Board for any kind of discussion (within reason). Please no rude words.
No flaming of fellow players. Anyone deemed to violating this rule, will be permanently BANNED from this board.
Please refrain from using sexual innuendos. This is a "G" rated board and open to all, regardless of age. Please respect this otherwise you will be banned.
"Moderators are here for a reason. Whilst this is "General Chat", if a moderator (or Global Moderator or Fencer) requests that a discussion on a certain subject to cease, or be moved elsewhere - for whatever reason - please respect these wishes. Failure to do so may result in being hidden, or banned."
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(esconder) Cansado de colocar barcos ou peças de Espionagem no início de cada jogo? Pode ir aos Editores de Jogos e gravar algumas das suas posições favoritas para uso futuro. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todas as dicas)