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 Other chess variants

Discuss about interesting chess variants that are not implemented on BrainKing yet.

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11. Agosto 2005, 15:11:55
People that wrote this huge site with all their great efforts, it is sure they will come back........!

5. Abril 2005, 21:50:13
Modificado por Chessmaster1000 (5. Abril 2005, 21:54:25)
I would definitely scream for Progressive Chess!!!!!!!! This game is amazing...........
The rules are simple. We have a Chess starting position and all Chess rules apply. The difference:
White makes his first move.....
Black then has 2 moves to play....
White then has 3 moves to play.....
And every time one side play +1 moves of the last side.

(The other rules: If one side on a series of X moves for example, makes a check then the series stops for this player and the other side starts to make his X+1 moves.
The player that could not get out of check in his FIRST move is checkmate!)
If you think for a moment on the above 2 rules, you will find the idea very clever.....
I'm awful at this game but it's one of the most entertaining and quick..............

5. Abril 2005, 21:43:48
Yes after Nf3or Nh3 black would not have to answer f6 all the time...... But with a reconsideration, i believe that this would be a slow game too.......

5. Abril 2005, 21:10:33
Hmmmm OK, but i will always believe it's better to add variations that will be based on something new.
The game you proposed it's a bit slow, how about an Atomic variation of this one......?

5. Abril 2005, 20:45:41
Every game is interesting............!
This is of course playable but there is no new idea. It just have one more line with Pawns. Nothing impressive.........
I think you have to add games that will be based on something new.........

25. Fevereiro 2005, 14:52:41
Modificado por Chessmaster1000 (25. Fevereiro 2005, 14:54:08)
As i know the answer is NO, it can't be considered as a smothered mate. The smothered mate should involve only a Knight threating and mating the King.

Notice also that a mate with a double check with a Knight delivering the one check, is not a smothered mate. For example the following is not:

R2QKB1R w KQkq - 0 9

19. Fevereiro 2005, 11:35:32
I saw that you refer that the castling problem has the OLD Arena. But i tried Arena 1.1 (the newest and it has it too)...............?!?!?!?

18. Fevereiro 2005, 13:07:56
Assunto: Fencer..........?
Modificado por Chessmaster1000 (18. Fevereiro 2005, 13:10:13)
In this FRC position Caissus Vs Me and IF i play 5...Bg7, then white can castle or not............?
Caissus believes that yes but i believe that no.

Since the following is valid:
To make a castle:
  • The king would not cross a square that is being attacked by an opponent's piece or it would not finish its move on such square.

    And the King should pass across e1 that is being attacked by my Rook, in order to go on g1, then i find it reasonable that white CAN'T castle.........
    But Caissus is an experienced player and perhaps knows better. Can anyone tell me what is the truth before i start playing again FRC............?

  • 7. Fevereiro 2005, 12:31:29
    Modificado por Chessmaster1000 (7. Fevereiro 2005, 12:39:30)
    Of course not! 3 reasons:

    Main reason-1:Only Knight moves will occur in this game and also some fascinating Rook moves like Rb8,Rb1,Ra8,Ra1 that would give much excitement to the players!

    Main reason-2:With white starting with 1.Nc6 black has to respond 1...Nf3, and if white plays 2.Nb4 then black has to respond 2...Ne5. HUGE disadvantage for a game to have such forced opening lines...........And after the 3d move of white if black plays 3...Nc3 white has again a force move. And then after 4...Nb5 the game is meaningless.......... 2 even not so good players will draw every time.

    Reason-3:If a player doesn't capture with its Knight any Pawn or piece of the opponent then he could not promote any piece! And if he captures a Knight he could promote only to a Knight again....

    If you want to implement the game, a good idea is to add the Pawns on 6th rank for white and 3d for black. Then there are much more options and a better play........

    6. Fevereiro 2005, 22:35:24
    Modificado por Chessmaster1000 (6. Fevereiro 2005, 22:40:21)
    He can't! It's a draw...................
    After 1.Nc6 the 1...Nf3 is forced. After 2.Nb4 the 2...Ne5 is again forced. And then :

    • 3.Rb8 Nc3 the 4.Nf6 is forced. And after 4...Nb5 Ne4 is again forced and then no Knight can move!
    • 3.Nf6 Nc3 the 4.Rb8 is forced. And after 4...Nb5 Ne4 is again forced and then no Knight can move!

    There are other similar variations (2.Rb8) that lead to the same result.............

    6. Fevereiro 2005, 18:48:26
    Assunto: Re: Upside down chess
    andreas: >Hm, looks like white has a forced win with this addtional rule: 1. Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 2. Nc6-b4 (threatens 3. Nb4-d3++) Nf3-e5 3. Ng8-f6 N b1-c3 4. Nf6-g4! and white wins.

    Are you sure......? I would say that 4.Ng4?? is awful! It loses immediately after 4...Nb5

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