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<< <   148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157   > >>
22. Dezembro 2004, 16:44:17
Andre Faria 
And it´s Kirk Brandon, not LIRK BRANDON...

Your eyes must be dusty... :)

22. Dezembro 2004, 16:39:20
Andre Faria 
Nuno, I advise you to hear New Kids on the Block, Bros, Ozone...

This stuff is just to much for you, with no offense, of course...

22. Dezembro 2004, 16:37:44
Nuno Miguel 
i agree with ramones. who is Lirk randon?

22. Dezembro 2004, 16:32:44
Andre Faria 
Well Ramones, you have to clean up your ears to listen to Theatre of Hate... Besides that, I think I´ve seen Theatre of Hate in the music list you have sent to this DB...

So you think Ramones is better?

22. Dezembro 2004, 16:25:52
andre: you dont know nothing about music!!!
sorry what???

21. Dezembro 2004, 11:43:21
Andre Faria 

21. Dezembro 2004, 11:39:41
Andre Faria 
Kirk Brandon, not Kirk randon. Sorry...

21. Dezembro 2004, 11:39:15
Andre Faria 
If you like Clash, listen to Theatre of Hate. Features Mick Jones on guitars and production, Billy Duffy (The Cult on guitars) and Nigel Preston (Cult) on drums... Kirk randon (Spear of Destiny) is the singer...

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:42:45
Assunto: Re: Here you go simplycreative:
that was intruging.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:39:15
got it, thanks.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:35:24
OiNgO bOiNGo

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:34:37
well i usually listen to my station, but anytime someone suggests a band, i'll check into it.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:32:40
it won't let me. like it said no matches found.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:29:33
Assunto: Re: Another good band to check out...
ok will do.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:28:29
lol. i just re-read some stuff and realized how blonde i sounded. sorry. i'm dazed today.

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:21:40

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:20:04
which songs or cds are your favorite?

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:18:30
Assunto: Re: The Clash
haven't heard of him, i don't think... then again i listen to so much i hardly ever know who it is... but i'll check him out. *goes to yahoo launch*

21. Dezembro 2004, 02:10:42
or not...

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:48:43
Assunto: Re:
what's the clash rule?

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:47:57
Assunto: Re: If 'Oldschool' is 'always cool'...
i don't use it that way, i like oldschool. to me oldschool is a plus. sorry if i made it seem like a bad thing.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:45:24
Assunto: Re: If 'Oldschool' is 'always cool'...
iT aINt oUt hERe, eIHn.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:44:29
wE'Ve hAd tHIs CoNvO, sIm, tHa cLaSh RuLe!

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:43:42
Assunto: Re:
hey don't be mean, if you don't want me here, just say so.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:42:55

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:42:16
Assunto: Re: R&B -- 'oldschool' ?
i don't use it as to say it's dead. i use it to refer to the stuff that's before my time.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:41:16
oL'sChOoL'z aLwAYz cOOL.
What's up with the "Making fun of me" chick?

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:40:41
i'm not much into r&b, it's ok. i don't like rap at all. I'm a pure punkrocker myself... but i do like the old classical ever now and then. (mozart and beethoven) country is tolerated.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:35:57
siNCe rOCk cOMEz fROm r&b (pretty much, tho you can add in honkey tonk/hillbilly & buddy holly,
elvis & the beatles influences were black r&b artists) i tHiNk tHAt tHa fiRSt ReFeRaNCe wAs 2 r&b.
jUs a tHoUGht.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:32:05
you all making fun of me?

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:31:14
Assunto: Re: my favorite style is rock...
nope i haven't. i say wicked a lot too, and all i know is that it's a new england thing.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:29:36
Assunto: some bands i like...
Linkin Park, Pillar, Skillet, Brand New, Lifehouse, Cold, Evanescence, Gorillaz, Thousand Foot Krutch, Yellowcard, MxPx, TRUSTcompany, Goo Goo Dolls, The Grateful Dead, and Incubus... just to name a few.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:26:11
i tOLd yOu.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:24:32

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:24:02
i LiKe O`g.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:23:41
Assunto: Re:
you talking to me? your stuff's really hard to read.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:22:49
Assunto: Re: my favorite style is rock...
not sure but i use it all the time.

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:22:42
rEfERz 2r&b..yEs?

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:20:50

21. Dezembro 2004, 01:18:24
Assunto: my favorite style is rock...
i like modern and oldschool. i think punk is pretty cool too.

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