Gorman7375: first player to move could move as normal then the second player to move can use the new method ,when i get the time iwill try and playit out on a home made board to see if it could work .
Gorman7375: move as normal then fire your first arrow and then a second , it could be tricky later in the game because you could trap yourself with the second arrow .
if you have the equal number of moves left , then the one who moves next will be the one who loses the game when the board fills up because they will run out of spaces first (providing all available spaces can be used )
is there anyone that is not already in a team that would be willing to join my team so i can enter the team tourney ? if you are not already a member of my fellowship you can join here jasons games room
how about a type of blackhole amazons , simmilar to blackhole reversi , im not sure if it would limit the game too much but would stop people from having a good starting point ...what are other opinions ??.
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