in order for me to get credit for those 2 variants, meaning 20 unique people. If this is not the case, then there is definitely a bug.
Assunto: 50 won games of 10 game types/50 won games of 50 game types
I thought this meant that for 10 (50) game types, you have to win 50 games against different opponents. But then it claims that for the first one, I've done "7/10", which I assume to mean that I've beaten 50 different opponents in 7 different game types; however, for the second one, I have "6/50". Which would mean I've beaten 50 different opponents in only 6 different game types.
But that doesn't make sense.
So, what does this archievement mean? Or is there a bug somewhere?
joshi tm: Let's see what's left: all checkers variants, some chess variants, Alquerque, Cam(elot), all boats variants (trivial), all Pente variants, all Espionage variants, all Go variants (very hard to capture all your opponents pieces - OTOH, each player has an unlimited amount of stones, so perhaps Go doesn't qualify anyway), Jarmo, Tablut, Tank Battle, (Big) Jungle. Spider variants have the same issue as Go: it's possible, but very hard to eliminate all pieces from the board, but the number of pieces in the hand is unlimited.
joshi tm: A couple of games that have permanent captures, but will be finished before all opponents pieces are removed: Extinction Chess, Three Checks Chess, Knight Relay Chess, Racing Kings. And this is even side-stepping that fact that under regular Chess rules the game always ends with both Kings on the board - there's no such thing as taking a King.
Win any non-Anti, non Backgammon (or other game without any pernament captures) by wiping out all opponent's pieces on the board. That are a lot of games... this achievement is worth 50 ;)
Fencer: well, by killed I meant found (either by killing or guessing). Or if you prefer it, me having 0 frogs left and my opponent still having frogs to be found
AbigailII: I think most of those are actually quite good and hard to get. Real achievments if you ask me
I'd just like to add one to the Checkers list (why isn't there a checkers achievment section?) Power to the PeopleWin a game when your opponent had at least 2 queens before you got any (in checkers variants with queens, of course).
AbigailII: for someone that made the following statement you aren't doing a bad job
***I fully agree. There are many game related bug fixes/improvements/features I would rather have seen than archievements, photo albums, "walls" and other non-gaming stuff we've seen lately.***
Fencer: Is there anyway to go back & check a previous poker hand? It was played at approximately 23:00 today @ No Limit Fast High Bets 10 seat table. I thought I might have received the "And it is mine, all mine!" achievement. Oh well, even if I didn't get the still felt good.
In Shogi pawn drop checkmate is forbidden. This achievement is that the player leaves the opponent no option but to drop a pawn that is forbidden by the rule.
(esconder) Alguns torneios atribuem um prémio, como uma inscrição paga ou uma certa quantidade de Brains ao vencedor do torneio. (JackAwesome) (mostrar todas as dicas)