Well it's not good to mix electricity and water...
mo·tor (mō'tər)-A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy using an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power.
en·gine (ĕn'jĭn)-A machine that converts energy into mechanical force or motion by internal-combustion.
it depends on the application.There is a wide range of uses in the marine field..from the 1.2 horsepower,air-cooled...to the unlimited horsepower of off-shore application.
many boats use 2 cycle oil/mixed with gas engines.these are slowly being phased out in the United States and are being replaced with the more efficient and a great deal more enviroment friendly 4 strokes.
Lieutenant Minz:what type of boating do you do,and why do you ask?
bwildman: I am just an amateur fishing sportsman with outboard 2 cycle. It seems to flood alot. I was just wondering if there is a dry motor for this application?
Well, it's a '98 with a 2 cycle, I must admit I'm a bit of a dummy when it comes to motors. But the real question is do they make 'dry' motors for these sorts of small boats? Water seems to be getting into the motor somehow. Thanks for any advice :~)
Stevie: it is here too,Steve.Over the years I've found you almost have to be a detective to understand what folks are saying.
Lt.Minz:all marine engines are water cooled.if theres water entering the engine compartment..there are several ways for this to happen.the overboard indicater hose(pisser) could be cracked and leaking,or you have a water jacket leak.
if watr in getting inside the engine internaly,you have either a blown head gasket or a cracked block.
As far as a "dry engine" I'm still not sure what you are referring to.you may consider a trip to your local marine service center.
I'm watching the first ARCA race in Daytona right now. Later tonight is the NASCAR Bud shootout at Daytona. In 8 days (Sunday) will be the first offical main NASCAR race. (Actually there is stuff happening all week at Daytona - watched many practices and such for the past couple of days.)
Actually there are 10 days of NASCAR related activities leadng up to next Sunday.
ANTICHRIST: ok....maybe you can tell us the best vehicle,without using inflammitory remarks.
I also like BMW's z4...but it doesnt hold a candle to Dodges Viper.
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