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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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6. Fevereiro 2004, 14:27:30
Assunto: Re: In the Gothic_250$_Prize tournement
:)@ rabbitoid,if the player in section 6 does not resign the game can take a long time too.
And in section 7,I think this is the typical case for estimation.

6. Fevereiro 2004, 14:08:21
Assunto: Re: In the Gothic_250$_Prize tournement
Estimating is usual only if the time runs out of the ordinary.
But perhaps you are right and I will do this,after waiting a little bit.

6. Fevereiro 2004, 13:50:23
Assunto: Re: In the Gothic_250$_Prize tournement
Harley, I cannot ask players to resign her games (would be rude). They can see it,if they look in the tournement tableau,in which 100 players are ready.One of them is a pawn,he seems to be only one time per week online. No,estimating the games would be the best.It is a regular technique in correspondence chess, if the games take a too long time.

6. Fevereiro 2004, 13:34:39
Assunto: In the Gothic_250$_Prize tournement
only two games are running.It seems,that nobody wants to resign,although both positions are totally lost (and they move only one time in the week :()
It is not possible to estimate both games, therewith we others can start the second round?

26. Janeiro 2004, 11:33:51
Assunto: Checkmate only with the chancellor
shows the end of this game after Black`s forced answer (sorry Andreas):) # 1

17. Janeiro 2004, 19:13:39
Assunto: Re: Gothic on a 10x10
Greenknight,I wrote "there is only chess" as someone has described chess only as "Fide variant".And to the developement of Gothic Chess instead of Chess,we will see. At the moment Gothic Chess has in relationship to chess only a very small prevalence.For instance,there is no other server where you can play this game. Perhaps is in 100 years? We don`t know what is in the future,but I see no real chance.

17. Janeiro 2004, 18:33:16
Assunto: Re: Gothic chess on a 10x10 board?
Bwildman, I think the 10x10 is too slow for Gothic/Capa Chess. Perhaps you will see this if we get the "Grand Chess" anytime, which is played on a 10x10 board.

17. Janeiro 2004, 17:32:02
Assunto: Re: Capablanca Chess
The prevalent opinion sees Gothic Chess only as a variation of Capablanca Chess.
There are beside the original setup of Capaplanca some other setups (for instance the "Aberg variation"),which you can use.In the next time I will publish these variations on the board "Other chess variants".

17. Janeiro 2004, 08:50:22
Assunto: Re: Nasmichel:
There is no "fide-variant", there is only chess. And chess is the standard,all other variants are derivatives.
I am for Gothic Chess too, but if the "inventor" don`t want renew the "license", I am for Capablanca Chess. Btw he has only invented a small modification of CC!

16. Janeiro 2004, 22:33:37
Assunto: Re: If the license of Gothic Chess
will not be renewed, we can play "Capablanca Chess".
It is the original game with the same board and with the same pieces,only with a little bit other setup.

29. Dezembro 2003, 11:17:47
Assunto: Re: Names of new pieces in other languages
Okay,the abbreviations is an argument (many K`s),but then better for the Chancellor: "Marschall" = M,the other usual synonym for this piece and "Bischof" = B,or we use the more usual "Kardinal" and the abbreviation "C"

29. Dezembro 2003, 10:59:19
Assunto: Re: Names of new pieces in other languages
Ich denke auf Deutsch doch einfach "Kanzler" und "Kardinal".

6. Novembro 2003, 08:13:39
Assunto: Gothic World Championship
What happens now with this tournement and the finished games? Or have we here a restart?

31. Agosto 2003, 12:11:41
Assunto: JanusChessPrizeTournement
We need once again four players to start this tournement. Sign in!

26. Agosto 2003, 07:32:17
Assunto: Re: Question
Janus is a Roman god with two faces.This symbol looks like a dog. It would be better to use the regular Janussymbol (www.janusschach.de)what I have proposed to fencer.

5. Agosto 2003, 20:55:00
Assunto: Re: Chancellor and Pawn ending
I think the analysis of the chancellor endgame is not very important. You can see light that White`s positions becomes bader after Black`s rook invades in the white position with 40..Re2!and after 49.Cxg2 the position is probably
lost for White because he loses now many of his pawns and now with enough time of consideration it is only a question of Black`s technique until he can realize his win.
More interested is the question why the better position of White until the 38.Move now was lost!
Ed found a very good move with 38...d6-d5!!, so my move 38.Bh3-g2?? was a mistake and loses the advantage.
I have to prove a better move, which doesn`t White allow to play 38..d6-d5.
Better seems to be at first sight 38.Cf4!? or 38.Ce5!? Comments?

23. Julho 2003, 08:38:17
Assunto: Re: Just wondering
I agree with Juangrande it would be more interested to have a good interface like winboard in standard chess than a strong engine.But there is no chance to get both, I asked the arena-programmer,arena is similar like winboard (http://www.playwitharena.com/),
and he answered that the expense is to big for only a few people who are playing these games.He refered to the weaker "Zillions".
But it is better too because I have no fun if my opponent (and I) have strong engines with 2500 Elo like Fritz or Chessmaster on both sides
That`s the reason why I am playing chessvariants and not standard chess!

1. Julho 2003, 14:56:35
Assunto: Gothic endgame
In my match against Tonyh (http://brainking.com/game/ArchivedGame?g=117017),he has a little advantage at the beginning o the endgame after my to careless playing.Even so Tonyh lost this match after a long endgame.At which position did he mistaken? Who helps me with an analysis?

24. Junho 2003, 15:12:13
Assunto: PGN-Download
With the new download-feature in pgn,fencer gave us a good possibility to collect and read games with a pgn-reader.
Naturally we can not play with these utilities games on a 10x8 board (only standard chess)Perhaps there is a computerfreak who can produces a pgn-player for 10x8 boards? Best would be with the Gothic and Janus pieces.

19. Junho 2003, 22:32:28
Assunto: Re: Thanks BBW...back to the game
But Juan,after 38...Ng6, 39.h7+ he plays 39...Qxh7 40.Nxh7 Kxh7 and this is the critical position you have to prove...,probably a little bit better for black...

19. Junho 2003, 10:58:24
Assunto: Re: Mini Contest
Hello Ed, congratulations for your win against juan! I observed this game and thought (without analysis)after juans ´s brave 35.move that he has the possibility of a win because his very mobile AB and your offside standing rook.
Instead 38.h7+? I saw 38.Ng5!? Nd5 39.h7+ with four variants :
a)39...Kj8? 40.Ah6+ Bi7 41.Ni6++
b)39...Kj7? 40.Ah5+ Kj8 41.Ni6+ Kj7 42.Nxh8+ +-
c)39...Qxh7?! 41.Nxh7 Kxh7 41.Ai5+ unclear,perhaps += because of the very mobile AB
d)39...Ki7! 40.Ah5+ Kh6 (40...Kj8? Ni6+ etc +-)41.Aj7+ Ki7 (41..Kg6 41 Ag5+ Kh5
(41..Kf6?42.Bxd4+ 42.Ke7 Ag6+ 43.Kd6 +-)42.Aj7+ =)42.Ag5+ Kh6 =
What do you think about these variants?
Wow, it is now my job to win the first game against you? :)

17. Junho 2003, 23:03:30
Assunto: Re: Cheers To Brittany
Why I was not invited? I am very angry about it!:)

31. Maio 2003, 14:41:54
Assunto: Exciting Games
To all Januschessplayer: If you have played a beautiful game,please send it to me,perhaps with a small comment of your ideas during the game.I will collect these games and publish the best of them in a German chessnewspaper.My E-Mail is
caissus2000@yahoo.de.Thank you

3. Maio 2003, 22:48:43
Assunto: Re: 2003 Gothic Chess Championship
I agree with Matthewhall.It would be fine to play a tournement online but in realtime with a shorter timecontrol.On the great chessservers (ICC,Fics,Chessnet,USCL,Chessbase) some chessvariants are played but nowhere variants on bigger boards,nowhere Gothic or Januschess.If Gothic Chess in the USA is so big as Ed told me and so many people are playing this variant it is sure not difficult to initiate Gothic Chess at least on one server.But surely you can organize a championship as email tournement.This is an other category of chess and I think brainking is an ideal platform therefor.Perhaps we can suggest fencer to implement some shorter timecontrols like 1 hour and 30 minutes/move?
To the theme of Live-chess look to my note in the section of chess.

28. Abril 2003, 15:06:41
Assunto: German Janus Chess Championship
The German Janus Chess Championship was happening in Saarbrücken 14.-16.03.2003.It was played with a time control of twenty minutes and nine rounds.The champion has been Stephan Becking (Anderssen St.Ingbert),the second and the third place IM Viesturs Meijers and IM Leonid Milov.The comlete results you can find here:


or you come to the JanusChess-Homepage:


[Mod: Note both sites are in German not essential but it helps :)]

21. Abril 2003, 13:38:30
Assunto: Re: Two Janusgames
Thank you, Whisperz for the legend

21. Abril 2003, 12:35:00
Assunto: Two Janusgames
I will present you two short nice Janus Games of the last time I have played outside Brainking without comments:

[Mod: Bauer=Pawn | Turm=Rook | Springer=Knight | Läufer=Bishop | Janus=Janus | Dame=Queen | König=King]

Kreuzer Uwe – Rühl Klaus
Freie E-Mail-Partie 2002

1. Bauer e2 - e4
1. Bauer e7 - e5
2. Läufer d1 - g4
2. Janus b8 - c6
3. Springer h1 - g3
3. Springer c8 - d6
4. Bauer f2 - f3
4. Läufer d8 - h4
5. Janus b1 - c3
5. Bauer f7 - f5
6. Bauer e4 x f5
6. Springer d6 x f5
7. Springer c1 - b3
7. Läufer h4 x g3
8. Bauer h2 x g3
8. König e8 - b8 Turm a8 - c8
9. Springer b3 - a5
9. Janus c6 - d8
10. Janus c3 - b5
10. Janus d8 - e6
11. Janus b5 x a7
11. Koenig b8 - a8
12. Dame f1 - b5
12. Springer f5 - d6
13. Dame b5 - a4
13. Bauer b7 - b5
14. Janus a7 x b5
14. Springer d6 x b5
15. Springer a5 - c6
15. König a8 - b7
16. Dame a4 x b5

Rühl Klaus - Kreuzer Uwe
Freie E-Mail-Partie 2002

1. Bauer e2 - e4
1. Bauer h7 - h5
2. Läufer d1 x h5
2. Janus i8 x e4
3. Springer h1 - g3
3. Janus e4 - f6
4. Janus b1 - c3
4. Bauer e7 - e6
5. Springer c1 - d3
5. Läufer g8 - i6
6. Dame f1 - e2
6. Janus b8 - c6
7. König e1 - b1 Turm a1 - c1
7. Janus f6 x c3
8. Bauer d2 x c3
8. Läufer d8 - f6
9. Janus i1 - h3
9. Springer c8 - b6
10. Janus h3 - f4
10. König e8 - b8 Turm a8 - c8
11. Janus f4 x i7
11. Springer h8 - g6
12. Janus i7 - e3
12. Janus c6 - b5
13. Springer g3 - e4
13. Springer b6 - a4
14. Janus e3 - d1
14. Läufer i6 x h5
15. Dame e2 x h5
15. Bauer d7 - d5
16. Springer e4 x f6
16. Bauer g7 x f6
17. Bauer f2 - f4
17. Bauer c7 - c5
18. Läufer g1 - e3
18. Bauer c5 - c4
19. Springer d3 - f2
19. Turm c8 - c6
20. Bauer f4 - f5
20. Springer a4 x c3
21. Bauer b2 x c3
21. Turm c6 - a6
22. Springer f2 - d3
22. Bauer c4 x d3
23. Bauer c2 x d3
23. Janus b5 x d3
24. Turm c1 - c2
24. Dame f8 - a3

20. Abril 2003, 20:36:37
Assunto: Re: Never Say Die!
Great, Jestone I see you are a big Janus Chess Fan! And I know that we need a possibility to download the finished games!

15. Março 2003, 19:24:01
Assunto: Re: Value of Janus
Yes,sorry my english is not so good...
I know Omega Chess too and it would be great if we can play it here too. I informed fencer in the last month about "Januschess", but I can not ask him every week for another game.The best would be if you send him setup,rules and images of these games. That is sure the the best way.

15. Março 2003, 08:19:05
Assunto: Re: Value of Janus
I tested yesterday the values in Gothic Chess with "Zillions of games" and the result was that the values of the chancellor and the queen was nearly the same and the value of the archbishop was clear deeper. But the application is not very strong.
But I have another idea: Perhaps we can play both Januschess and Gothic Chess. There are only to make some small changes at the rules.
Who asks fencer?

14. Março 2003, 08:31:13
Assunto: Re: Value of Janus
No that is my own opinion which is based on the worth of knight and bishop (Janus,archbishop) on the one side and the worth of rook and bishop (queen) on the other side. When the worth would be the same if you say ,what would be the worth of the chancellor (rook and knight) in gothic chess? It is sure a little bit stronger then a Janus and then a little stronger as a queen? i think no

13. Março 2003, 15:25:29
Assunto: Re:
I think the Janus has a little less worth as a queen, I would say the value is 7,5-8,0. But the Janus has one special advantage: He can alone checkmate the king in the corner and in the middle of the game you have very interesting tactical possibilities

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