Thad: yes, maybe 10x10, corner 4 places free (or maybe not, great danger zone, but required to defend or attack setup in there :)), less pieces (like in small espionage)
i think this might be not too hard to code on this site :
4 players playing espionage, 2 players per team, 2 teams per game each player has 1 side of the board, teammates on opposite sides so there are 4 flags on the board
players are allowed to communicate, teammates can discuss their tactics (as in real life 'espionage')
players move (counter) clockwise, so first player 1, (team a), then player 2 (team b), then player 3 (team a), then player 4 (team b)
as soon as 1 flag is captured that team loses and the 2 players of the other team win. each player gets his bkr adjusted individually
what problems could there be ? (aside from the problem of 4 players being able to use more time before everyone has made 1 turn)
Nothingness: why trade 5s for 4s .. if your opponent still has a 5 he can easily kill your 4s with it (a sapper can be killed by a 5 when the 5 hits first while a 4 cant kill a 5 by hitting first)
i dont mind ... its the rule .. but its a bit weird to force it in ongoing games already ... where someone might have build a strategy which is now worth nothing
i would like it best in separate variants as well i think :)
Dragon: true.. the sad thing is i dont have enough time to play on more than 1 site :(
i chose this site because of its ease, and because of the good talk (reading) i heard (read) about it commpared to other sites .. and so far i havent been let down in any of my expentations
(thats probably some bad english .. but i am blonde, and dutch .. so be easy on me ;))
Modificado por Hrqls (24. Dezembro 2004, 12:17:54)
according to the rules you cant move directly back to the previous position with the same piece in the next move
i prefer a site with some flaws which are being worked on and a owner who listens and is clearly productive and will work on this soon as well .. but then again i have never been on iyt :)
imo its silly to compare game sites .. just play on them and see if you like them .. if not then dont .. if you do then do .. if you like both .. play on both .. :)