Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
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I think there are 20 moves that are the only winning moves in that ending. And I think 2. Kf5 is one of them, giving away the draw otherwise. I will have to load the ending and check out the solution.
It was not me that asked but i have a question:
Is the 2.Kf5 forced for white in order to win......? By other words: Does all other moves at the second move draw the game(or lose it).......?
One more difficult answer to find (time consuming actually) is: What percentage of moves for the whole mating procedure of white, has just one move for white that wins......?
I know that ChessCarpenter had just finished playing 9 rounds of chess at the World Open over the 4th of July weekend. He did this without taking any time off of work. The playing schedule plus other demands on his time were exhausting.
Upon returning he was now faced with a very tough finals section of top-notch players.
Just try to put this all in perspective before rushing to judgement.
Sumerian: *nod* they are thinking they will be busy in real life away from the computer, so they set a vacation day, but during the day they find a short time in which they can pop online for a few seconds and make a move in a few games (or maybe just read a message on a board) and hurry offline again being busy in real life :)
Sumerian: could be .. but doesnt have to be .. maybe the person who is online while using a vacation day has only limited time and cant move in all games (i often only move in my backgammon games while i leave my chess games (rarely play them) or froglet games for when i have more time
Hrqls: Well, I always assume equal rights for both side in my calculations. I have no problems with vacations, if that would be time spans without any playing activity. But playing other games while using vacancy days is signalling to the opponent simply to delay the game without reason, which is a provocation.
Sumerian: he could only use 30 vacation days max .. he has only 24 vacation days left so he cant keep using 11 days per move 50 moves long
the total time would be the normal time per move plus weekends without using vacation days .. the vacation days can only add a total of 30 days to the total sum (plus some weekend days which are covered because of the extra vacation days)
4 days per move becomes 6 days per move in most cases because weekend days being added ... would turn into 600 days for a game of 50 moves (minus some because of weekends 'missed') .. this is almost 2 years as well .. so calculating into the extremes a normal game of 4 days per move without vacation days would already take too long i guess
furthermore in your calculation you also assumed you would take 11 days per move as well :)
Modificado por SMIRF Engine (13. Julho 2005, 09:19:38)
ChessCarpenter: Please check following calculation: one move lasted for 11 days (and more if I would have continued waiting), a game consits of about 50 moves for both sides or more, that will finally be about 1100 days a game or more, giving a three years perspective.
If such delays would be caused by vacancies, ok. But if that would happen parallel to regularly played moves in other games, it simply would be a big provocation.
It might be an idea to be recognized, that Fencer should have handled a day with playing activities no longer as a vacancy day.
Sumerian: I'm sorry you feel this way...but I took vaction days for a reason! Anyone that I have played can tell you I move pretty fast in my games!
As for making moves in my other games during this time...well...I had moves planned to make so I made them! I shoud NOT even have to explain myself to you, but I'm a good sport.
Note there is a "0" next to my name, as I lost a game to Andreas Kaufmann during the course of that 3-wins match. Andreas played an outstanding game with a surprising Chancellor sacrifice to win it at the end.
I was "motivated" more than ever after that loss, and the final game of the match ended with a very complex Queen sacrifice, taking many moves to turn into a positional gem.
I would like to thank Andreas for pushing me to my limits and playing outstanding games.
I was looking forward to some very interesting battles between SMIRF and Rob/George. I am rather disappointed that Reinhard did not play at the time control that was set up for the whole rest of the tournament.
Reinhard has always been looking for notes from good players on how to make his program stronger, and I believe he wasted a very good opportunity.
I enjoy when players "take too long" to move. It allows me to map out how to handle every possible strategical scenario of consequence.
I would have enjoyed seeing how SMIRF did given 96 hours or more to move.
Good luck to Rob and George playing out the remainder of the tournament. I hope you both win
Chessmaster1000: I've a (short) list of players I no longer play as well, because they move too slowly. I don't mind if people move just before the time out every now and then, but I do mind if they make a habit out of it. If in a tournament I'm paired with such a slow mover - I resign at the first move (no rating loss that way). And yes, you've made the list as well. I'll finish our on-going games, but any new games you'll have easy wins.
Almost exactly. He hasn't felt that ChessCarpenter and me were moving too slow, but we were moving too slow! I feel sorry about this because if i knew he would resign, i would play a lot faster.......
Sumerian: for those simple initial moves without any understandable reason for that.
I have around 650 games waiting for me to play so i play only them that have 1 day or less to expire......
For reasons i don't know and since the game is 4 days/move, the time limit was much longer, that's why i didn't play with a speed of 4d/m........
For ChessCarpenter of cource i can't answer......
Modificado por danoschek (12. Julho 2005, 20:54:46)
that ppl still fall to the illusion, an inflation of exclamation marks could substitute
meaning whatsoever ... but style asides, making moves during vacation is not
a pointer at multinic humbug per se - it could mean respecting you in particular ... ~*~
Chessmaster1000: I do not want to gain anything. I simply want to express that I am not motivated to wait that long for those simple initial moves without any understandable reason for that.
I'm willing to give the prize for the tournament if i win against ChessCarpenter.........If you agree OK, if not then again OK. Of course Ed should agree too.....
And you are right. The time control is 4 days/move and i haven't played for a longer time at this game.....That's bizarre?!?!?!?
Those who are eligible for prizes in the various tournaments I am running, please contact me at with your address information so they can be mailed out to you.
White pawns: j2,i2,h2,f2,e2,b2,a2,c3,d4,g3
White rooks: a1, h2
White chancellor: e1
White king: i1
White queen: d3
White knight: h4
White bishop: i4
White archbishop: j5
Black pawns: b7,c7,e7,h7,i7,j7,g6,f6,a6,d5
Black rooks: a8, h8
Black chancellor: e8
Black queen: d7
Black archbishop: e6
Black knight: c6
Black bishop: h6
Black king: i8
The idea: Qxg6!! hxg6? Bxg6+ Kj8? Ni6+! jxi6 Axi6#
I played a very interesting Queen sac in Gothic Chess at the World Open in the skittles room. It was a very crowded board, looking for all intents and purposes like an normal middlegame.
I sacked a Queen for a pawn, checked with a Bishop, the sacked a Knight for no material, to mate with an Archbishop next.
andreas: interesting view, and sort of rings true, except that Gothic doesn't usually last long enough to go into an endgame (if you really want to win you usually keep most of your pieces until a sac comes to you . . .).
Chessmaster1000: I won't talk about a dynamic comparison (I still believe in the "old standby" chess) but I will say this about positional gothic, how does anyone think like that? I tend to look for almost purely tactical themes when I play gothic, it must take a very disciplined mind to look for the "quiet" moves in gothic (I personally can't resist the long range attacks made by those wonderful new pieces and the queen). I agree that in Gothic sacrificing material for attack is somehow more feasible, and the themes are somewhat similar. (classic bishop sac, rook for knight sac, etc.)
Grim Reaper: Agreed..........Andreas is amazing at positional play.....!
I have 2 games running with him and i've not seen any dymamic attacking move, but just a slow occupation of my space, killing me step by step.......Patience-patience-patience....I don't know if i'll have 2 loses finally, but he has the initiative at both games. Actually the positions for both games are quiet but we can say that he has the "positional" initiative.....
And initiative at Gothic Chess in my opinion, worth 70% the win......If one side has even a Knight less but has a nice initiative, he has the best chances to win. Gothic Chess is much more dynamic than Chess.
Interesting debate ... please be objective and not objectionable. Reference to personal styles of play is fine so long as these principles are followed.