A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.
For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. *Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok. *Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway. *No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)
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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!
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The pastor's church was called Almighty God Tabernacle. On a Saturday night sevral weeks ago,the pastor was working late, and decided to call his wife before he left for the house.It was about 10:00 PM , but his wife didn't answer the phone.
The pastor let it ring many times. He thought it was odd that she did not answer, but decided to wrap up a few more things and try again in a few minutes. When he tried agin she answered right away.away. He asked her why she hadn't answered before, and she said that it hadn't rung in their house. They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways.
The following Minday, the pastor received a call atthe church office, which was the phone that he'd call on Saturday night. The man that he spoke with wanted to know why he'd called on Saturday night. The pastor could not figure out what the guy was talking about.Ihen the guy said,"It rang and rang,but i didn't answer." The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized for disturbing him, that he'd intended to call his wife.
The man said, " Thats Ok.Let me tell you my story You see i was planning to commit suicide on Saturday night, but before i did, I prayed, 'God if you're out there, and you don't want me to do this, give me a sign now'
At that point the phone started to ring. i looked at the caller id and it said Almighty God'. I was afraid to answer
BananaD and AD..thanks for the prayers. Know she does appreciate them. AD, I don't really know the family but feel her pain. She is an internet friend that I met on gamedriven..very nice lady. BananaD, he did have other health problems and has suffered a lot the last few months.
Thanks again!
Dolittle: That is sad.
It never ceases to amaze me that people still die nowadays from illnesses such as pneumonia. Unless of course it is a knock on effect from another disease.
My prayers to wvsable and family during this challenging time.
Assunto: I would like to send out my thoughts and prayers to the below mentioned families
due to the events that transpired this past weekend..
to the two young ladies who partied Saturday night and then ended up in a roll over on the far west end of town.. My heart and prayers go out to your families and friends for their loss of such young beautiful girls.. they were in 10th and 11th grade..
To the parents of D**** who thought no one liked him.. So saddened by his feelings he threw himself onto the tracks in front of a train..
To the family and friends of a well known receptionist at the clinic here in town.. She passed after her illness and battle with cancer..
and to the family of the gentleman who was out riding his horse in the mountains.. When his horse ended up spooked ending in a fatal accident with the rider..
My thoughts and prayers go out to all for this trying and sad weekend..
Radiant Aunt:
Hey, if yer in Jersey again hit the beach and stop by the boardwalk at Wildwood:)Do some shoppin at Stone Harbor:) Visit Cape May...get some sun:) Get some hoagies:) Eat a lot of blue crabs by the bushel.
In other words, get some r&r if ya can slip it in:D
I still cannot believe that we are gonna lose this wonderful fellowship, Gods Place is!!
Its easier to believe in HIM the LIVING GOD, then to believe to loose the place we could worship and honor Christ Jesus..
He, Our LIVING LORD, can come back tonight! Are you prepared? Are you ready? I pray as many people as possible are ready for that glorious day, the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OR LORDS will come through the closed gate in Zion to rule in the Temple for Thousands Years. AMEN
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD. He lives within us. We shine His Light , for we are His people. And we should live alike Him and grow more and more in Him, which is my prayer for you all! AMEN
Obey Him and He will give you peace and all the desires of your heart.
Delight yourself in HIM and He will give you the desires of Your heart. Psalm 37:4
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. AMEN 2 Corinthians 13:14
Anyone who like to help PBARP2 to keep it open, please email her!! God bless you,
Assunto: Prayer of Thanksgiving and Faith that He is in Control and His Will be done!!!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your Presence and the Fellowship we enjoyed in this meeting place.. Thank you for Your wisdom and Your Love.. which never changes... You were the same when You created the earth and are the same today as you will be tomorrow and the years to come! amen
Thank You Lord, for Barb. I wish to lift her up here before Your tabernacle, Lord.. Thank You Lord for using her here at BrainKing to speak aloud about Your Love, Your Faithfulness.. Thank You Lord for fill her with your spirit to minister to lost people.. Lord, I bring her before You and pray for her health and her love for her loved ones in Your precious Name, Christ Jesus - Amen
Father Lord, I bring before You all my friends in this fine Fellowship and pray to keep them safe and protected under Your wings. As we will part now, Lord, I ask You to cover each one of us with the precious blood of Jesus to wash us clean; whiter then snow. We are Your precious sons and daughters and You will go before us and flatten the mountains.. And the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet Your unfailing Love for us will not be shaken, nor Your covenant of peace be removed, says You, Our Lord, who has compassion on us. (Isaiah 54:10)
Thank you Lord, for your new covenant in the promise You have for Your people since the day You created the earth. Thank you Lord, for given us your only begotten Son to fulfill Your new covenant! For You loved the world that You gave us Your one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For You did not send Your Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him, who lives!! John 3:16-17
Father Lord, guide our steps towards PEACE, that surpasses all understanding. Father Lord, guide our steps towards ETERNITY, there where You are awaiting us in streets of gold. Father Lord, help us to grow more in You and to draw nearer to You in everything we do. Father Lord, help us to study Your Word of Wisdom.. let us encounter Your true Love in the Promise, the Prophesies and the let grow a conviction in us that You will always keep your Promise. You are always Faithfull. Now please lead us to the Will You have for us in this life on earth.
For it is better to take refuge in the LORD then to trust in man. Psalm 118:8
Lord, YOU are in the center of the earth; You are in the center of the Bible and You are in the center of Our lives. I pray we lift up our eyes to heaven and ask for help.. cry out for help!!! Father Lord I believe that You hear us and speak to us in the silence of our hearts, in the depth of our hearts.. I pray we listen carefully and obey your every command!
Father Lord, thank You for Your Presence and Your everlasting Love!
Let me honor You and pray Your prayer:
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
Thy KINGDOM come,
Thy WILL be done
on earth as it is in HEAVEN.
Give us this day our daily BREAD.
And FORGIVE us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever - AMEN Matthew 6:9-13
I wanna put a prayer out there for my Friend Margaret.. she rolled her truck tonight and ended up braking a few ribs and dinging herself up pretty good.. although, she will recover she will be very sore.. :(
she totaled her truck completely.. but, her little doggy made it through the accident.. so lives were spared.. :)
Hurricane Dennis is on its way to Florida. Please keep all in your thoughts and prayers for those in the path of this dangerous Hurricane.
It is very wide and stong. Very early in the season for one such as this. A few have been killed from Hurricane Dennis. No matter what happens ..we in SW Florida will have high winds and lots of rain tomorrow. Thanks and God Bless
Nick is in my prayers, friends and families as well.
Assunto: I just got this from my best friend I grew up with.
Dear Friends and Relatives,
I have never done this before over the Internet, but I'm asking for help your help for some thing very dear and close to my heart... My sister, Joan, suffered a stroke last Sunday morning and has been going through physical, occupational and soon speech therapy to repair the paralysis of her whole left side. As I sat with her yesterday I asked God to show me a way that I could help her. On my way home from the hospital an e-mail that I had just received that morning...a part of it went like this,
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.
Sure, when I am need help, what's the first thing I do...I go to God in prayer and feel His closeness... so I'm asking all of you to please just stop right now and bow your head and whisper a little prayer for Joan's healing. God's lines are never busy or closed He can and will hear all of us.
Please keep Joan in your thoughts today, intercessory prayers are heard and I feel all of you can and will help. The load seems much lighter when someone helps me carry it.
I won't ask God to bless you, He's already done this, but I do thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking just a minute to say a little prayer for Joan and share this burden my family is carrying.
my mom's been in the hospital for about a week and that she nearly died. Somehow in my large family the lines of communication broke down. She's still in the hospital and I have no details yet. Your prayers would be appreciated.
Holy art Thou, O God, whose Will perfects itself by means of its own Powers.
Holy art Thou, O God, who willeth to be known and art known by Thine own.
Holy art Thou,who didst by Word (Logos) make to consist the things that are.
Holy art Thou, of whom All-nature hath been made an image.
Holy art Thou, whose Form Nature hath never made.
Holy art Thou, more powerful than all power.
Holy art Thou, transcending all pre-eminence.
Holy Thou art, Thou better than all praise.
Accept my reason's offerings pure, from soul and heart for aye stretched up to Thee, O Thou unutterable, unspeakable, Whose Name naught but the Silence can express.
The Corpus Hermeticum
I. Poemandres, the Shepherd of Men
translated by G.R.S. Mead
I just heard this on the radio, and had to find the lyrics to share...
During the North African campaign, a bunch of soldier boys had
been on a long hike and they arrived in a little town called Casino. The next morning being Sunday, several of the boys went to Church. A sergeant commanded the boys in Church and after the Chaplain had read the prayer, the text was taken up next. Those of the boys who had a prayer book took them out, but this one boy had only a deck of cards, and so he spread them out. The Sergeant saw the cards and said, "Soldier, put away those cards." After the services was over, the soldier was taken prisoner and brought before the Provost Marshall.
The Marshall said, "Sergeant, why have you brought this man
here?" "For playing cards in church, Sir." "And what have you to say for yourself, son?" "Much, Sir," replied the soldier. The Marshall said, "I hope so, for if not I shall punish you more than any man was ever
punished." The soldier said, "Sir, I have been on the march for about six days. I have neither a Bible nor a prayer book, but I hope to satisfy you, Sir, with the purity of my intentions." And with that, the boy started his story:
"You see Sir, when I look at the Ace, it reminds me that there
is but one God. And the Deuce reminds me that the Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and the New Testaments. When I see the Trey, I think of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And when I see the Four, I think of the four Evangelists who preached the Gospel; there was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And when I see the Five, it reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps; there were ten of them: five were wise and were saved, five were foolish and were shut out. When I see the Six, it reminds me that in six days, God made this great heaven and earth. When I see the Seven, it reminds me that on the seventh day, God rested from His great work. And when I see the Eight, I think of the eight righteous persons God saved when He destroyed this earth; there was Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives. And when I see the Nine, I think of the lepers our Savior cleansed, and nine out of the ten didn't even thank Him. When I see the Ten, I think of the Ten Commandments God handed down to Moses on a table of stone. When I see the King, it reminds me that there is but one King of Heaven, God Almighty. And when I see the Queen, I think of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is Queen of Heaven. And the Jack or Knave is the Devil.
When I count the number of spots on a deck of cards, I find 365, the number of days in a year. There are 52 cards, the number of weeks in a year. There are 4 suits, the number of weeks in a month. There are 12 picture cards, the number of months in a year. There are 13 tricks, the number of weeks in a quarter.
So you see, Sir, my pack of cards serves me as a Bible, an Almanac and a Prayer Book."
"And friends, the story is true. I know, I was that soldier."
Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.
As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"
"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."
I wish 2 4ever Thank You and Bless You 4 the gift of life which I am a recent recipient of - without people like you in this world, people like me would no longer be here - may your life be nothing less then amazing and wonderful :)
Prayers needed for rredy! He had a stroke last night...will be going home from the hospital tomorrow. I'm not sure of any details, but i'm sure he will appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!
I have a special request. If someone close to the Big Guy will be so kind as to pass along a private prayer for a family member of mine far from home, I would appreciate it.
People asked me how they are doing.. She called me and we talked about 2 hours.
I wanted to give her time to heal and she called me first.
One question was ..Why didn't they tell sooner the baby was without organs. Her husband had quit Public Groceries and went into business for himself. This was 5 years ago. They were very lucky as they had no insurance. Baby was not planned.The test.. ultasound was not taken when it should have been. No Dr. would take her without ins. Finally they found a great one that would. By then it was to late. The Dr. saw this and sent her to the specialist right away.
The baby did not cry.. It had nothing but a heart. The eyes were fused shut. They are at that time of pregancy. The baby was held by everyone in the family. Cherie said when she held him he grabbed her finger ..With a slight smile. John age 11 held him and talked brother talk. He smiled big. Then daddy held him. Smile was about as like When Cherie held him. He was just like John on the outside...when he was born. So he was perfect on the outside in every way.
Cherie said God wanted him more.
I know God had a great part in this. Cherie and Charlie had a few problems. This brought them closer as a family and to God. They now bought Insurance ..They learned that, too. Cherie told me if she isnt able to have another baby. They will adpot. Here is her message to me by E-mail ..We are going to this.
Hello all,
I would like to thank all of you for all of the prayers and cards sent our way in this time of healing. Our little angel is looking down upon us and smiling . We have made memorial arrangements for baby Joseph.
The service will be held on June 11(sat) at 10:00 am at Grace Community Church Located at 13 S.E. 21st. Place, Cape Coral, Fl. Please let us know by June 7th if you can attend we have to let the Pastor know how many will be there.
Thanks again for all of the well wishes they really do help in the healing process. Love to all, Cherie , Charlie, and John
Dolittle: She was taken out of ICU and off the ventilator on Saturday. Now she has another problem with internal bleeding. They have done nuclear tests to find out what the problem is. So far, no results.
(esconder) Se está interessado no progresso de um torneio em que participa, pode discuti-lo com os seus adversários no fórum desse torneio. (HelenaTanein) (mostrar todas as dicas)