I think you can find all the needed information at their forum: http://groups.google.com/group/BCMShogi
So far I know, there is "just" a .ini file to properly configure.
For shogi players being interested in meeting the best shogi players of the world, I would like to inform you that the first match of the RyuO sen will take place in Paris on the 18+19 October 2008. An eve cocktail is open to everybody on the 17.10.2008. There you'll be able to meet many well-known shogi players. All details in french at http://www.shogi.fr/ryuo2008.html.
document in english to downloaded at the same place.
jadarite: To my opinion, it's better to write "+Sw" than "G" or "+B" than "H" as shogi western players don't always know the name of the promoted pieces, but just know them as "promoted". As it is so in "regular" Shogi, I would also do it so in Tori Shogi.
Assunto: Pictures about last European Shogi Championship
Dear (online) Shogi players, As announced a few months ago here, the 22nd edition of European Shogi Championship has taken place in France, near Colmar. The event was quite a success although not so much people from east Europa were able to join us. You can find the whole results and pictures of the event here: http://esc2006.free.fr
Kind regards Fabien Osmont organiser
Dear Shogi players,
As you may already know, the European Shogi Championship / World Open Shogi Championship will take place in France, at Colmar from the 6th to the 9th of July 2006.
On the 6th of July evening, we'll start the event with a blitz tournament.
On Friday 7th, the "real" tournament will start on the morning but it will be possible to get in in round 1,2,3 and 4 so that players only available on Friday evening can come too.
All kind of level will be present and we think to reward players of different category with cups and small prizes.
In paralell of this event some exhibitions and paralell events (like a human shogi) will be organized to make Shogi better known.
Don't miss this event and take profit of the special registration price by registering online before the 1st May 2006!
All details are here in english and french: http://esc2006.free.fr