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 Japanese Chess

Shogi - Japanese Chess

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21. Junho 2010, 11:10:49
Because it's a rule.

11. Janeiro 2009, 08:29:37
Assunto: The 3rd Shogi World Championship Tournament
The New York Shogi Club cordially invites you to The 3rd Shogi World Championship Tournament, to be held
in the weekend of November 13-15,2009, in New York, supported by the Nihon Shogi Renmei and the City of
New York, among other sponsors.
The winner will be awarded with the title of The Amateur Shogi World Champion, along with the cash prize of
As was the case in the past, we require a preliminary tournament to be held in each country by the summer of
2009, and the winner of the preliminary tournament in each country will be invited to the World Championship Tournament in New York, with the travel and hotel expenses to be paid by the organizer. All other participants are of course welcome at their own expenses.
The 1st Shogi World Championship Tournament was held in New York in May of 2000, and Mr. Katsumasa Egoshi of Brazil became the 1st Amateur Shogi World Champion. In the following year, we planned the second tournament, but it was obstructed by the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York. We are pleased to have theopportunity to hold the 3rd tournament next year, and we hope to see you all in New York next November.
The tournament details will be announced from time to time by the New York Shogi Club, and will be posted on the websites at www.nyshogi.com and www.worldshogi.com
We need to contact the presidents or the leaders of all Shogi clubs around the world in preparation for this
Those who are in that role, please give your email address to our Public Relations Director, Mr.Tomohiro Kubo kubo@worldshogi.com

Thank you,

New York Shogi Club
November 8,2008

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