435152: If you do not want to play games where your opponet has 10 days to make a move then I suggest you do not make or accept them.
You have some interesting comments to make but continual whinging is not one of them. Further whinges about playing times and the the like will be edited or deleted.
435152: my opponent's last move is 4......Nc8 this move was made on 1 April 2009, 18:41:12...his previous move on 23 March 2009, 16:57:10...It take 10 days to make one move....i hate it, i hate this slow moving game.....he did it on purpose. he just want to win the game by that.....he knows he is no match for me.....
any way, his last move is not bad..... can he match me for the whole game? i could make my move right away, i don't need 10 days for one move, but i won't stay at this site any longer.....
for whom? ho ho ho ho pretended you are happy just put on dark eye glasses with smiing.. show your teeth with open mouth... oh yes, i am the great pretender...pretending i am playing well...
Assunto: how to measure your strength with opponent?
how do you know you can beat your opponent? if you have not played a game with him before. ...just look into his games move by move, you ask yourself a question, is his move you expected? can you find another move better than his move? how much better your move compared with his move? if just one move ahead of his, you may not win but you will not lose, if you can see two moves ahead of him, you can beat him for sure.
435152: Of course you can. If you look at the game notation, there are arrows << <> >> . You can go to the very first move and use the > to go forward move by move.
what kind of game? what kind of player like my opponent? what kind of sport like this? i don't think this is sport. The last move he made is on 23 March 2009, to day is 28 March 2009. He did login and logout many times during this period, now he is using the automatic vacation.............
when i look at finished chinese chess game, what i see is just the final position, i can not retrieve the whole game from the beginning move by move. the same as when i look at some one's in progress game, i can not replay the game from the beginning...
i have seen comments on the world class chess game still in progress, the players have no objection at all. the public welcome and enjoy it. the players just worry about how the opponent will cheat with computer help...such as the toiletgate and a GM withdrawn from the tournament after filing a complaint against his opponent using outsite help to defeat him in short moves. ha ha i don't think anything you should worry about if the commemts are on the already made move ....also playing online the chance to cheat with computer or outsite help is unavoiable....why don't you worry about that?
this is my comment to my own game, i play Red: 1 CE3 NG8 2 NG3 RH10 3 NC3.....The first two moves of my opponent were made in the same day, it is flexible, he has the options to play many opennings.......so far so good...not thing wrong with Black....
My last move NC3 has some meaning, i did not want to play by book, the intention is very obvious, my next move will be PC5 or PE5. my opponent stopped here, i think he was looking for references .......
After 3 days (i can't remember exactly how many days later) he made this move 3.....PC6. (this move were made 23 March 2009, 16:57:10) ....4 RI2 ..... My move were made 23 March 2009, 17:06:34.... my message to him: 435152: your move I expected...why you take so long to make this move? and i see this pop up in Red : Your opponent is using the automatic vacation.
After 4 RI2 ... if 4.........CC8 5 PE5 PC5 i let his pawn cross the river...i would like to see what he can do..............
435152: Your comments about games, which are still in progress, are not welcome. Please stop doing this and wait until the game is finished. Or choose a game which is already finished.
kleineme: your opponent's move Cannon to G8 is not a good move, because he did not see the position well, actually he is in a winning position even you won two pawns, and his army is very active, his rook at i9 is much better than your rook at A1..If he move his Knight to D5 instead of Cannon to G8.......i am looking at more of your game and post my comments here.
you guys are so good chinese chess players, i can't wait to play with all of you . you beat me as you can. i don't mind to learn the way you play. just show me what you are , how strong you are.
Hello everybody! I like chinese and korean chess too. Is it possible to organize some games at korean chess? Or propose korean chess on this portal? Regards Antonio
here is the board Chinese Chess (gdwilt vs. etnep) why cant i move F10 to F9? to block the check? is this a program error? and if you cant see the game from the link it should be on my profile right?
435152: Why don't you bring some other good players to this site? I'm sure sure they will come when they hear that a marvelous player like yourself play here.
435152: You complained and complained and complained about the quality of players on this site. How they were all jokes and so far below your level. But, now I see that someone is playing you well, and you accuse him of using a computer program! Unbelievable.
Assunto: Swiss Xiangqi Chiampionship 2007 in Zurich
Dear friends of Xiangqi from Switzerland. Are you tired of playing online? On Sunday, november 26th, the 4th Swiss Xiangqi Chiampionship will take place at the Kwang Chow restaurant in Zurich-Milchbuck. Everyone is kindly invited to participate. More information (German and English) on http://www.sxv.ch/sm06.
I'd like to see you there.
435152: While analyzing other peoples' games may not technically be wrong, the way you were doing it did not appear very polite. You should probably reconsider doing that.
And there is really no need to be sharing your views on fellow Brainking users appearances on this board. I have edited out those comments.
435152: "at first, i think the chinese chess discussion board needed a player like me to do more xiangqi game analysis." "it is why i am better than all of your guys here."
Modificado por cheating up up (28. Outubro 2006, 17:00:55)
naughtypawn: the previous post re: game analysis on 26 October 2006, 15:40:32 supposed to be my last post, but, after i read your post i decided to add one more as my last post here.
> "I got sick of reading so much criticism from you about games other players play. Why not analyze your own games? Come on, tell us how good or bad you are. Or do yoiu pay perfectly?"
i just pointed out the mistakes the other players play, it is not thing wrong with that, if you think that is a criticism it is up to you. in my view, if some one could do the same thing to me i will be very happy to accept that. that way, i know what is wrong with my play, i can learn from my mistake. i remembered long time ago, every time my teacher pointed out my mistakes , i always said " thanks sir" this is my way to learmn to play my chinese chess, also, it is why i am better than all of your guys here. i did analyze my own game, if you read the post on 19 October 2006, 435152 vs FromHell, after that post i wanted to see if some one will comment on "my self annotation" of that game, so i still login sometimes, hoping that some one will give me a good idea how to play that game better, or if i missed something that i did not see.
did i play perfectly? how good i am? to tell the true, i am better than most of your guys here. no body is perefect,there are always some one is better than you, but if your opponent see one move ahead of you, you always are a loser, you can not win.
at first, i think the chinese chess discussion board needed a player like me to do more xiangqi game analysis. i do not know that will make some one sick. but this is my last post. no more.
Modificado por inpassant (28. Outubro 2006, 17:03:58)
435152: I got sick of reading so much criticism from you about games other players play. Why not analyze your own games? Come on, tell us how good or bad you are. Or do you play perfectly?
"Quote removed" This is a flaming comment as emmett said. Don´t mess players about their play just because they don´t do as a professional. I hope that post will be your last one, really.
Edited only to remove the quote referenced, since I removed it from the original posts
435152: That is a flaming comment (regarding Crying Loser, at the bottom of the last post. 435152 should be restricted when talking about other players.
Modificado por cheating up up (28. Outubro 2006, 16:59:23)
after i post my "last post" here, sometimes i still login to see if some one will comment on the game "435152 vs FromHell". i could not resist the temptation.
here, i found another game of CryingLoser, the no.1 chinese chess player of this site, i would like to comment on it. there are many private games, i don't know why they are still a private game, they are "finished games" now.
CryingLOSER (red) vs Kleineme(black) 5 nov 2005 tournament: Glenfiddich(Oriental games vs Lorien)
black should have played Cf10 instead of Kf10, then everything is alright for black. if 26. Nd8+ Rxd8 27. Rxd8 Rg6 28. Ce5 Re6...
red won this game not because he played well, just because black did not know how to defend. the game looked like a beautiful game red sacrificed two pieces but he did not calculate accurately. the sacroifice is not the correct one.
befor i quit this site, i would like to do the self annotation of the following game: i hope to share my view with other players. 435152(red unrated) vs FromHell(black 2222) 2. 5 October 2006, 19:57:18
1.Che3 Ng8 2.Ng3 Rh10
black's move is flexible that may be developed to 12 different openings, for example: 3.Rh1 Ch4 4. Pg5 Ce8 5.Nf5 Nc8....Rh10 is more flexible than Nc8.
3.Nc3 Pg6 4.Pc5 Nc8 5.Rh1
now i have two lines to consider, i decided on Rh1, the other one is Cb5, followed by Pg5 to develop my knight.
5..... Cb4 6. Pe5 Ch4
black blocked my rook with two cannons.
7.Pe6 Ece8 8.Pd6 Nf6
so far so good for both sides, the first 8 moves are all book moves following the theory.
9.Ce4 Rh5?
when i saw this move i was very surprised that my opponent, as the no.2 chinese chess player on the top list, would play like this. his intention is to capture my pawn at c5, if Pg5 Rxg5 or Ee3 Nxe4...
10. Rxh4 Rxh4 11. Cxh4 Cxh4
black lost one move for this exchange. now my next move is to block his rook to control the b-file.
12.Rb1 Rb10 13.Cb7 Gde9 14.Pg5
giving up a pawn to get my horse in play. if black wanted to keep the pawn after knight exchanged,then black has a lone cannon on one side it would not give me any trouble,i just concentrated to block his army on the other side, i felt safe on my right side.
14...... Pxg5 15.Nge4 Nxe4 16.Nxe4 Pf5
black should make that move Na9 now
17. Nf6 Na9 18. Cb9 Ch9 19. Nh7 Cxb9?
we played the last 3 moves quite quickly, black captured the cannon without thinking almost instantly, the reason may be, it looked like a trap red set up to win his rook, if black captured the cannon with rook, then Ng9 check, so he captured with his cannon, he did not know the cannon is poision. he should have played Cf9.
20.Rb8 Kd10
after Rb8, black's army are pinned on one side, he was completely paralyzed and i have my horse(knight) running free at will on the other side.
befor i quit this site, i would like to do the self annotation of the following game: i hope to share my view with other players. 435152(red unrated) vs FromHell(black 2222) 2. 5 October 2006, 19:57:18
1.Che3 Ng8 2.Ng3 Rh10
black's move is flexible that may be developed to 12 different openings, for example: 3.Rh1 Ch4 4. Pg5 Ce8 5.Nf5 Nc8....Rh10 is more flexible than Nc8.
3.Nc3 Pg6 4.Pc5 Nc8 5.Rh1
now i have two lines to consider, i decided on Rh1, the other one is Cb5, followed by Pg5 to develop my knight.
Modificado por Harassed (19. Outubro 2006, 17:24:07)
FromHell: Of course, with few games as we have and with beginners also, we can have good rating. But not for long.
435152: You have to understand, this site had mostly european and american players and Chinese chess isn't well known here I think or at least not high-level except very few players. I simply don't understand the game. I can move the pieces, but I am not sure if I would be able to deliver a mate in some kind of endings without problems and I am able to lose pieces very fast sometimes. When I played with more advanced players (ChicagoBulls) I was in losing position in few moves. Both my games with ChicagoBulls were deadly lost very fast - at least my feeling said that.
I think, for non-chinese players Japanese chess is much more attractive, because it has more common ideas with classic chess and attacks there look impressive. I understand in China and Asia generally also this strange game is very popular, I could imagine perhaps the population playing this game can be almost close to western chess, but for us it's simply too exotic.
Wondering about population, which plays Japanese chess.
435152: I have to agree with 435152, that my place isn't at the top of the ratings of chinese chess. I'm quite an overrated "beginner". But I'm nearly overrated in all kinds of games I'm playing here like written in my profile long time ago.
And I have to agree with Harassed's statement. Ratings ARE meaningless.
It should be impossilbe that someone like me is in the top 20 of the chess rating. Look at my games. Full of mistakes. My rating is near 2300 but I'm playing like 1900 or so.
The only reason why I'm playing rated games are, that there are hardly unrated games here AND that other players have a circa appraisement of the playing strength.
If someone is a 2200 in chinese chess and a other a 1900 it is never sure that the 2200 player is really stronger than the 1900. BUT most times the 2200 is stronger than a 800 player who lost every game before finishing the 20th move.
I hope that this was my first and last statement to my rating here on brainking.
(And I'm sorry about my bad knowledge of the English language.)
this way to exchange rook, black lost more than a tempo, it lost two moves. i wonder why CryingLoser,the no.1 chinese chess player, will play like this. it is a basic for every not so good chinese player.
8.Rxb9 Rxb9 9.Nxg7 Rb6 10.Ri2 Rb2 11.Re2?
red's move was a bad move, his next move is Nb3 to trade rook, black did not know to take advantage of this, black should have played Rc2 instead of Pc6.
i did not want to continue viewing this kind of game....
the question from my previous post should be: 1)one rook + a pawn vs a kngiht or a cannon + complete defendants? 3)one rook vs a cannon + 2 elephants or 2 guards?
Beren the 32nd: your post on 29 April 2006,23:49:19 >Can anyone share their experience on this question? If I win a chariot for a horse or cannon early on in the game, should this normally be enough to win the game(if I play well) or does my opponent often have chances to draw(if he plays well)?
for the first question, the answer is, yes. if you play well you could win. as other player also said so, I do not want to add more. the second question, the answer also is, yes. but no one said anything about this. you won material in exchange, you trade your knight or cannon for your opponent's rook. a rook's value is equal to 2 minor pieces,(knight+ cannon or 2 knights or 2 connons), some even said a rook is more than that. lets talk about the "one rook" ending, every one knows a rook vs a complete defendants( 2 elephants + 2 goards) is a draw, if you trade every thing and only with one rook vs a knight or a connon, then it is more than enough to draw. how about the followings: 1)one rook+ a pawn vs a knight or cannon? 2)one rook vs a knight + 2 elephants or 2 guards? 3)one rook vs a cannon + 2 elephants and two guards? 4)one rook vs a knight+ a elephant + a defendant?
a good player knows when to resign, when the game is already decided a good player will resign with no more plays. the World chess championship which just finished not long ago, Topalov vs Kramnik, all the winning games were not played to the end, the loser just resigned with no more further play at the right time. playing online chess or xiangqi game, sometimes my opponent won't resign in a hopeless position, i have never urged my opponent to resign, because i do not want to hurt his feeling, he may feel that he was offended. i have never seen a good player will lost a game like this: red(loser) got checkmate with only 2 pawns, two elephants, two guards, and a king;and black(winner)has one rook,one knihgt,one cannon, one pawn,one elephant,two guards and a king. do you think red should have resigned long time ago? please quess who played with red for this game? the NO.1 chinese chess player, CryingLoser vs Chicago Bulls, on 9 January, 2006, Confucius says:"Win a one-year membership" event. the other 3 games against Chicago Bulls also not worth to comment.
when i was browsing around smoeone's profile, i found the no. 3 chinese chess player , Harassed, who wrote a very interesting description: ................ ................ ................
Ratings are meaningsless by logic, but somehow they are important for our ego, that is strange paradox. Rating manipulation on this site is so easy and some even abuse that with multiple accounts.
This is only game site, real life tournaments matter more, but they are still just stupid games.
Pity it is easy for us to *know* and to *understand*, but we often cannot act regarding to this even ourselves. But may be one day...
Everything is about psychology. People are competitive. When we see one can, then we try to show them we can,too. Then kind of vortex appears.
(esconder) Se procura um jogador com um nível de jogo idêntico ao seu, procure nas páginas de Classificações pelo tipo de jogo pretendido e descubra um jogador com BKR semelhante ao seu. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todas as dicas)