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cruz abdul: I don't know anything about h2-h3 but I know that Andersen played 1.a2-a3 a couple of times as white ... his idea was (a) to confuse the opponent (b) simply, to "make white black" - after, let's say 1.a2-a3 e7-e5 he would follow along the usual lines of the black ... 2.e2-e4, etc.
Chessmaster1000: Cool analysis, thanks ! I like the first variation (21. ... Nh4+) with nothing left on white's king side :-).
At least I know that I could have won :-). I did not see the beginning of this as I kind of routinely thought that after 19. ... Nxh2 white can play 20.Kd2 with no trouble for him. Obviously I should have looked better.
chessmec: Thanks chessmec, you are probably right. I guess I made the sacrifice because my opponent played a horrible opening and I kind of felt urged to "punish" him :-)
Hi everyone, I would like your advice on this ... I have played this game against Jokl. In the 10th move I sacrified a piece because It lookeded like it will give me a strong attack. However, in the 25th move I eventually had to force a draw by eternal check. Was there something that I missed (and could have won) or was the sacrifice in the 10th move incorrect ?? Thanks for your opinion.
Caissus: I know, I just meant that strong orb players are usually strong in correspondence too, aren't they ? So I was wondering if we have some masters or international masters here ... ?
As for the PC assistance, I hope it is not so widely used here. I believe people should put the info in their profile, if they do use it.
BuilderQ: Yes, the 3rd castling was a mistake that none of the opponents spotted (or maybe one did !). Similarly, in the 250-moves game between the two maniacs, there was actually the same position repeated 3 times but they did not realize it ... (someone was brave enough to go through the game andfound out) :-)
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