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18. Abril 2007, 04:04:13
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: lol, the basic rule here is that any strange and or funny noises coming out of your car aren't a good thing. (just curious as to what a dirt dobber is and what the heck they sound like when building a nest)

23. Fevereiro 2007, 03:16:46
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: well, most of the time anyways:)

23. Fevereiro 2007, 03:14:17
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: Not to mention the availability of paramedics. And don't forget our friends in the tech dept. to try and make sure we have the best protection we can while we're playing! lol

23. Fevereiro 2007, 03:06:43
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: Yeah, we call people like that "organ donars"

7. Outubro 2006, 17:02:00
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: I thought you were kidding about the wheel! I hope you weren't going too fast when it happened.

7. Outubro 2006, 16:54:25
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: Wasn't there a country song about that? "You picked a fine time to leave me loose-wheel"

27. Junho 2006, 11:58:03
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: just watch that the internals don't become externals!

30. Abril 2006, 19:50:13
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: i'll stick with my carburater! lol

30. Abril 2006, 19:35:02
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: all it does is improve the fuel atomization, which brings it closer to what a fuel injection system would do. with yours being an efi motor, you're better off working on an intercooler and maybe an improved induction system(you've probably done some of that anyways)

30. Abril 2006, 19:29:26
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: actualy, what i had done should increase fuel milage on the street by about 15%!

30. Abril 2006, 19:06:25
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: i have to run a carburater on mine, i had 3 of them custom done to maximize the mixture.(it has to do with the way the fuel is coming out of the boosters into the venturi, that cut the wasted fuel down a little. now we get more power out of it!)

30. Abril 2006, 18:57:40
on- track, i think i'm getting about 5 miles per us gallon!

30. Abril 2006, 18:46:10
Assunto: Re: arrrggghghhhhh
Stevie: it's best to not even keep track of that stuff unlees you want to cry! lol, i tracked expenses for the entire season of 2004. it was just about $10,000 usd!

30. Abril 2006, 18:39:17
Assunto: Re: arrrggghghhhhh
Stevie: I'm seriously considering getting my bicycle out again, it get's 28 miles per cheese burger! lol

15. Janeiro 2006, 09:37:16
Assunto: Re: I have organised a get together tomorrow
cosmicdom: that's what i'm afraid of! lol

15. Janeiro 2006, 08:41:52
Assunto: Re: I have organised a get together tomorrow
cosmicdom: i'm not quite sure i want them knowing exactly where i am all the time! lol

15. Janeiro 2006, 08:37:11
Assunto: Re: I have organised a get together tomorrow
WhiteTower: well, in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to worry about them getting stolen!

15. Janeiro 2006, 03:50:15
Assunto: Re: I have organised a get together tomorrow
Stevie: i'm hoping it's just a temporary thing! this truch is no where as nice as the one that got stolen!

14. Janeiro 2006, 18:52:19
Assunto: Re: I have organised a get together tomorrow
Stevie: that's better than the '98 chevy shop-beater truck i'm driving right now! lol

9. Janeiro 2006, 04:01:56
Assunto: Re:
Kipling: actually i use 20-50, it's more stabil at tempurature and takes less hp to push throught the motor. remember, i run a restricted class, everything i can do to cut hp loss is actually a hp gain!

9. Janeiro 2006, 03:50:52
Assunto: Re:
tazman7474: one of the guys in the garage works in a large dealership by day, he tell us that some of the new motors are running .0007-.001! that's why they run 5w-20 oil in them, 10w-40 won't even flow through the motor!

9. Janeiro 2006, 03:48:03
Assunto: Re:
Kipling: at .003 i start losing oil pressure when the engine is up to temp, we probably run a little hotter than most boats do

9. Janeiro 2006, 03:39:02
Assunto: Re:
Kipling: i run clearances of .002 on the rods and mains, the book calls for .0015-.0025 i split it and run 8,000 rpm all day long with them!

9. Janeiro 2006, 03:26:56
Assunto: Re:
Kipling: a file that WILL turn into a grenade! no if's and's or buts about it!

9. Janeiro 2006, 03:16:26
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: with a problem like that and seeing how close the tolerances are in the newer motors, i think you're looking at pulling the motor and checking everything for dirt and debris!

4. Janeiro 2006, 00:25:13
Assunto: Re: oh well
Stevie: it's easy after you get the motor out and on a stand!

4. Janeiro 2006, 00:20:22
Assunto: Re: oh well
Stevie: ouch! all you can do now is tear in and see what it did, looks like you have a project for a little bit!

23. Novembro 2005, 20:50:58
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: sometimes you have to trade tire life for grip! if i could only come up with a compound that gripped like bubble gum and wore like cast iron, i'd be rich!

23. Novembro 2005, 20:46:27
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: the goodyear looked like the best choice to me too! and it's in the range of what you said you spent anyways. if i check around with some of the guys, i can probably find a couple of sites that have them cheaper.

23. Novembro 2005, 20:44:11
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: when you go to the site, look on the left side for "search by size" that's a much faster way to search than by vehichle

23. Novembro 2005, 20:42:44
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: 3 with a zr rating pirrelli, goodyear and bf goodrich all have one

23. Novembro 2005, 20:35:55
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
tazman7474: i came up with 32 matches for a 215/40/17

23. Novembro 2005, 20:32:46
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: i may have gotten the site wrong! imagine that!

23. Novembro 2005, 18:58:20
Assunto: Re: as a comparison
Stevie: for stuff like that i go to www.tirerack.com they seem to have just about anything you want in performance tires and have helped me out when i was racing on the asphalt

22. Novembro 2005, 12:40:57
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: and you think i could? LOL

16. Novembro 2005, 12:58:15
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: how would ya like to get a chance to open up that ferrari for a few laps? zoooooomm!

23. Setembro 2005, 03:30:39
Assunto: Re: weirdest car
nobleheart: as strange as that looks, i'll bet it was worth the time and effort, just to see the looks on kids faces! lol

30. Agosto 2005, 23:46:53
Assunto: Re: Yay
ScarletRose: I'm thinking it's most likely in the dimmer switch assembly, considering you mentioned that you had to use the column shift to get them to work. i'm assuming you mean that you have to wiggle the dimmer switch handle!

20. Agosto 2005, 12:55:47
Assunto: Re: Yay
Stevie: what are your rules on fuel and additives? i know a couple of tricks that could get ya a little more oomf! lol

17. Agosto 2005, 01:06:26
Assunto: Re:
Backoff: sounds like ya got a monday am truck! the friday pm ones just rattle from the beer cans in the doors!

5. Agosto 2005, 05:12:49
Backoff: How's that project car of your's coming along?

11. Julho 2005, 12:50:57
Assunto: Re: you wanna big engine?
Backoff: i wonder if bwild works on those too!

10. Julho 2005, 22:32:49
i don't think i've ever seen a 496! i know there was a gm 396. the 496 must be a marine only engine?

18. Junho 2005, 06:24:48
Assunto: Re: Off Topic - I Know - But...
galpal: actually i'd say that was on-topic! but i'm not sure about a free site that will get that specific!

18. Junho 2005, 00:32:30
Assunto: Re:
Backoff: i doubt you could do any worse than jeremy did a couple of weeks ago! from the damge he did to the car he must've been one hurting kid! good thing he's a teenager and damned near indestrustable! lol

17. Junho 2005, 21:07:06
looks like another rainy friday night and no racing for me! which means another week of not fixing dents and such! lol

7. Junho 2005, 00:38:27
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: i remember seeing them coming through after that wall cam down! lol

6. Junho 2005, 02:43:16
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: what about the trabant? (sp)

6. Junho 2005, 02:36:18
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: i wonder if they'll be as popular as the yugo!

5. Junho 2005, 23:48:42
Assunto: Re:
Stevie: but if you break it down to hp per pound, i think you'll have a higher ratio than bob! lol

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