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Fencer  Suspended time 26. Julho 2005, 22:30:14
Modificado por Fencer (27. Julho 2005, 23:30:28)
Devido a alterações recentes no servidor de aplicações, os tempos(dos jogos, torneios e charcos) encontram-se suspensos. Este período de testes deverá terminar amanhã. Obrigado pela compreensão.

Fencer  Scheduled outage 18. Julho 2005, 10:23:51
Modificado por Fencer (21. Julho 2005, 15:54:09)
Está prevista uma operação de manutenção no servidor do BrainKing que obrigará ao seu encerramento temporário na Terça Feira, dia 26 de Julho, pelas 01:00 GMT. Esta situação deve-se a operações de conversão do nosso servidor de aplicações. A operação não deve exceder as 2-3 horas.

Fencer  French 27. Junho 2005, 13:57:53
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 19:47:49)
Parece que adicionar novas línguas ao Brainking vai se tornar num evento regular. Graças ao excelente trabalho de rabbitoid com a ajuda de Cerise e tycho, podemos começar uma nova dezena de línguas suportadas e o número 11 pertence ao Francês.

Fencer  Sueco é a 10ª língua 16. Junho 2005, 10:18:46
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 19:48:50)
Gostaria de anunciar que a colecção de línguas suportadas pelo BrainKing atingiu o número 10. A tradução sueca foi fornecida por Hasurami e Andersp :-)

Fencer  Esperanto and Romanian 13. Junho 2005, 07:53:25
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 20:56:41)
Estou feliz por poder apresentar duas novas línguas e estender assim a nossa colecção de localizações do BrainKing. Os heróis do dia são estanto que traduziu o site para Esperanto com uma pequena ajuda de martinbr, e cicko que fez a tradução completa para Romeno :-)
Existem também alguns melhoramentos na funcionalidade de controlo de tempo para jogos, torneios e charcos que trarão uma melhor flexibilidade e jogabilidade.

Fencer  Turkish and Dutch 30. Maio 2005, 09:16:53
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 20:52:25)
Continuam a chegar novas línguas! Desta vez anunciamos 2 línguas ao mesmo tempo - Turco (totalmente traduzido por Ebru) e Holandês (traduzido por Hrqls e vic, testado por wekke e Radiant Aunt).
Aproveitem :-) Fóruns para estas novas línguas vão ser criados em breve.

Fencer  BrainKing in Slovak 25. Maio 2005, 12:39:03
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 19:53:29)
Foi lançada a quinta língua suportada! Desta vez é o Eslovaco e os meus agradecimentos vão para os tradutores blizz e noger. E claro, para os utilizadores que os ajudaram nos testes - temo, agentura office e vaizi :-)
Existem também, alguns melhoramentos no sistema dos clubes, a maior parte dos quais tem a ver com a língua e estrutura dos fóruns.

Fencer  BrainKing in German 15. Maio 2005, 13:52:11
Modificado por Fencer (7. Agosto 2005, 19:51:38)
Graças ao espantoso trabalho do chessmec (iniciado por Dresden) que trabalhou arduamente para traduzir todo o site do Brainking para Alemão, é possível a partir de agora usar o site nesta língua. Convém referir, também, a equipa de utilizadores que o ajudou nos testes necessários (diogenes, Caissus, danoschek, andreas, Sumerian, Mely, Luke Skywalker, estanto and snowflake).
Nota: O Fencer continua a falar apenas Inglês e Checo, qualquer questão em Alemão deve ser endereçada a chessmec :-)

Fencer  Negative time left 14. Maio 2005, 20:13:35
Modificado por Fencer (14. Maio 2005, 22:20:58)
A principal fonte dos recentes problemas do site foi resolvida. Contudo, algumas situações estranhas poderão ainda acontecer(valor negativo no tempo restante dos jogos, etc.), por essa razão o tempo de jogo continuará suspenso até tudo se encontrar resolvido.

Fencer  Site problems 12. Maio 2005, 21:10:15
Modificado por Fencer (14. Maio 2005, 15:57:02)
uma vez que estámos a ter problemas inesperados com um dos nossos servidores, de momento a performance do site está muito má. Por favor tenham paciência, o problema será resolvido assim que for possível.
  • O tempo para os jogos e charcos está suspenso de forma a evitar timeouts. Deixará de o estar assim que se resolverem os problemas.
  • Vão acontecer períodos de indisponibilidade do site e o carregamento das páginas vai estar lento, neste momento estamos a correr em apenas uma máquina que se encontra sobrecarregada. Os testes e as tentativas de pôr o segundo servidor a correr podem causar a inactividade do site. Por favor não reportem isso como um bug.
  • O valor para o "Tempo restante" de alguns jogos está a aparecer com um valor negativo muito elevado.Trata-se de um problema temporário e inofensivo, por favor não reportem esta situação.
  • Alguns jogos (nomeadamente batalha naval) estão instáveis. Esta situação tem a ver com os problemas já mencionados, por favor não o reportem e deixem os jogos estar como estão até o problema estar resolvido.

Agradeço a vossa compreensão.

Fencer  Redução de fóruns 5. Maio 2005, 07:48:37
Modificado por Fencer (5. Maio 2005, 14:58:23)
De forma a organizar melhor os fóruns e preparar o suporte para novas línguas, vários fóruns sobre jogos foram combinados num único (ex: variantes de Damas, variantes de Reversi, etc.). Quer dizer que certos fóruns podem desaparecer da lista de fóruns preferidos - não é um bug, é uma consequência desta alteração.

Fencer  $200 prize tournaments 25. Abril 2005, 09:18:37
Modificado por Fencer (25. Abril 2005, 11:18:43)
Prémios no valor total de $200.00 estão a ser oferecidos no torneio IT IS A NEW DAY. Não é necessário ter um nível de inscrição pago para participar.

Fencer  BrainKing goes multilingual 6. Abril 2005, 09:16:07
Modificado por Fencer (6. Abril 2005, 14:21:18)
Graças ao espantoso trabalho da aissi e do pauloaguia que trabalharam incansavelmente para traduzir todo o site do BrainKing para Português, agora é possível usar o site nesta língua. Mais mudanças sobre a nova estrutura multilingue do site irão surgir nos próximos tempos (especialmente nos fóruns e clubes).
Nota: O Fencer ainda só fala Inglês e Checo por isso mandem os comentários em português para o pauloaguia e para a aissi ;-)

Fencer  Maharajah 4. Março 2005, 10:09:15
A prize tournament in backgammon (created by Luisifer) with 13,000 CZK membership value, sponsored by thirteen sponsors, who earned our endless gratitude, has been created :-) Only Czech or Slovak players can apply. (Why? Because that's how Luisifer defined his rules. In case of questions please ask him, not me. Thank you.)

Fencer  Password 7. Fevereiro 2005, 08:51:37
Since we plan to upgrade our database system to a new version supporting a better and more secure crypting system, please go to your Profile / Change Password page and use it to reset your password. It's okay to set the same password as you use now, the purpose is to activate the new store function.
After the database is upgraded (within several weeks), it will be still possible to set a password on the Login Page. However, who follows this instructions now, will not be surprised if his password suddenly stops working after the upgrade is performed.

Fencer  Banners and News 27. Janeiro 2005, 17:03:07
1) I have added a new option for paying members on the main Settings page - the banner ads can be moved to the page bottom. The purpose is to give them a possibility to see interesting links related to our site content without being disturbed by them in other cases.
2) The system of Server News has been improved and separated from discussion boards. Soon it will be applied to fellowship news as well. Since the new structure is not fully compatible with the current one, it is recommended save important posts from the News boards (if you are a Big Boss) because I cannot guarantee that all of them would survive the conversion.

Fencer  Bobby Fischer 21. Janeiro 2005, 09:42:10
BrainKing introduces a new chess variant called Fischer Random Chess. By the way, in case somebody is still not aware of it, since the last week we have another backgammon variant Hyper backgammon :-)

Fencer  Ponds and Five in Line 5. Janeiro 2005, 09:35:03
1) BrainKing brings two Five in Line variants - Pro Five in Line and Swap Five in Line.
2) Users with Brain Rook or higher membership level can create Ponds, starting today.

Fencer  Deja vu 3. Janeiro 2005, 11:09:22
We apologize for the "deja vu" effect and the return in time (2 hours to the past), caused by a bug in the configuration files. Due to this situation, the game time will be suspended till tomorrow morning.
Everything works correctly now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Fencer  2005 2. Janeiro 2005, 11:07:50
The planned downtime and database archive transfer is done. Welcome to the year 2005 :-)

Fencer  The end of the year 20. Dezembro 2004, 10:52:07
Modificado por Fencer (21. Dezembro 2004, 09:44:51)
1) A planned downtime of BrainKing is scheduled to the 2nd January 2005, due to moving data to archive databases. The whole action should not exceed 1 hour. The game time will be turned off, just for a case of unexpected events.
2) There are still several days left for everyone who didn't take advantage of the Christmas Special! Everybody who pays for any kind of membership (or extends the current one) and makes it to the end of this year (2004), will automatically get one FREE month of the same membership as a Christmas present.

Fencer  Christmas and Pond 7. Dezembro 2004, 12:20:12
Modificado por Fencer (13. Dezembro 2004, 09:18:29)
1) Christmas Special! Everybody who pays for any kind of membership (or extends the current one) and makes it to the end of this year (2004), will automatically get one FREE month of the same membership as a Christmas present.
2) And for the doubtful ones, there is one temptation - BrainKing brings the first multiplayer game which is accessible for paying members only. The number of participants is unlimited and the name is Run round the Pond.
3) The User Agreement has been improved in order to make it more understandable and clear.

Fencer  SysTray Notifier 29. Novembro 2004, 10:03:12
as you can see, all hardware problems have been (hopefully) solved and BrainKing is operating in its standard way.
Now it is time to announce the very first third-party tool created for BrainKing paying members. It is called BrainKing Notify, it should be working on all Windows platforms and after installation it keeps you informed about a number of games to play.
Important: This application was developed by Klokan, not me, therefore all questions/suggestions/reports send directly to him, please. It can be downloaded from this site and after some testing period, I will officially add it to BrainKing domain.
The last note: The application works for paying members only.

Liquid  Reincarnated "Maja" db server 24. Novembro 2004, 13:21:13
...phew, I've reincarnated "Maja" the database server and after a sleepless night we've moved (with Fencer) the database back to Maja. This was the cause of today's downtime.
The game time will be started again as of Friday 26th November 2004, 12:00 GMT+1 after a sufficient review of full BK functionality.

Fencer  Database server malfunction 22. Novembro 2004, 15:59:53
Modificado por Fencer (22. Novembro 2004, 16:09:17)
Due to a sudden malfunction of the database server, the whole BrainKing is currently running on one machine only, which can have a negative impact on the site speed and response time. This is the reason why the game time has been suspended until the problem is solved.
If somebody can observe a "time warp" effect (missing last moves in games, etc.), it is caused by a broken data replication to a backup machine. I recommend to continue in games with their current status and not to report it as a bug.

Fencer  Graphs 25. Outubro 2004, 08:44:03
BKRs have been recalculated and their histories are available for paying members on user profile pages.

Fencer  BKR history 21. Outubro 2004, 11:20:36
Global BKR recalculation based on all finished games since October 2002 will be performed next week, most likely as of Monday 25th October 2004, 8:00 CET. This process can take 10-15 minutes which will cause a temporary site unavailability.

Fencer  Time is running 15. Outubro 2004, 14:26:27
The time for games is running again and time left values of games are being automatically synchronized to match the correct ones.

Fencer  Timeout 11. Outubro 2004, 11:45:27
New system of timeout calculating and processing has been launched in a test mode. It means that initial values of "time left" can be a bit inaccurate. After all tests are passed, the time for games will be started again (most likely on Friday 15th October 2004, about 12:00 CET).

Fencer  Some new games? 26. Setembro 2004, 11:56:29
BrainKing brings 9 new games - Espionage, Jungle, Cylinder Chess, Amazon Chess, Berolina Chess, Anti Froglet, Spider Linetris, Small Espionage and Fast Espionage. Please be careful with these additions, I don't guarantee they are absolutely bug-free. Thanks go to white for cute and original Jungle and Espionage pieces :-)

Fencer  And new games again 1. Setembro 2004, 10:45:31
Modificado por Fencer (1. Setembro 2004, 11:17:43)
BrainKing brings 3 new games - Jarmo, Alquerque and Froglet. My thanks go to white for those little froggies and Sinay for boards of Jarmo and Alquerque. Yes, I know that boards for Jarmo and Alquerque are too big, I will add smaller ones soon.
Besides, lots of bugs was fixed (e.g. multiple jumps in Czech Checkers) and added several improvements.

Fencer  Bug tracker 27. Julho 2004, 14:33:49
I have added a simple bug tracking and reporting system. It is accessible through a new Bug tracker menu item. This first version will be improved in the future, according to requirements and feedback.
For Pente players: The World Championship will be held in Las Vegas, NV on August 7 & 8, 2004. You can find more information here.

Fencer  First team tournament! 18. Julho 2004, 12:43:55
1) The First Team Tournament has been started! Although some minor bugs can occur (i.e. in score counting), it should be working properly.
2) The User Agreement has been officially released and is valid for everyone. I would recommend to read it at least once.

Fencer  T-shirts 3. Julho 2004, 17:20:32
Modificado por Fencer (3. Julho 2004, 17:34:42)
1) I have added a new page Store where you can order an original BrainKing.com T-shirt and more similar things in the future.
2) Suspended time will be restarted next week, most likely as of 10th July 2004 (Saturday).

Fencer  BrainKing 2.0 has been launched! 28. Junho 2004, 09:16:44
Modificado por Fencer (28. Junho 2004, 11:32:46)
Okay, I don't say anything ... let's wait and observe :-)
We've already found some small bugs but they should have no negative impact on the functionality. One of them is showing incorrect red numbers at the menu column, so please don't report it, I am aware of it.
Btw, what not to try Battleboats Plus, Dark Battleboats and Amazons? :-D

Fencer  Database conversion 27. Junho 2004, 08:25:30
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Monday 28th June 2004, 7:00 a.m. GMT+01:00 due to a conversion of our database. The process should not exceed two or three hours. In case of additional problems I will inform about the situation on BrainKing.info.

Fencer  Hardware has been replaced 13. Junho 2004, 16:09:36
A replacement of damaged hardware pieces has been successfully done. The game time will be started tomorrow on Monday 14th June 2004.

Fencer  Hardware maintenance 11. Junho 2004, 15:18:57
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Saturday 12th June 2004 due to a replacement of damaged hardware components. The process should not take more than 2 hours, hopefully.

Fencer  BrainKing 2.0 release postponed 6. Junho 2004, 09:35:05
Ehm ... hmmmm ... well, due to unexpected problems, we have decided to re-launch former BrainKing 1.0 again, until all possible [recently detected] performance bugs are fixed. I am sure it's better to have at least this site running. Sorry :-) We will try the switchover again next weekend, probably.
UPDATE: Due to recent access problems of WebTV users, I have stopped game time [to prevent timeouts] until it is solved. It will be started again on Monday 14th June 2004.

Fencer  Database conversion 21. Maio 2004, 18:17:08
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Saturday 5th June 2004 due to a conversion of our database. In case of additional problems (which are not expected) I will inform about the situation on BrainKing.info.

Fencer  Suspended time 7. Janeiro 2004, 10:49:52
IMPORTANT: The "suspended time" will be turned off within several days [as of 9th January 2004]. Please make sure that none of your games (where it is your turn to move) has "0" as time left. Thank you.
Update: I have temporarily disabled posting on discussion boards for non-paying users. It is a short time solution before I improve our anti-spam filter.

Fencer  New Year timeouts 1. Janeiro 2004, 09:57:43
Due to some New Year bug, several games had been finished by a timeout. I would like to ask everybody not to panic, everything is under control now. Please send me game IDs of all timeouted games, I will restore them. Thanks and I apologize.

Fencer  Suspended time 10. Novembro 2003, 11:28:13
IMPORTANT: The "suspended time" will be turned off within several days [as of 14th November 2003]. Please make sure that none of your games (where it is your turn to move) has "0" as time left. Thank you.

Fencer  Recent database crash 4. Novembro 2003, 12:37:58
Since the description of the recent events is too long to be posted here, please read it on BrainKing.info before you ask me about anything. Thank you.

Fencer  Server is on 15. Agosto 2003, 12:44:35
The database server is fixed. The "suspended game time" switch will be turned off during this weekend (done).

Fencer  Brain Maharajah 13. Agosto 2003, 18:25:18
I would like to announce the first Brain Maharajah user on our site. The hero's user name is CaoZ, he has just paid for six months membership :-)

Fencer  Server failure 12. Agosto 2003, 06:47:30
A hardware failure has occured at our web/database server. We are currently running on the second server only and the time for games will be suspended until the first one is fixed. Since we have only Saturday database backup, all Sunday and Monday actions are lost. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Fencer  Auto-refresh off 4. Agosto 2003, 17:36:17
Due to performance testing I have removed the automatic refresh of main page and game pages for Brain Pawns.

Fencer  Suspended time 1. Agosto 2003, 06:08:55
IMPORTANT: The "suspended time" will be turned off within several days. Please make sure that none of your games has "0" as time left. Thank you.

Fencer  Private and unrated tournaments 26. Julho 2003, 16:53:41
I have added two new tournament options:
1) Unrated tournaments - no games generated for the tournament will affect the players' BKR.
2) Private tournaments - only players invited by the tournament creator can sign up.
These options can be found on "define new tournament" page (visible for Brain Rooks only).

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