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<< <   7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16   > >>
9. Outubro 2006, 14:53:20
Assunto: Re: Sebastian's Adventure
Horseman: Once Sebastian had reached the level where the trains were, he started looking for platform 9 3/4. Naturally, it wasn't visible. But he knew he'd have to pass through the seemingly solid partition between platforms 9 & 10, if he was to get to Hogwarts.

9. Outubro 2006, 06:26:13
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: of course he was a mere whipping boy for the prince...it really wasn't his place to think such things. When the prince made an error it was he wh recieved the punishment...one should never strike royalty after all.

9. Outubro 2006, 05:33:12
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: Sebastian padded down the marble stairs into the trainstation, keeping to the shadows hoping he was not too late.

9. Outubro 2006, 05:31:55
Assunto: Re:

9. Outubro 2006, 05:26:40
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: Sebastian had no choice, he was on a mission.

9. Outubro 2006, 04:24:42
Foxy Lady 
Assunto: Re:
Groucho: That wasn't even a story anymore The Bermuda Triangle died way before we started on here.

9. Outubro 2006, 04:07:51
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re:
Foxy Lady:  At this rate we'd finish this story in 2008 ! ;)

9. Outubro 2006, 03:58:51
Foxy Lady 
Assunto: Re:
Groucho: That story died along time ago.For one thing it was way too long and not much interest.

9. Outubro 2006, 03:48:14
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re:
Foxy Lady:  I agree.  Then End.  Time to move on to something new.  A month between posts on a story is an indication that the story is dead. 

9. Outubro 2006, 03:32:58
Foxy Lady 
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por Foxy Lady (9. Outubro 2006, 03:43:58)
Horseman: "How did she get here she thought as she woke up"

The End

8. Outubro 2006, 22:01:49
Assunto: Re:
amandalove: a figure appeared from the darkness...it was fernando. " Isabelle...let me help you up, my enchantress..." How did HE get here she thought...

8. Outubro 2006, 19:26:29
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re:
amandalove:  Looks like this story has lost conscienceness too.  Perhaps we should end it as it is and just chat here. ;)

15. Setembro 2006, 02:54:49
Assunto: Re:
Horseman: Isabelle turned chalk white and turned and fled deeper into the jungle. Crying uncontollingly she triped over a root and landed flat on her stomach. There she laid quiet crackeling sounds came thru the vegetation, shouting and screaming continued; slowly Isabelle began to feel dizzy, "whats happening to me" and she lost contionesness.

11. Setembro 2006, 05:46:13
Assunto: Re:
ScarletRose: In jim's hand was a smoking pistol...something that looked like an antique...

6. Setembro 2006, 14:35:10

Fernando took Scarlet in his arms and silent music filled the air.. only music the two of them could hear. He swung her over the beach and danced softly with her.. swaying quietly together .. Scarlet dreamily followed his lead. Sandalwood and basalm continued to lure her direction and became even more stronger when she rested her head upon his shoulder. Fernando was so gentile and so masculine, his charms were so different then the men in her life had been. She didn't want the evening to last..

Yet.. she kept seeing Isabella peering out from the bushes along the upper coast.. A crackling sharp noise brought Scarlets attention as she sharply turned her focus on a man and woman walking up to Fernando and herself.. as the couple got closer she could see that it was Jim and Amelia.. 

6. Setembro 2006, 06:54:13
Assunto: Re:

"Isabella, my dear...do not seek to frighten this lovely dove...such machinisms do not become you. Jealousy has many forms, but please I bege you...do not allow it to control you. We had our day togther, but there is enough Fernando for everyone. What we had was a glistening moment that has blossomed and passed...it was brief and beautiful. Do not deny Scarlet the same chance at happiness..."
His eyes sparkled,alluring Scarlet with gentile urging...she felt a longing to return to the table. Fernando seemed like such a gentleman...strong...noble...
Isabell was jealous? THat only made sense. She hadn't approached Fernando...and he was a grown up...he had the right to spend time with whoever he wanted...it was amazing that even on a faraway island people still held to their petty wants...Fernando clearly was undeserving of such venom from Isabella...those cast aside were often jealous....what they had was over...now it was Scalett's turn...
She felt herself move toward Fernando...he smelled of sandalwood and basalm...how invigorating she thought....forgetting Isabella was even there.

4. Setembro 2006, 06:38:30
Assunto: Re:
ScarletRose: "scarlet!" Scarlet was awaken from her day dreaming and found Isabella pulling at her wrist, "oh, PLEASE Scarlet don't be taken in by Fernandos charms, we have to escape before its too late.........

3. Setembro 2006, 20:30:14

Her dress glimmered in the moon lite.. the gems sparkled and danced with beams as she moved. *Hey wait she thought, where did I get this dress?* The thought left her as soon as she had taken it in..  she lifted her glass and sipped on the wine.. letting it splash down her throat. Soon she was floating, and her vision became blurred. Apparently it would take time for her to adjust to the strength of the wine made on the island.

Time moved so quickly, the evening fluttered past. Scarlet enjoyed Fernando's company and thanked him again for his chivalry. She looked forward to future meetings with him.. and excused herself from the table. He stood and tenderly looked deep into her eyes as if to silently say the night was still very young.. and she would be missed.. She withdrew the eye contact.. and stepped away.. turning a bit and shuffling into the night..

3. Setembro 2006, 09:06:32
Assunto: Re:

She noticed that her captor was bound to a tree facing away from the table...Fernando noticed her glance..
"ahhh, my beautiful swan...do not worry about this man. I, Fernando, have seen to it that he will not trouble you again...
It was odd...she thought..she did not even recall where her gag had disappeared..or how she had gotten to this spot overlooking the ocean...
was she thinking of somebody...?
"Have some wine my beautiful princess..." Offered Fernando...and she sipped the wine as all thoughts of friends were forgotten...

3. Setembro 2006, 08:51:53
Assunto: Re:
Jim Dandy:

Meanwhile another dashing figure appeared. His eyes were filled with dark,amber liquid fire that sparkled with charm....His tan complexion, toned in the sun...his smooth voice detracted attention away from the ancient spanish armor he wore..."Buenos tarde, Scarlet," he spoke in a deep voice soft as only a noble spaniard can entone. "encantada" he almost whispered as he kissed her hand....the word meant enchantment and she certainly felt beguiled.
"My name is Fernando...the real Fernando..." he began. He told her that he had searched the New World or as he put it "Nuevo Espana" with Ponce DeLeon for the fabled Fountain of Youth and the Seven Cities of Cibola with Coranado..he had found the founatain after his return to what they now called Puerto Rico..and his ship had been blown far off course by a storm like he had never seen before...they had drifted through a sea of kelp fighting to keep there small craft going...when they had found this island...Fernando admitted that he had long since discovered the secrets of the island and that he had created the fountain from his mind....He told Scarlet that dhe too would be allowed to drink of it, but unfortunately like all things that leave the island...its gift would disappear within days...all of the island's gifts did so...and if Senorita Earhart was to go, then she would be a very old woman indeed in just a week or so...He himself would certainly turn to dust...With that he smiled and said,"But what is out there when you can live forever? Just be careful...sometimes people think of sea serpents...or monsters...and sometimes other fantasies come true" As he spoke a full moon appeared, candlelight, wine....
Scarlett began to fear the powerful charm Fernando carried...if his story were true, then he was centuries old...and she didn't see any other spaniards about....
"Come my beautiful rose...sit with me a small moment of time. There is food for us and the breeze seems perfect...I promise you will be delighted by this culinary mastery by the finest chef my imagination could recall...." he smoothly pulled the exquisite chair back as an invitation to dine....

2. Setembro 2006, 18:57:55
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
ScarletRose:....and wonders where he can find a pharmacy

2. Setembro 2006, 06:28:04

"UMmmmmURRGGggggg!!!" Scarlet gurgles through the tight fabric twisted and wrapped around her head gagging her mouth. "Aaacc esss aaaawwww" Scarlet screams at her captor. She twists herself hoping to catch her wrapped up hands against something to urge the cord loose with..

The tall lean figure is propped up against the wall, he silently whistles a tune to himself.. occassionally he looks over at Scarlet. He wears a scarf draped over most of his face as if to hide himself .. would she recognize the man if it were removed? she thinks to herself. He didn't seem too familar, at least not when he was bringing her here.. Of course would anyone really feel familar if they would have slung her over their shoulder as this man had? "Waaaaaa YYYyUUUUU uuunnnnn?" She asks of him as though he really can understand her. He looks over at her puzzled, and shakes his head. He turns to stare out the window as the sun slowly melts accross the horizon.

31. Agosto 2006, 05:48:12
Modificado por GGROBINLOVE (31. Agosto 2006, 05:52:47)
"psssst" a loud hissing noise from the bushes to the right of scarlet. Scarlet looks around. "Pssst" there it is again Scarlet stops and goes back as the others keep walking with Miss Earhart. Suddenly a small whisp of a beautiful girl with big brown eyes came slowly out to grab Scarlets hand. "Please, do not go with them there is much danger here, that woman is not who you think she is!!!!!! My name is Isabella and I have been stranded here for over two years. There is a small plane that brings food and other things wrapped in red fabric, that flies in here daily at 4 in the morning. We must escape before its too late!" Her eyes were so sad and then they started filling with fluid and trickling down her shallow cheeks. "I don't know Isabella, I can't fantom all whats happening here yet, and I can't just leave the others! Suddenly there is shouting from the forest ahead of them in the direction the others gone, shots were heard, scarlet turns back around to talk to Isabella, but the frightened girl has disappeared. As scarlet is wondering where she went and a large arm wraps around her waist and a strong hand clamps down over her mouth. quickly she is picked up and carted off in a different direction. Squirming does little the person is very strong, scarlet thinks to herself, wishing her other friends would come to her aid...quick!!!!

28. Agosto 2006, 23:17:48

scarlet thinks to herself.. *did I just say that outloud?.. how rude I must have sounded".. before the thought of those harse words could be absorbed fully in.. she added.. "Well.. I didn't fly in like you two had, I was on a Cruise, we had docked up at one of the islands and I got off to do some shopping.. I found this cozy cafe' and decided to rest a bit with a double mocha coffee.. I ended up getting mesmerized by the Island music coming from the band just out on the patio. I missed the reboarding of the Princess Cathryn and when I realized it I had to hire a taxi raft to take me out.. unfortunately the ship was too far out and my rafter didn't want to lose the commission.. We hit something which tore into the raft and soon we were surrounded by water.. I couldn't find where my hired man went and fought the water on my own.. I managed to get some drift wood and held on.. I must have passed out since I have no real memory of drifting.. I just know that several days back.. I was washed up on the shore and woke up. I slept in some clumped bushes and have been eating banana's and coconuts.. I was more than excited to see people on this island. Does anyone have a cell phone on them? OR is there phone service on the island?? Is there a hotel.. We need to get to the town area.. *Scarlet seems a bit panicked* if I could just call the cruise line I can find out where to meet up with the ship.


28. Agosto 2006, 17:02:47

Scarlet extends her hand "It is so wonderful to meet you Miss Earhart, you have had us all in a tizzy since search parties were never able to find you or your plane. How have you been able to manage all this time?"

Scarlet lQQks over the area as if to search for other life.. "Are you here with anyone else?" she boldly questions. Jim eagerly awaits a responce and searches the immediate area with his eyes. Nudging Scarlets forearm slightly as he notices movement in the bushes just west of them, he bobs his tilted head to alert Scarlet. Emilia, fully aware now that the island guests are a bit nervous, shouts out to the bushes "It's okay Clayton. They aren't here to hurt us. They are friends. Would you like to come over and meet them?"

Scarlet and Jim patiently wait while a brown haired young boy with a face of freckles sluggishly walks over to the group of them. "Hello young man", starts Jim only to soon be interrupted by Amelia's introduction. "Clayton, this is Scarlet and Jim. Clayton is my adopted son so to speak, his parents were great friends of mine. I took over Claytons care when Natashia and Sam met their fate in an accident in the cave on the other side of the Island. Amelia nervously looked away.

"Are you the only two here? Scarlet asks. Jim perks up a bit waiting to learn more.. Amelia turns around opening her arms as if to cast a spotlight down for all to see.. "There are others here.. Families, and individuals who happened here one way or another", she swings back around to face Jim and Scarlet.. "Just as you two had came about"

Clayton shuffles sand with his foot and kicks at an imaginary ball.. the sea sweeps in leaving a cottony foam along the coast.. while seagulls flap their wings to swoop down and gather their catch of the day!

Jim and Scarlet follow Amelia with full trust while the young lad hop scotches a stride right behind them.

27. Agosto 2006, 21:53:25
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Modificado por The Col (27. Agosto 2006, 21:55:52)
Groucho: Out of nowhere appears another entity,wearing pilots gear and female.The woman's arrival causes the mouse and fox to scurry for safety.The woman introduces herself as Amelia Earhart.........Scarlet replies "Bawkkkkkkkkk

27. Agosto 2006, 01:07:10
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Beyond the Bermuda Triangle 9. July 2006

Jim was flying his
lear jet over Cuba on his flight to Brazil. He was a representative of
a coffee company in Florida who was checking on companies in South
America. All of a sudden all his gages were malfunctioning and he was
loosing control of his plane....

...He found out a bird had hit one of the engines...

...Suddenly, the plane started to dive!

...The engine sputtered and choked as it tried to stay alive...

his plane spiraled down out of control Jim spotted a flash of emerald
and tan through the clouds. As his plane sank lower he realized it was
an island in a part of the ocean where no island should be.

...Was his fantasy becoming true?

...What fantasy was that?

...The island was incased in a fog or clouds. Soon his plane floated down. Till it reached the island.

fatiague from such a disorienting experience had caused Jim to question
his perception of his surroundings.Could it be?......could that really
be a Chuck E Cheese in the distance?

...Jim had dozed off and woke hours later on the island and his plane was no where in site. No wreckage whatsoever.

...He saw the Chucky Cheeser again and discovered that the island fabricated marages of what ev er you think about.

"What strange place is this?" Jim thought. "Whatever one thinks about, the Island creates a mirage of it. "

it occured to him that such a situation could lead to trouble. What if
he were thinking of something that led to a dangerous or even deadly

He hardly had time to think about that last question
when a shudder surged throughout his body. Was he now seeing things?
What was his last thought? He didn't have time to wonder any longer.
Something was moving in the distance. Something big. And it was coming
his way.....

The very idea that Jim could manifest his own best
or worst fears intrigued Jim.For to even dread the worst meant he must
at least revisit that minefield of emotions.

the ground
trembled, the trees shook in the distance... it reminded him of the old
king kong movie... coconuts were falling everywhere... BOOM! earth
geysered! BOOM! BOOM! ROARRRRrrrrr! The giant ape retreated in anger!
the coconuts were setting off land mines! jim thought "oh this is just
dandy" and forced himself to think of 'good' thoughts...

But no
matter how hard he tried, the huge ape just wouldn't disappear. Land
mines continued to explode as coconuts continued to fall. Suddenly,
another huge creature appeared in the distance. "How can that be?"
thought Jim. "I wasn't thinking of a creature of any kind!" Then just
as suddenly, the huge ape disappeared and the explosions ceased. But
the beast in the distance grew bigger and bigger as it came closer and

"This is madness!" Jim screamed as he desparately
thought of peceful things. A quiet stream running through the valley
appeared. That was Jim's thought. But the beast wasn't. And then it
suddenly occured to Jim. Not only was he not alone, but the thoughts of
others became a reality to him as well! It was one thing to control his
own thoughts but the thoughts of another? Impossible.

And then
he saw the other. The person was running towards him with the beast
following. They were too far away to tell if it was a man or a woman.
But whoever it was, the beast was chasing after them. And both of them
were running straight towards Jim.

Then,all at once Jim sensed a
presence from behind.The ape had returned and was running its fingers
through his hair while making grunting sounds.In an act of defiance Jim
swung around and screamed at the top of his lungs "get your stinkin
paws off me you dirty Ape."

looked up at a placid Kong... SCREAM! They both looked towards the
high-pitched SCREAM source but saw the T-Rex first! It was bearing down
on a golden haired slight woman in a flowing flimsy white wrap, who
gathered herself and dove into the deep blue stream...

Jim pointed- Well don't just stand there king! Go save her! Help her!

giant ape ROARED and sprang forward covering ground fast and low...
almost losing Jim as he jumped on and clung on to the ape's hairy calf
with both hands...

The T-rex skidded to a stop on the thick green verge at the stream and BELLOWED a challenge back!

Bawwaakkkkk" Scarlet comes running through the trees, arms up above her
head sheilding herself from the swooping Pteranodons. Her white guaze
dress snags on a stump and tears at the hemline.

all around she turns and runs directly toward a figure in the distance.
The Pteranodon drops even lower and nips a bit of her hair, he swooshes
upward shuffling a breeze and a clasp of blond tresses hangs lightly
out of his clenched bill. Grabbing at her scalp she steps up her pace
and screams a bit.. but, exhaustion soon took over and she collapsed
onto the ground.. Looking up she swings her hand to shield her eyes and
stares directly into the eyes of.....

a tiny field mouse.

Out from the woods comes a Fox with a few mouse traps and sets them around the island.

that tricky little mouse isn't about to be fooled by the mouse traps.
He's seen them before and knows how to avoid them. Meanwhile, the mouse
is occupied staring back into the eyes of the stranger.

27. Agosto 2006, 01:05:56
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: on with the story
Modificado por Papa Zoom (27. Agosto 2006, 07:12:48)
the next post I'll be reposting the entire story so far.  Please be sure to always link your contribution to the last one otherwise I may miss it when I put the thing together and post it on the web. ;)

Since I cannot decide what's to be allowed in or not (except in some obvious cases) I have included all contributions. I think that the starter of the story can help decide on when it's finished.  I'm assuming that we don't want them to drag on forever. ;)

27. Agosto 2006, 00:57:58
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Some definitions
Modificado por Papa Zoom (27. Agosto 2006, 00:59:03)
Basically I view all the types of collaborative stories the same way.  It's a group effort.  There are many different ways of handling it but basically I think we need to allow some freedom and flexibility in story tag efforts and not be too rigid.  But for informational purposes I post the following. 


Story Circle
One person begins a tale and stops after a few sentences. The next person picks up the story thread and continues it, then stops. Next person adds to it and so on until the tale comes to a resolution. The story could begin with a pre-selected title or subject to guide the improvisation. Try recording the story circle on a tape recorder for later listening.

Chain Story:
-Everybody knows what a chain story is, right? If you want to participate, please add one sentence to the previous sentence. Alternating, at least, one other person would need to add a line before you could add your next sentence.
-A chain story is a story written bit by bit, by many different people.
-Each person takes a turn moving the story along and each new person who takes over must maintain some consistency in the narrative while being free to take the story in other directions.

Story Tag
Story Tag is a multi-author, round robin type of cartoon. One person starts it, another person continues, and the cartoon keeps going until someone ends it
 Story Tag 1
Story Tag is a multi-author, round robin type of cartoon. One person starts it, ... Story Tag 01 is the product of two authors: Gel and Dustball. So is Tag. ...
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/98457 -

Round Robin
A round-robin story is one that is started by one person and then continued sucessively by others in turn. Whether an author can get additional turns, how many lines each person can contribute, and how the story can be ended depend on the rules. Some Web sites have been created for the telling of round robin stories by each person posting the next part of the story as part of an online conference thread.
A Round-robin story, or simply "round robin," is a type of collaborative fiction or storytelling in which a number of authors each write chapters of a novel or pieces of a story, in rounds. Round-robin novels were invented in the 19th century, and later became a tradition particularly in science fiction. In modern usage, the term often applies to collaborative fan fiction, particularly on the Internet, though it can also refer to friends or family telling stories at a sleepover, around a campfire, etc.


I found these definitions on a number of web sites.  It was a hard thing to find much information on and I was surprised.  If anyone has an "official" definition I can post on the web site, that would be great.  PM me. ;)

27. Agosto 2006, 00:50:50
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Here are some further guidelines for story tag - they are also posted on the web
Modificado por Papa Zoom (27. Agosto 2006, 00:52:36)
Guidelines For Collaborative Stories (impromptu, story-tap; round-robin; chain-story)

Respecing the Work of Others - Since this writing effort is collaberative, remember that some writers have spent a lot of time working out the details of their contribution. Please respect the plots that others have written. Feel free to add to a storyline but first be familiar with the entire story before adding anything new.

Stay consistent with the theme of the story. Add new characters and new twists, but don't change things so that the story theme changes also. The best way to do this is to be familiar with the story and always build off the last entry. Take cues from the last entry and build on it.

How much should a person write? --- As little as a sentence and as much as a few paragraphs. Try to avoid giving only a word or two. Write enough so that then next writer has something to build upon. And in every case, be very sensitive to the direction and theme of the story. Introduce new characters and situations but don't write things that will drastically change the story. Avoid long additions.

Since the stories will be housed on my personal site, and available to everyone on the internet, keep it rated "E" -- for EVERYONE

Always proofread your addition.

27. Agosto 2006, 00:49:50
Papa Zoom 
Modificado por Papa Zoom (27. Agosto 2006, 06:02:53)
I've posted the basic storytag guidelines above. It is only the abreviated version.  Check out the links for more specific information.

People will be expected to have read the complete guidelines for storytag using one of the links provided.

It's only fair to everyone that we are all on the same page.  It is after all a collaborative effort and we must all be playing by the same rules.  agreed? ;)

27. Agosto 2006, 00:44:46
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: OK, with the end of the following posts, the new guidelines will be in effect and discussion are done.
If anyone has any further comment, please PM me.  I plan to restart the story (out of respect for those that want it to be continued) and hopefully we can conclude it.  Then the group will decide where to go next. 

I am not trying to complicate things, only facilitate some organization to this board.  ;)

I've listed on the WebSite possible board activities.  They are not etched in stone so if people don't want something, that works for me too.  Here they are....

Brainking StoryBoard activities:
-Story Tag
-Sharing of personally authored stores (providing just a link to the website - please don't post entire stories)
-Story Chatter (chatting about either the story tag -after it is completed- or chatting about members story submission)
-Chat (related to what's currently happening on the board. The only time "chat" will be discouraged is when we are in the middle of a StoryTag exchange. During the creation of a collaborative story chat will be greately discouraged. ;)
-Other ideas that may come up  ;)

to be continued  :)

26. Agosto 2006, 19:41:44
Kewlness I am ready to write.. whoo hoo

26. Agosto 2006, 18:16:34
Papa Zoom 
Hopefully I'll be posting something later today with regard to what's next.  Also, guidelines are done (mostly) and the information is currently up on the web site  ;)

26. Agosto 2006, 16:37:11
we sure did have fun.. and most peeps sent private messages..

26. Agosto 2006, 09:06:54
Foxy Lady 
As you read the stories on the website you can see there was no chatting,and everyone having fun.Everyone stuck to the story and after reading it sure brought back alot of memories.
Be sure to read the guidelines also.

25. Agosto 2006, 18:14:10
Assunto: Re: web site
Foxy Lady: Yes it is good, I like it.

25. Agosto 2006, 07:29:05
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: SR
groucho-m@comcast.net will work.  ;)

25. Agosto 2006, 05:13:22
Foxy Lady 
Assunto: Re: Iyt stories
Mousetrap: Have you checked out the website Groucho came up with? It's really quite good.

24. Agosto 2006, 19:59:26
Assunto: Re: Iyt stories
ScarletRose: I loved those iyt stories!

24. Agosto 2006, 17:31:43
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re: If you click on
Foxy Lady:  Thanks.  I have an old Web program but it still does the job and uploading is fast.  It does all the work.  

24. Agosto 2006, 17:30:42
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re: If you click on
ScarletRose: People can send me any story they have written (as long as they aren't of adult content ;) If you find another story, send it and I'll put it up. It only takes a few minutes to add anything and the more work I putinto the site, eventually it will only require a tweak here and there ;)

24. Agosto 2006, 14:24:43
Assunto: Re:
nightmagic: Those were the days.. mystery of IYT players.. too funny.. we were going to start one on IYT a few months back.. I had gathered several of us storie tellers to do one final story.. (since it was threatened the boards would be gone) we had an awesome plot.. but, too many distractions on the board.. especially when we started writing it..

24. Agosto 2006, 14:19:57
Assunto: Re: If you click on
Groucho: That site looks great Groucho.. doing a really good job on it.. if you would like I might be able to send you a  past IYT story to put in there.. but that won't be till later this evening.. since I will have to look and see if I have it on disk..

24. Agosto 2006, 09:40:51
Foxy Lady 
Assunto: Re: If you click on
Groucho: Thats really good

24. Agosto 2006, 07:38:37
Assunto: Re: If you click on
Groucho: there were the best tag story telling i knew, some could and some couldn/t.great mem's. way back then.carry it on here!

24. Agosto 2006, 07:20:50
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: If you click on
this link and then click on "IYT Story (just a test)" you'll get an idea of what I am thinking for posting stories (either once they have been written or member contributions  ;)

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