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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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15. Abril 2006, 18:16:37
Assunto: Re: Januschess
panzerschiff: It`s a pity, but I received a message that no Januschessets are available, because their is a license problem too in Germany.
It looks that I have got the last real Januschesspieces. Pics are on my page.
Meanwhile I have received a Gothicchesset from Ed Trice (10x8 board and pieces) and I must say it is very nice and I would recommend to use it for all 10x8 variants.

15. Abril 2006, 17:29:36
Assunto: Re: The game
panzerschiff: Try http://www.spezialschach.de/

You can find it also in my profile.

15. Abril 2006, 15:44:00
Assunto: The game
Here is an additional link to replay the game:


15. Abril 2006, 11:10:21
Assunto: Re: Ed Trice
JinkyOng: was undefeated in 10x8 chess.


The last games he lost on time because he was banned.
But it has to say nothing because have not the strongest players here.

14. Abril 2006, 12:40:32
Assunto: Re: Gothic Chess Game
Can anybody perhaps translate this game in algebraic notation? Thanks.

13. Abril 2006, 22:34:22
Assunto: Re: 2. Prize
JinkyOng: I knew that you would win! But why do I not find the game here : http://www.gothicchesslive.com/players-games.php ?

8. Abril 2006, 16:29:00
Assunto: 2. Prize
Modificado por Caissus (8. Abril 2006, 16:30:42)
I have to announce that I have received a Gothic chesset by Ed Trice today.

It was the second prize of a tournement (GC) and I have to thank him.

8. Abril 2006, 14:50:49
SMIRF Engine: Sorry, have to answer in German at the German board.

8. Abril 2006, 14:20:13
SMIRF Engine: Can you give an example for such a position, please?

And why should there be an additional advantage for W in a mirrored position?

1. Abril 2006, 20:11:00
Assunto: Re: Best Program ?
Pythagoras: old faultfinder....

1. Abril 2006, 17:52:29
Assunto: Re: Best Program ?
SMIRF Engine: A Player, who is playing only one game and has finished only 3 8x10 chessgames.But he is discussing about 10x8 chess as he is the world`s greatest expert in this theme.

Generally I think it is not necessary to quote again and again large statements by a person who is banned at all BK-db`s. And his game is banned also.

One last quote ( by Trice) : "Caissus gets a free Gothic Chess set for coming in second place. Contact me at GothicChessInfo@aol.com to send me the address to send your prizes." It was on 07/13/2005 and I am waiting until today for the second prize.

16. Março 2006, 21:38:49
Assunto: Re: Janus Chess Sets
Walter Montego: I think these tips in chessvariants.com are very old ,because we pay in € today and no more in DM. I never received a answer about my questions from Stefan Blasius or the owner of www.janusschach.de.
But I will contact tomorrow the Schachhaus Madler because of Janusschessboards and -sets will report here.

26. Fevereiro 2006, 20:09:36
Assunto: Team challenge Januschess
"Caissas Traumland" http://brainking.com/de/ShowFellowship?fid=303
We are looking for a teamcompetition with another fellowship in januschess,two games each player and four days timecontrol. If you have a team with at least four players and an bkr-average above 1500 please send me an pm in the next days .Thanks.

12. Janeiro 2006, 20:32:41
Assunto: The archbishop/janus
We have now four games with AB`s/Janus : CRC, Grande Chess, Embassy Chess and Janus Chess and three of them have the same symbol for the knight/bishop piece except Janus Chess.

Would it not make sense to change now the symbol for the Janus according to the other three games?

28. Outubro 2005, 23:56:27
Assunto: Re:
Pythagoras: I think Andreas is right : Fisher has no chances against Kasparow or the other strong players of the world.He is too old and has not played tournement games since a very long time...

28. Outubro 2005, 12:09:58
Assunto: Re: GothicChessLive
ChessCarpenter: But ist is curious, that only 29 of the 150 members have played at least one game .Are the most players not able to play a 10 minutes game?

17. Outubro 2005, 08:06:36
Assunto: Re: Longest Game!
Then I will establish two records!

16. Outubro 2005, 08:37:00
Assunto: shortest game :

12. Abril 2005, 19:16:41
Assunto: Re: MAX (www.mailchess.de) -graphics
danoschek: unfortunately is the graphics in MAX not so good. I have changed the pieceset a little bit to have a real janus:
Who is able to paint a better pieceset for MAX?

12. Abril 2005, 13:44:08
Assunto: MAX (www.mailchess.de)
...is not such a strong program as "Vortex" or "Smirf".Anyhow it has some interesting features:It is freeware,it has a fullscreen display and his handling allows fast and blitzgames.You can try out to beat Max in Janus or Gothic in a fast 15 minutes game and it is not easy.
Menu - Live - Challenge - choosing the game and the time.
The following game was played by me with a 15 minutes time limit: http://caissus.gmxhome.de/Partieen/janusgames.htm?0_1665

10. Abril 2005, 14:27:24
Assunto: Online table bases

8. Abril 2005, 19:39:05
Assunto: Re: A shame Nigel lost...
Nasmichael: It was Nigel Short ,of course.

5. Abril 2005, 07:59:32
Assunto: moved from board
Modificado por Caissus (8. Abril 2005, 09:39:12)
Nasmichael (4. April 2005, 00:05:01)
Message corrected.

Any favorite Janus games?

Current tournaments:

Birthday Bash ---5 Irishrose
Try something new ---jaha
Summer Time Is Coming --- Irishrose
Spring Is Here ---5 Irishrose
► ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #8◄ ---5 BIG BAD WOLF
playing games --5 NikNack
All games tounament you name it,it's there. fun!! -- Universal Eyes
Best of the VERY Best! (All Games!) -- KevJon
All Games for M.M. --Mach Machovic
Chess Variants for Beginners --Seravajan
May Day all games tourny --snowhugs
May Mayhem -- Nirvana
Å -- jaha
NikNack games #6 -- NikNack
maximum do 1500BKR --MJL
NikNack games #8 --NikNack

Of course, I haven't checked all of these sites to see if enough players have signed up to play Janus.
Reply Edit

20. Março 2005, 09:04:30
Assunto: Re: The 2005 Philadelphia Gothic Chess Open
Modificado por Caissus (20. Março 2005, 09:05:01)
" "The Philadelphia Open will be played February 18-20, 2005 at the Wyndham Philadelphia Hotel! This tournament is a 7 round Swiss with a G75 + 5 sec delay. You can register here at http://www.gothicchess.org/register_philly_open.html"

What happened with this tournement and who won it?
Are the played games available?

21. Fevereiro 2005, 15:04:19
Assunto: Re: Re: average values A and C
Modificado por Caissus (21. Fevereiro 2005, 15:06:11)
Sumerian: what has a "nightrider" to do with capaches and why is his worth so low?

15. Fevereiro 2005, 08:11:11
Assunto: Re: Janus verses Gothic
mahavrilla: "Janus-Peter Leko being a Janus 4 time world champion"

Where have you found theses informations?

13. Fevereiro 2005, 13:06:44
Assunto: Re:
Chessmaster1000:I agree CM, but it is only Edtrice`s matter to let us play in peace and to be quiet about his patent,which makes trouble at this site incessently.We only want play our games in peace and you should perhaps write your complains to someone other.If this is not possible we should play perhaps better a variant,which lets one or two pawns unprotected,but we can play without trouble,"Aberg-variation" or "CRC" for example.

21. Janeiro 2005, 15:37:12
Assunto: Re: To draw or not to draw?
Stormerne: Although I am a fan of GC I must say that for many beginners in chess it would be better first to become a better chessplayer and then to learn the more complicated game of GC with his two more pieces and the bigger board.

Stormene,you are right with your opinion, many (good) chessplayers have said to to me: "Why should I play this bigger chessgame,if I am so a bad player in the original chess?"
(Mostly the good chessplayers know that they play bad, and mostly the bad players are thinking that they play good :-)).

I don`t think that GC will become the mainstream of chess in the near future, it is a really interesting game but it will be only a game for a few and not for many! It has to do with the patent and with the fact that chess itsself is not solved.

13. Janeiro 2005, 16:43:58
Assunto: Re: The Janus symbol
Walter Montego:

13. Janeiro 2005, 16:09:39
Assunto: Re: The Janus symbol
I think the previous icon is also a little bit blurred ?

13. Janeiro 2005, 10:55:00

8. Janeiro 2005, 18:57:07
Assunto: Re: gotti
Walter Montego: I think the most important informations,you can also find here or at chessvariants.com

8. Janeiro 2005, 18:45:12
Assunto: Re: gotti
Walter Montego: No Walter, it is in German only.

8. Janeiro 2005, 18:24:17
Assunto: gotti
you can look here : http://www.janusschach.de/
But the Januschessfederation is very inactive at the moment. The best is to look at chessvariants.com or ...here.At the moment I am collecting games on my page,please look at my profile.

8. Janeiro 2005, 18:18:36
Assunto: Re: Re: Translation of Chancellor and Archbishop into German
gotti2000: I would suggest we switch to the Janusboard...

8. Janeiro 2005, 17:50:59
Assunto: Re: Re: Translation of Chancellor and Archbishop into German
Modificado por Caissus (8. Janeiro 2005, 17:59:14)
gotti2000: No gotti ,that is the official "Janus" piece.
BTW it is only important, that you have two additional pieces for your piecesset. Then you can use them as Janus,AB,Chancellor,Wizard,for the Chinese Chess or whatever

6. Janeiro 2005, 13:24:42
Assunto: Re: Letter for German Kanzler
Modificado por Caissus (6. Janeiro 2005, 13:25:17)
The Auerswald-tool uses for the standard pieces the German abbreviations and for the AB the "A" for the chancellor the "C".Even so we can speak in German about "Kanzler" and "Kardinal".I don`t like the "Erzbischof".
Example: http://caissus.gmxhome.de/Partieen/caissusgothic.htm

6. Janeiro 2005, 11:22:00
Assunto: Re: Re: Translation of Cancellor and Archbishop into German
Or Kardinal with the "C" (Cardinal) and for the chancellor the often used "Marschall" (Marshall) with the "M".

31. Dezembro 2004, 15:44:58
starts on o1.01.2005. Last chance to join in!

28. Dezembro 2004, 14:04:12
Assunto: just kidding too
Dresden: but you can become the first German Champion in Gothic - at once!

28. Dezembro 2004, 10:30:42
Assunto: Re:Chess in Germany
Dresden: We have in Germany 69 Grandmasters,205 International Masters and 623 Fidemasters (male and female). Only Fidechess without correspondence chess and problems!

23. Dezembro 2004, 09:11:55
Assunto: Re: How to view Janus Chess PGN files?
In Auerswald`s PGN-tool there is the "0" instead the "10" too.Are there different standards?

22. Dezembro 2004, 23:42:14
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por Caissus (22. Dezembro 2004, 23:43:35)
Thanks.I must say,that I have missed your Janussacrifice in this position.
I have sent this game to the journal already and it will be published perhaps in January or February.

18. Dezembro 2004, 13:17:56
I have created the New Year Janus Chess Open for all players!
The best games of this tournement will be published in the German chess journal "Rochade Europa"!

15. Dezembro 2004, 21:34:47
Assunto: Re:
That`s for sure!

15. Dezembro 2004, 08:12:01
Assunto: Re: Januschessproblem
And here is the solution with all nice variants:
1.) J2h3! threat 2.Jixg4#
Every of Black`s effort to defend results in another checkmate:
1.) ... , Qe4 . 2.) Be6# .
1.) ... , Jd4+ . 2.) Sxd4# .
1.) ... , Jxe5 . 2.) Rxe5# .
1.) ... , Jh6 . 2.) Jxh6# .
1.) ... , Jj7 . 2.) Jg7# .
1.) ... , Rf4 . 2.) Jxg3# .
1.) ... , Bxe7+ 2.) Sxe7# .
1.) ... , Sxd7+ 2.) Qxd7# .
1.) ... , Si3 2.) Jh4# .
1.) ... , gxh3 2.) Jxh3# .
1.) ... , g5 . 2.) Jhxg4# .

14. Dezembro 2004, 07:54:11
Assunto: Januschessproblem
Modificado por Caissus (14. Dezembro 2004, 08:02:37)
In "Feenschach" Germany 1998 was published the following januschessproblem composed by Udo Marks:

W checkmates in two moves

Solution soon !

28. Novembro 2004, 19:49:57
Assunto: Re: Standards
What is standard,hm?I think in the real chess the Staunton pieces are a standard.In virtual chess the most computers and chessservers use pieces as we have here in Bk and they are very similar to the Stauntonpieces.In chessvariants.com they have the alfaerie-chessset.The icons for the chancellor and the cardinal are very logical and selfdeclarend.In Janusschess we have an icon,which was defined by the inventor and the januschessfederation http://www.janusschach.de/.

28. Novembro 2004, 15:32:16
Assunto: Re: Janus/Archbishop symbol?
Modificado por Caissus (29. Novembro 2004, 08:58:02)
Your pieceset is nice,Reinhard.But I personnally would prefer to play with standard pieces like here:

28. Novembro 2004, 14:22:59
Assunto: Januschess pieces and board
Modificado por Caissus (28. Novembro 2004, 14:52:14)
I have bought my pieces here:
and my 8x10 board at:
If not available you can make the board yourself,and also the chancellor. Pics at: http://caissus.gmxhome.de/Schach.htm

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