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8. Janeiro 2007, 01:20:17
Assunto: I have the Swan book

just let me know where to send it.. hadn't heard where to send it till now..

You may wish to send me a private message to alert me so that I can get it out right away.. :)

18. Julho 2006, 20:22:55
Got the book Swan the other day Atjgirl.. forgot to tell you then.. been reading it.. :) Thanks!

11. Julho 2006, 04:46:45
Assunto: Re:

ajtgirl:  thank you.. I am sure I will..  


8. Julho 2006, 23:18:07
Assunto: Re:
Dolittle: Yes.. I sent her my address.. thanks

8. Julho 2006, 04:44:11
Swan by Frances Mayes I would really love to have the chance to read this book. I was going to snag it from mom before she sent it off.. but, was too busy at the time.

15. Abril 2006, 19:08:48
Assunto: Re:
baddessi: I told her she will be getting with ya soon..

23. Dezembro 2005, 03:14:20
Assunto: Re:
amandalove: Is there any book you Don't like?? LOL just teasin

18. Novembro 2005, 04:17:06
Assunto: Okay .... who here has read...
The Sweet Potatoe Queens' Guide to Life" Written by Jill Conner Browne?

20. Junho 2005, 20:00:44
Assunto: To Die For
Linda Howard

Oh my gawd.. I am laughing my butt off at this book.. too funny.. and I am only just starting the book.. any ladies out there that want a book they don't wanna put down.. and yet don't get offended this is the book for you.. not recommended to children due to the possible sex content.. ahem..

29. Maio 2005, 14:04:07
Assunto: Re: "My Antonia"
Tuesday: I am just getting back over here.. I had forgotten that I made the comment that I had.. I usually don't post her.. but, may have to start stopping in more often.. ;)

28. Abril 2005, 04:28:49
Assunto: "My Antonia"
by Willa Cather awesome read..

About the struggles of immigrants in the late 1800 in Nebraska.. Showing the power of a woman.. so good...

2. Dezembro 2003, 08:09:21
Assunto: Re:
Harley.. sometimes I go over to ebay and look it up there.. I know that is only one way.. and maybe not that reliable.. I will check around.. :)

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