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An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!

The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population.
This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.

We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions:
1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well
2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems

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25. Agosto 2003, 10:13:54
Assunto: Re: Twin Flames
I'm right here, making sand castles!!

I like that one :o)

24. Agosto 2003, 19:18:49
Assunto: One I got in my email one day.......
I walked alone.........

I walked alone through Rivendell
For a thousand years or more
But that fair day you came to me
Upon this elven shore.
Your eyes were dreams of far off lands,
Your voice was like a song,
My love for you had an eternal youth,
A love that was not wrong.
Many times we wandered through,
The valleys of green and gold,
We looked upon the crystal lakes
That shined from days of old.
You took my hand and all was clear,
I was safe when in your arms,
I fell for your enchanting spell,
Your rugged ranger charms.
But then one day Lord Elrond spoke,
Of quests to the unknown,
And from that moment you were gone,
Like the North Wind you had flown.
And still I wait under elven skies,
For you to return to me,
If you perish on your road,
My soul to you will fly.
Oh Aragorn, to my heart,
You alone posses the key.
I will love and cherish you this day,
And for all Eternity.

- Arwen

24. Agosto 2003, 13:47:33
Assunto: The guidelines for the Challenge!!
Poetry Challenge

The Guidelines

The Poetry Challenge Fellowship has been created for one sole purpose, the love of poetry. As with all of life’s challenges it is always good to be judged on how well you have done. To this end, Poetry Challenge has risen to the occasion.

We propose that a ‘Monthly’ challenge be set. Starting on the first of each month you are all free to submit up to Eight poems for consideration. From the 20th until the 27th of each month everyone is free to submit their points (scores / nominations) for any of the peoms that they liked. Scoring as follows:

Fantastic = 10 Points
Not Fused = 1 Points
And so on!

These scores will be sent to appointed ‘Ballot Box’ members. (Harley and Aragon KM) via Private Message. Both of whom will compile a list and compare with each other (to prevent double voting) before compiling a completed list from both.

The top 5 poems will then be posted on the board with the top three poems appearing in the Latest News Section of Poetry Challenge and also as a post on the general Poetry Board.

NB: We understand that not everyone will want their poetry entered into the challenge, and we do not want to put these people off from posting some fantastic poetry on this board. So we would ask that in the subject of you post that you clearly mark your entry as Challenge Entry: [Title of your poem]

Many thanks and get writing!!

I've just had an epiphany, and it explains why I am the way I am, if there really is a true "I". Reading a poem makes your mind, subconsciously, analyze and judge. You read it at your own pace and take it as you feel you should, according to your own understanding of it. There really is no true definite meaning to a poem- everyone understands it differently. Does this sound familiar? Hasn't this same process happened to you everyday of your life, though you've been too blind to realize it? What if you ARE the poem? You're the one being read and analyzed; you’re the one being judged and taken the way they feel you should be! There's no "you" anymore, it's only what they believe is true or not true- nothing specific enough to be determined a fact! Doesn't that just make you want to be a sound, rather than words of a poem?! At least being a sound, you'd be able to be music! This is absurd! Stop reading me at your own free will! Take me for what I really am!

24. Agosto 2003, 01:09:20
LOL @ Stardust, thats good!!

23. Agosto 2003, 19:37:40
I like his way of thinking LOL

23. Agosto 2003, 17:20:14
sshhhh Usurper, that was my ploy for extra merit!! LOL

23. Agosto 2003, 16:50:07
And I second that Usurper LOL

Thank You Harley!!

23. Agosto 2003, 16:42:20
Now that sounds like an idea?? Then we get a full spectrum of judging.

23. Agosto 2003, 16:33:24
You too are just as well qualified, and as frequent at posting Great poetry.

23. Agosto 2003, 16:06:24
Nice one Harley!!

23. Agosto 2003, 15:17:23
Dare I say it? Thats the only reason I started reading it!! Although, then realised it was good in its own merit LMAO

23. Agosto 2003, 15:13:19
I was just waiting any response from the ladies!! LOL

23. Agosto 2003, 04:33:28
Poetry Challange has been forged. All those with talent are now free to enter, and ofcourse those with none!! LOL

Usurper - You are a partner in this LOL

22. Agosto 2003, 19:59:36
Assunto: A solution, maybe?...........

A solution!

Create a new fellowship called Poetry Challenge

Those that wish to enter the challange can join and submit their entry / entries. There is nothing to stop them also posting on the general Poetry Board for all to see. That way those that would be reluctant to post on the main board because they don't like the challenge idea will be able to continue to do so, and those that want their poems 'judged' (for lack of a better word) can Join and Submit on the Fellowship Board??

Hows that sound?

22. Agosto 2003, 19:40:12
LOL - what about the women Chief??

22. Agosto 2003, 18:55:43
I know a place for those Limericks Chief!! **Badinage** be warned though! It is a penned genious of a very different sort!!

22. Agosto 2003, 18:54:01
Assunto: re: am km
gotta find something new, says You!
So why not try checkers, says I to You.
Unlike those plants that made You blue
it can nourish the mind & flourish a smile
does what I say ring true?

Although I see im too late,
my suggestion quite lame,
with a BKR of one nine nine eight
its clear to me, you see
Tis I needs to work on my game.

22. Agosto 2003, 16:39:15
Assunto: Re: BK Poetry Contest?
The only one I can think of is BK Poetry Challenge? (doesn't necessitate a single winner??)

As for my help and support thats a 'given', the terrific submission? We will have to see LOL

22. Agosto 2003, 16:27:10
I like it to be honest! Perhaps contest is a bit strong a word for some people. I mean It isn't that easy a subject to judge on open forum? But i'm willing to help any way I can.

Once again, I like the idea :o)

22. Agosto 2003, 16:08:27
Assunto: Re: Brainstorm
What words have we to begin with?? And is it one line a piece?

22. Agosto 2003, 16:06:15
Assunto: Re: I will be crucified for this!!!
I thought is was great, but if you really want a slap?? LOL

21. Agosto 2003, 23:52:26
Nice One!!

21. Agosto 2003, 22:45:36
Some would say that made her WISE!! ROFL

But we were all quite young, at 16/17 who really knew??

21. Agosto 2003, 22:40:35
Assunto: Re:
Don't think she ever thought so GrassHopperSD LOL

21. Agosto 2003, 21:03:10
deep Harley, deep!! :o)

But really good!!

21. Agosto 2003, 19:22:02
Assunto: never did give this a name!!
I used to wonder where the stars came from,
until the day I met you.
Now they just fade into the background
as you fill up my view.

Now I’ve no need for wishes
for you are 'The' dream come true,
a person of such beauty,
an example of what two loving people can do.

And so, if you catch me smiling
It's because I was thinking of you,
wondering if maybe you had fallen
straight from those stars, all my fears to undo.

I used to think I’d been in love
until the day I met you.
Now I see I never knew
the depths which true-love runs through.

So I have no need for promises
there's nothing more I can do,
it really isn’t a question at all
for I can’t help but love you true…

And so, if you catch me smiling
It's because I was thinking of you.

- Darren J. Kelly 1991
- English Literature Coursework

21. Agosto 2003, 18:50:43
Very good Wanda!! Had this been a tournament you would surely have won!! :o)

21. Agosto 2003, 17:31:41
I am a sculptor, a molder of form.

In every moment I shape an idol.

But then, in front of you, I melt them down

I can rouse a hundred forms

and fill them with spirit,

but when I look into your face,

I want to throw them in the fire.

My souls spills into yours and is blended.

Because my soul has absorbed your fragrance,

I cherish it.

Every drop of blood I spill

informs the earth,

I merge with my Beloved

when I participate in love.

In this house of mud and water,

my heart has fallen to ruins.

Enter this house, my Love, or let me leave.

- Rumi

21. Agosto 2003, 17:29:48
The garden of
is green without
and yields many
other than sorrow
and joy.
Love is beyond either
without spring,
without autumn,
it is always fresh.
-- Jelaluddin Rumi

21. Agosto 2003, 17:29:24
"One went to the door of the Beloved and
knocked. A voice asked, 'Who is there?'
He answered, 'It is I.'
The voice said, 'There is no room for Me and Thee.'
The door was shut.

After a year of solitude and deprivation he returned and knocked.
A voice from within asked, 'Who is there?'
The man said, 'It is Thee.'
The door was opened for him."

-- Jelaluddin Rumi

21. Agosto 2003, 16:55:55
Assunto: Amazing.............
To think that a person was writing like this in the year 1260?? Have a read, this is by far my favorite poet. Jelaluddin Rumi :0)

Spring Giddiness

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.


The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.


I would love to kiss you.
The price of kissing is your life.
Now my loving is running toward my life shouting,
What a bargain, let's buy it.


Daylight, full of small dancing particles
and the one great turning, our souls
are dancing with you, without feet, they dance.
Can you see them when I whisper in your ear?


All day and night, music,
a quiet, bright
reedsong. If it
fades, we fade.

21. Agosto 2003, 16:19:13
Assunto: Re: I'm no poet but....
Well I really liked it!! Dark or not ;o)

And in response: Stranded? Ney, be found!!

I say to thee,
You are so full of misery--
Can't you be happy?
I challenge thee
To write poetry
That is happiness.

This is a happy poem
It is the foam
Upon the crested waves
Before they cave
Unfurling themselves upon the sand
In their assault upon the land

It is the taste on your lips
After a lovers first kiss,
A phonecall from your bro or sis
that could easily have been missed

It is the baby girl and boy
Endowed with life and with joy
Who does not yet know
What growing up will bestow

This happy poem celebrates
The joy of love and life
Without regard for pain or strife
Therefore, it rates
As optimism
Discharges pessimism
And praises all that's good and right
By day, whatever it may turn to by night.

21. Agosto 2003, 15:21:54
LOL - No, I wish I could write like that!!

Author unknown, it is said to have been written by J.R.R Tolkien as an epilogue to the classic LOTR

Appeared in an orginal copy of the book, in his handwriting??

21. Agosto 2003, 15:16:05
Fencer: Is that Blood of the sacred, blood of the damned?? Ain't seen that one yet! Must hunt for it :o)

And they say people that play games all day have no culture LOL

21. Agosto 2003, 15:13:48
Assunto: A sad farewell...........
Bilbos Last Song........

Day is ended,
dim my eyes,
but journey long
before me lies.

Farewell, friends!
I hear the call.
The ship's beside
the stony wall.

Foam is white
and waves are grey;
beyonf the sunset
leads my way.

Foam is salt,
the wind is free;
I hear the rising
of the Sea.

Farewell, friends!
The sails are set,
the wind is east,
the moorings fret.

Shadows long
before me lie,
beneath the
ever-bending sky.

But islands lie
behind the sun
that I shall raise
ere all is done.

Lands there are
to west of West,
where night is quiet
and sleep is rest.

Guided by the
Lonely Star,
beyond the utmost

I'll find the havens
fair and free,
and beaches of
the Starlit Sea.

Ship, my ship!
I seek the west,
and fields
and mountains
ever blest.

Farewell to
Middle-earth at last,
I see the Star
above your mast!

21. Agosto 2003, 15:04:04
Sins of the Fathers is a great one Fencer, Haven't read it in ages. quite Stiring :o)

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