“What is a black sash?” is a very philosophical argument in martial arts and you will likely get a different answer from every person you ask. So here is my two cents worth. What is a Kung Fu black sash? There are many things that go into making the type of person who is able to get their black sash. From my point of view the person who trains hard in the martial arts to achieve their blacks sash has shown that they have the commitment the will and the energy to put into a martial art, and to dedicate themselves to pursuing that art to achieve their black sash.
Every person who comes to the martial arts has a different background, different body type and different natural abilities. There are some who are awesome fighters who have never received a black sash, there are people who go from style to style who consider themselves to be accomplished martial artists yet have never committed themselves to getting a black sash in a particular art.
So from a martial art teachers point of view, who would I consider a better student?
The person who has dedicated themselves through both their time and energy to the style that I teach, or someone who may be a better fighter who has never dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to achieve that one specific goal? I feel that if a person sees themselves as a martial artist, a black sash in at least one style is a prerequisite.
So moving on to what goes into a black sash in our schools….
To me a black sash, again, a symbol of the dedication of a student to learning our art. I consider to be the end of what I would call “High School”. If you look it from that analogy, you get to the end of your time at high school, you study hard and sit your HSC to get a score or an arbitrary mark which then allows you to go on and continue your learning in an environment that allows for a deeper knowledge and a deeper understanding in the area that you wish to engage in.
So if you look at Martial Arts or Kung Fu in that sense, the black sash in our particular system is less than a third of what is available to learn. So you have really only scratched the surface of what is available to learn in the art of Jow Gar Kung Fu, and more importantly you do not have a whole picture of the complete style. If you do not know the whole picture of a particular style you cannot judge it against another. Which for most people out there who are quick to compare one style to another, renders there opinion void. You can’t do a book review on a book you haven’t read.
This may sound like I am taking away from the achievement of earning a black sash, but I am not. There are 12 levels on the path to black sash in our particular curriculum, moving through these levels and then training for the black sash grading takes a lot of commitment, dedication and time on the mat. Although the black sash is a stepping stone into the complete system, it is an achievement that only 10 percent of our student body are able to reach.
So, that separates those 10 percent of students out to me as those who are ready and committed to learning our martial art.
As a teacher the martial art is my responsibility to pass on to my students. From Jow Gar Kung Fu’s founders and down through the teachers in our lineage, it is up to me to pass on this art as I have learnt it, and then one day select disciples who I feel are ready to do the same.
The Black Sash is the first moment in time when a student is able to show me that they are ready to continue learning the art of Jow Gar Kung Fu.
Then the student is able to put that black sash around their waste knowing that they have expended a lot of time and energy into earning it. More than they would have done so in the course of normal training.
When a student of Kung Fu puts that sash around their waste it’s only value is the amount of blood sweat and tears that went into achieving it. Literally, without the effort the black sash means nothing. It is only through the struggle and the effort to get the black sash, that the piece of material around that students waist means anything.
Kung Fu helps to develop lifelong mental, physical, spiritual and emotional skills. Kung Fu training takes you beyond your physical limit where you’ll find the discipline, mental focus, growth and skill acquisition. Kung Fu forms contain internal energy work (Chi Kung), dynamic tension exercises, breath training and also strength, cardio and endurance training.
If not, then you are doing something wrong with your martial arts training.
Some people pay personal trainers to get them fit, others join gyms. Most modern group fitness classes in any commercial gym you go to will feature classes such as Body Combat or Punch Fit. These classes are designed to mimic martial arts training, yet they can never truly deliver any other benefit than fitness. I understand that some people need the external motivation of a personal trainer or group lead fitness class….
But, there are the other people who are looking for something different.
These are the type of people who will come to us looking for an experience much deeper, much healthier and much more fulfilling. Training in Kung Fu rewards its students with lifelong physical, mental, emotional and spiritual skills.
People come to us to teach them the skills to be Life Warriors.
Physically fit, healthy, confident and happy (with the ability to kick butt if required).
Kung fu is different to most other martial arts in the methods it employs in training. The predominant training method for individual practice in Kung fu is called Taolu in Chinese, or simply Forms in English. And, although other styles of martial arts use some forms, they are usually short and nowhere near as complex as the forms of most Kung Fu Schools.
To the uninitiated and misinformed, Chinese forms look like choreographed gymnastics or dance, and although they are sequenced and flowing their beauty hide their devastating effectiveness as a training method.
The discipline involved in training kung fu to your physical limit and beyond, is where the mental focus, discipline, growth and skill acquisition are found. It is also where the physical fitness and health are found, if you train them correctly.
Kung Fu forms contain breath training, internal energy work (Chi Kung), dynamic tension exercises and also cardio, strength and endurance training. When trained with a sense of purpose and 100 percent mental engagement, forms become a rigorous and exciting method of finding mobility, flexibility, strength and aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.
I have personally trained other martial arts and many different styles of physical exercise. None are as challenging, physically and mentally, as kung fu forms.
Thankfully, like most other martial arts, kung fu has a progression of learning for a beginner to follow. The forms and skills start out at a level achievable by all ages and abilities; we have children as young as 3 and adults as old as 70 enrolled in our programs. The beauty of kung fu is that it has something in its disciplines for everyone.
If you start with the premise that anybody should be able to learn some level of self defence and achieve a level of fitness and health appropriate to their age and ability, then all you need is a great school, with great instructors who are able to teach and tailor their martial art to each individual student.
I believe at Head Academy Kung Fu that is what we do very well. So if you want to get the most out of your kung fu training you need to train with the best, and put 100 percent of your mental and physical energy into your training.
For one of the best narratives on Kung Fu forms watch this. (Hung Gar is one of the styles used by our founder Jow Lung to create the style of kung fu we practice, Jow Gar. We also have a version of the Tiger and Crane set which is taught at Light Brown sash.)
Understanding Chi And how to use it in your Kung Fu training
All my life I searched for Chi which means energy or life force. Chi is an integral part of Kung Fu. Taoist philosophies and Taoist Martial arts are intertwined with Chi and it’s impossible to practice one without the other. With the help of Kung Fu practice you can learn to channel and feel your Chi.
<h4 style="text-align: justify;">Chi is the life force or energy present in all things.</h4> <h4 style="text-align: justify;">The earth has it, you have it, I have it...even Luke Skywalker had it. </h4>
Chi is literally translated as "Breath or "Air", but is alternatively used to describe the energy or life force, the immaterial force that permeates all living things.
Over 12 years ago I began on a journey to discover if Chi really did exist. I had been told about Chi, I had grown up hearing stories about chi and energy. I mean... I certainly had heard of acupuncture, yet I had never tried it. I had martial art teachers who would talk about Chi, yet could not teach me any techniques on how to become aware of it or use it. So naturally, as an analytical westerner, I thought it was all a load of BS, make believe.
If you have read any of my other writings you would know, that I was given a book (thanks Darren) of Master Mantak Chia. It was through this book that I started systematically practicing the techniques to awaken and grow my own internal energy. The further I went down the path the more I realised how wrong I was.
Of course along the way I would question myself and what I was feeling. I would even ask myself if I was imagining what I was feeling, or purely creating the sensations with the power of the mind.
In the end the truth was undeniable. I had too many physical manifestations and occurrences, which were impossible to create with the mind, for me to continue to question the existence of Chi.
Sometimes to find out if something is real, you don't need to watch an experiment, or be told about the science behind it, you need to be the experiment.
Chi and Kung Fu are inseparable. Jow Gar Kung Fu has its roots in the Shaolin Temple where Chan Buddhism, Martial arts and Chi Kung became a tool for the monks to attain enlightenment. Just so the Taoist Martial arts and Taoist philosophies on Chi are intertwined and to practice one without the other is impossible.
In Kung Fu, Chi Kung begins with correct breath control and breathing techniques, and ends with mastery of controlling and combining physical technique, breath and energy into one unified purpose.
Training Kung Fu enlivens and invigorates the chi whether you are aware of it or not. But, it is only with conscious direction that the chi can be put to work in improving your martial arts, vitality and health.
Every Jow Gar hand form in the Head Academy Kung Fu syllabus from 10,000 Character Fist onwards contains focused Chi Kung work designed to improve a student’s awareness of, and ability to channel, Chi.
While your practice of Kung Fu can teach you to channel and feel your chi, without knowledge of other techniques you cannot learn to magnify or grow your Chi past the levels you received at birth. This Chi is called your Original Chi or Pre Natal Chi, this is the life force or vitality you received from your parents at conception.
There is only a few ways to grow and expand the amount of Chi within your body. All of the methods to grow your Chi for increased health, vitality and power in the Universal Healing Tao involve one particular technique.
The First Supreme Inner Alchemy Formula: The Microcosmic Orbit,
The Inner Feng Shui which connects Heaven, Man & Earth:
天 tiān Heaven, 人 rén Human, 地 dì Earth
When a Kung Fu practitioner can grow and enhance their own Chi, and start to work on mastering and balancing it, then they can start to use it in the application and practice of their Kung Fu.
Power comes from Chi
Grounding comes from Chi
Softness and hardness come from Chi
Expression comes from Chi
Without Chi, there is no Kung Fu.
I have travelled half way round the world to learn it, and spent 10 years practicing the Microcosmic Orbit. It is solely responsible for changing my life and forever changing the way I practice Kung Fu
Martial Arts: Do you Think It’s Just for Children? Think Again
Martial Arts or Kung Fu training is suitable for people of different age groups. No matter what your age you can begin Kung Fu classes and start getting the physical, mental and emotional benefits of Martial arts training right away. Search online to find a martial arts school in your area that offers training for all age groups.
An amusing question I get asked all the time is “do you teach adults?”
I say amusing because we teach a “MARTIAL ART” it’s original purpose was, well how do I put this nicely ... for hurting people. Like its name suggests a martial art is for the purpose of combat. Something that began and still remains at its sole purpose the domain of adults.
It is because of the rigorous training, the martial code of ethics, the warrior spirit and discipline involved in training that Kung Fu has become a great tool for imparting not only self defence but also a whole host of physical, mental and emotional benefits to adults and children alike.
Kung Fu was practiced by our founders to protect themselves, their family, their village and country. That purpose made their training very serious and created the physically and mentally demanding training methods, that adults can benefit from today.
Like many people you may have come across martial arts as a child. This is the reason that many people think that martial arts schools only teach children. However, there are a many benefits to taking up Kung Fu training as an adult.
Across the broader community you will see many fitness enthusiasts take up some style of martial arts. One of the major benefits of Kung Fu training is that it is truly holistic when it comes to physical fitness. In fact, Kung Fu training could be described as combining all the benefits of going to the gym, yoga, meditation and more into a single training method. Which delivers not only fitness but a total mind and body health, where fitness and strength is just a component of what we are trying to achieve?
A good instructor will guide you in establishing correct movement patterns, help you increase your muscle tone flexibility, help improve your coordination and agility, and teach you the art of self defence.
For an adult population that spends and ever increasing amount of time sitting down either at a desk or behind the wheel of a car, the truly life changing benefits of training Kung Fu are simply protecting your body’s ability to move. Something that cannot be guaranteed (and is usually made worse) by running, lifting weights or other modern forms of “fitness” training.
Each training session is designed to make you fitter and healthier as you are learning lifelong skills. Kung Fu has an amazing ability to maintain your body. Through proper training you will be able to develop and maintain a good physique. The regular workouts provide a routine that helps stabilise your body weight, tone and develop strength.
Through Kung Fu training many adults find that they develop spiritually. The perseverance to learn and perfect oneself physically leads to changes in a student mentally and emotionally. In Kung Fu the mind and the body are linked and when we train one we train the other. Kung Fu training cannot be done mindlessly, it demands mindfulness and focus. No other thoughts can be present when training Kung Fu with the correct intent. Which makes it a form of moving meditation where a practitioner is wholly engaged in each moment of practice? As a person develops as a martial artist and their internal power becomes more fully expressed, it leads to further paths of self-development and improvement opening up other areas of study such as Chi Kung and meditation.
Finally, training in any form or style of martial arts will give you an amazing level of confidence. You will be able to face the world with a very different outlook than before. A good instructor will push you to your physical and mental limits and by doing so; you will become more aware of your capabilities. Sometimes the techniques of the master instructor may be very subtle and the test may come as a request, by the correction of technique or simply the insistence of another repetition. The challenge is always present but not always obvious.
When you face these challenges you will find out that you are much more capable than you previously believed.
As your confidence level grows you will find a new degree of discipline in your behaviour. The training sessions can be demanding in terms of involvement and commitment but the discipline you learn while training is carried through for all of your life.
To key to achieving the benefits of martial arts lies in finding a school that suits your requirements. And of course you can take your children to learn at the same Kung Fu or Martial Arts school. Many schools offer classes for different age groups. Together you and your kids can visit the same martial arts school and get high quality training in the style that suits you.
Whether you’re searching for physical fitness, strength or more self-confidence, there is a high chance that you will find it in a Sydneybased school martial arts school.
Martial art is an amazing way to enhance your mental and physical strength. There are different styles or forms of martial arts that you can learn by getting enrolled in a reputed training school. Kung Fu offers a number of benefits and you also become a fighting expert. Search online to find a renowned Kung Fu training school in your area.
Martial arts advancement and study have gone through a huge impact from different cultures and traditions. After hundreds of year impact, it has gradually developed into an intricate method of fighting in which excellent physical condition is required. Kung Fu is considered as a modern art that imitates the moments of different animals and adapting or developing the skills in human combat.
In Tae Kwon Do focal point procedure is used to build up "Chi" and then using it to make dominant hits. In Tai-Chi, it is used to develop health and well-being with the right movement. Bruce Lee stated the martial art has a nature similar to art, as there is an inclusive emotional expression and expressive communication in it. Martial arts can be defined as a method by which a person becomes more aware of himself and the environment around him.
Kung Fu preparation imparts a number of benefits to the students. It helps to infuse new energy, boosting flexibility, resilience, vigour and many more things. Every student is directed towards the right pattern of breathing and a much more improved diet. This makes an effective way of facing a number of diseases, health problems and the weak immunity system.
The right focus, will power and self control represent the student, who reacts productively and without showing any signs of stress in the extreme situations. The entire body, including the muscles is highly exposed to the movement which helps in activating the whole being. During the training period, every student becomes more familiar with their capabilities, self-esteem and in making decisions about what is right or wrong.
All forms of martial arts are performed in different in ways yet they are similar in principles. Self-defence and the right health condition are few things that you will find in all the forms of martial arts. It has been known as both ‘art of war’ and ‘art of self-defence’. It depends on the level of comfort and the type of form that suits the student.
Many people take up kung Fu classes as they have heard that its training helps to burn chunks of calories. Similarly, people get enrolled for t'ai chi because it is easy on their body and helps to relieve stress. These are two common benefits for you to join martial arts, but what you need to understand here is that these are just fringe benefits to something far more powerful and far greater in a person's life.
Martials arts burns down a lot of calories and you also become expert in Kung Fu. T'ai Chi is another martial art that has produced some of the most popular names in the fighting and fitness field. You will not need the fighting skills for the most part of your life, so why bother learning it? It is mainly because the martial arts have far more things to offer than just the fighting skills.
If you are looking forward to learn Kung Fu, then you can get enrolled in a school for martial arts. Sydney is the place where you will easily find a renowned training school.
Many people are a big fan of Kung Fu movies. If you are also a big fan of martial arts movies, then following list has some of the most popular Kung Fu movies from around the world. Search online if you want to learn martial arts from a renowned school.
A Kung Fu fan will always think about the top movies based on Kung Fu. There are many martial arts movies you can choose from to get the best top ten Kung Fu movies. Here’s a list of top ten movies that I found worth mentioning:
Number 1
Enter the Dragon: Great movie! Filmed in 1973, this classic movie by Bruce Lee is considered as one of his best movies. The movie also had stars like Jim Kelly, John Saxon and Bob Wall. In this film, Bruce lee showed perfectly that how a good martial artist he is by using a variety of weapons, his quick strikes and adaptability in the Kung Fu techniques.
Number 2
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Made in the year 2000, the movie won 4 Academy Awards. This Kung Fu movie got excellent reviews and starred YunFat Chow, Ziyi Zhang and Michelle Yeoh. The film was made at a high level and was huge in its range of scope, story line and scenery.
Number 3
Legend of Drunken Master: This is a must watch movie for the fans of Jackie Chan, who plays the role of a young student of a drunken master. Jackie Chan is magnificent in how he performs the Kung Fu movements. You will find an amazing mixture of Kung Fu and comedy throughout this movie.
Number 4
Fearless (Jet Li): In this movie, Jet Li plays the role of Chinese martial arts Master Huo Yuanjia. You will find this movie to be more serious drama oriented and a historical movie. There is a great deal of drama in this movie, but also a little humour.
Number 5
Kill Bill: This movie was made in two parts and its second part came six months after the first part released. The storyline was divided in two parts and the last part completed it. Produced by Quentin Taratino, the movie featured Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, David Carradine, Daryl Hannah Michael Madsen, and Vivica A. Fox.
Number 6
Karate Kid: The 2010 karate kid movie featuring Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith became a popular martial arts movie. The film perfectly showcased the different level of martial arts, both mental and physical. It showed that learning martial arts require a number of things and much more than just tournaments.
Number 7
Kung Fu Hustle: This is a great movie with amazingly exceptional entertainment value. It is considered as one of the most popular Kung Fu comedy to date. The storyline of the movie has bigger than life characters, making it fun and fantastic to watch. The film was produced by Stephan Chow and stars Yah Yuen, Oiu Yuen and Stephan Chow himself.
Number 8
Shaolin Soccer: The movie was premiered in 2011 and was a Kung Fu comedy made by Stephen Chow. There are a large number of special effects which will keep you engaged. The movie has a great entertainment value and presents Kung Fu in a great way.
If you are a Kung Fu fan and want to learn it, then search for a school of martial arts. Sydney is the place where you can easily find a reputed martial arts training school.
Tips to Choose the Martial Art That is Best for You
Many people are fans of martial arts, but only a few take initiatives to actually learn it by joining a training school. If you no previous idea of what martial art is all about, then you might get confused by choices available. A few questions that may trouble you to reach a decision are:
What is the basic difference between the various types of martial arts?
Is your body fit enough to handle the hard training sessions?
What are the areas where martial arts will help you in a big way?
With a number of options available, people tend to join the school, which is nearby or the one having the cheapest price range. This is a completely wrong approach as martial arts can prove to be a great influence on their lives. It has benefits like fitness, health, skills, strength, confidence etc.
Following are a few points that can help you in choosing a martial art without falling into any traps.
Find out your options
It is always tempting to choose a training school near your home, but you should put a little effort to find out the best one in your town/city. Even if you have to drive for 15-20 minutes to reach, it will be a better decision to choose the one that provides excellent training.
Is it going to work?
You may not give a thought first, but all martial arts are different in nature. Different types of arts focus on highly specialised areas and training procedure, this is due to the various influences during the development or growth of these arts.
If the art you are deciding to choose doesn’t offer proper self defence techniques, then it will fail the whole purpose. Techniques or specialised move that delivers results are straightforward.
Find out all the benefits
After ensuring that the art does have a high level of self defence training, you should also look for other benefits. Of course, physical fitness is one thing that which is provided by all types of martial arts forms. But, there are few forms or style that also gives priority to mental peace.
In today’s world of a hectic lifestyle, mental stress is an area of concern. Therefore while picking up a style of arts, ensure that you look for the one that works trains for mental fitness as well.
Whether personal training is given or not?
Do not opt for the school that has low fees for training. These are mean for only business, instead of providing high quality training to its students. Do not get enrolled in a school that has excess of students. This may look good from outside, but in such schools the trainer will not be able to give personal training to each and every student.
To get the best level of training, it is important that you must receive high quality of training. It can be easily achieved by getting trained under an expert and experienced trainer.
If you are searching for a school to learn Kung Fuormartial arts, Sydney is the place where you will easily find a renowned one.
Anyone who is planning to enroll in a martial arts school should first do some research to find out the type of training provided by the martial arts school. Find out the facilities offered by the school and ensure it has a team of highly skilled instructors to teach you martial arts and Kung Fu.
Whether you want to join martial arts training for yourself or want to get your child enrolled, it’s important to be aware of the basics of choosing the right school. Think about the things you’re looking to gain from martial arts. Find the best school with experienced instructors, so you can achieve your goals.
First Step: Figure out the result you are expecting for yourself or your child from the martial arts training. It’s important to explore your reasons for taking up martial arts classes.
People take up martial arts training classes for many reasons such as:
To gain coordination and flexibility
Self Defence
Weight loss
To acquire more discipline
To increase self-confidence and to develop a sense of well being
Second Step: Get enrolled in the best school with expert instructors. Once you identify your training needs and goals, the next thing to select the right school with skilled instructors. Several factors should be considered when choosing a school - ensure that it’s properly cleaned, ideally not too far from your home, that safety norms are followed, that the martial arts style taught is effective and that the fee structure is one you can afford.
Training under the right instructor
Training under the right instructor is one of the main points to take into account when selecting a martial arts school. The instructor should have a great personality and attractive teaching style. You may not be able to find out about the instructor in just one or two meetings, so it’s advisable that you conduct a little personal research about the instructor’s capabilities.
Ask the view of other students
At a professional martial arts school you will find a friendly atmosphere and satisfied students. The school should make you feel comfortable enough to train in a proper manner. Talk to the students who are already enrolled about its pros and cons. The students can give you useful insights to help you to make your decision about enrolling.
Check the cleanliness of the school
Ensure that the school you are enrolling in is properly cleaned. Dirty gym or practice areas have many unwanted germs and bacteria that can get transmitted easily.
Equipment should be sanitized properly and on a regular basis. Ask the management of the school how often the equipment and training area are sanitized and cleaned. You can also get a general idea about cleanliness just by looking around the training area.
Distance of the school from your home
No matter how good a martial arts school is, it will not be beneficial if it’s located too far away from your home. The distance has a great impact on whether you actually attend training classes regularly or not. It’s preferable not to drive a long way to reach the school, so that you can avoid traffic & save your time.
Martial Arts - Reasons Why Your Kids Should Learn It
Martial art training is an amazing way for your child to grow mentally and physically. The training teaches your child discipline and they learn to show more respect to others. The exercises done in training can make your child fitter and healthier. Search online to find a reputed martial arts school in your area.
People often wonder that whether training in martial arts will be beneficial for their children and they search for the best school to get the most positive results from the training. There are many reasons why you should get your kids enrolled in any form or style of martial arts training. Three key reasons are:
One of the major reasons parents put their kids into martial arts schools is discipline. It’s quite well known that the martial art training teaches your kids strong and everlasting lessons in discipline. The lessons ultimately help children respect others and themselves throughout their life.
Children’s training is done in a structured way. The instructor ensures that students are always working on their focus and following instructions when engaged in drills and techniques. Students are taught to respect their teachers and fellow students. The instructors are well trained and can easily manage a group of students while teaching them the discipline and focus of learning self defence and anti bullying techniques.
The instructors know how to train kids who lose focus easily. Experienced instructors have many teaching methods to help students maintain their focus while practicing the fine motor skills of martial arts. These methods range from games to disciplinary actions such as pushups. The disciplinary measures used are an important part of learning a martial art and they have long lasting effects both on the mind and the body. These disciplinary acts help your child to focus on the training and get the maximum benefit from it.
By letting your kids learn any form or style of martial art in a well structured environment, you help them to build focus and discipline which will help the excel at school and in all aspects of their life..
You may have children who are stuck in front of the TV or glued to video games & don’t get the much needed exercise required for a fitter and healthier mind and body. Martial arts training provide a consistent exercise schedule that is always providing new and challenging things for a child to learn.
Martial arts training include strength, fitness and flexibility building activities for children of all ages. Most schools teach children different types of punches, kicks, acrobatics, stances and other physical skills that build a healthy body and mind, while imparting life changing self defence skills. By doing exercises regularly, your kids can stay mentally and physically fit every day.
Once enrolled in a reputed martial arts school, your children will have the time of their lives. The classes are designed for groups of kids around the same age. Your child will meet and train with new friends. The training is tailored in such a way that children find it extremely fun and exciting.
Children learn through exciting drills, traditional methods, and skill based games which keep the class moving in a fun and exciting way. You will see your kids grow in every field of life after they enrol in martial arts - parents often don’t realise the fun their kids will have by training in martial arts. Sydney is the place to search for renowned martial arts schools.
Martial Arts and Combative Training - The Basic Difference
The traditional martial arts and combative training are two different forms of fighting styles. Traditional martial art was developed as a combat training for the military. With changing times, martial art is now learned to achieve fitness, for defence purposes, as a hobby also to preserve the art. You can search online to find a renowned martial arts and Kung Fu school in your area.
Martial arts or combative training are two different things and before distinguishing between them, you must understand the origin of martial arts. The term martial arts refer to an art that is similar to war. Close quarters battle and military drills of the old days were the main reason for the birth of countless styles and systems of martial arts.
In ancient times, soldiers did not have modern weaponry and used to fight with swords, spears, daggers also hand to hand. This led the warriors to develop their own style of unarmed combat. They started to increase their muscle strength as a need of the time. Through generations this art has transferred from masters to students, but the real martial art has become an antiquity.
The ancient fighting styles or battle tactics have been transformed by the media and business houses. Many people still practice these ancient arts for many reasons. Their reasons of training are quite similar to the reasons because of which these arts came into existence. Many people get trained for defence, fitness and hobby, but a number of people just want to preserve the art.
The highly effective ancient combat techniques have been reduced to just acrobatics that has some self defence value. Many secretive fighting techniques have lost with time and these were once the pride of the warriors of ancient times. You will find that the traditional martial arts trainers depend on the spiritual philosophies and archaic training techniques of the ancient time. On the other hand, other forms of fighting rely on scientific training ideologies and up to date drilling techniques.
The combative training on the other hand is a result of the military machine. You may be aware of the fact the today’s military is far more productive and efficient than any in history. During the World War II, many military officers started working to develop a new type of combat training meant for soldiers. Different types of styles were developed so that the soldiers can fight quickly and efficiently whenever needed.
The military officers were willing to develop a new fighting style for their inexperienced troops in a matter of days. Unlike martial arts training which usually takes years of training to become perfect in it. The training was not only supposed to be over in quick time as the soldiers were required to react quickly at the war front.
Combat fights are known for having a number of dirty fighting aspects, which you will never find in traditional martial arts. The highly respected codes of the warriors are no longer present and chivalry is also dead. On conducting a small personal research, you will find that combative training is different than the traditional martial arts far more than you imagined.
If you are looking forward to learn martial arts or Kung Fu, then search out for the best training school in your neighbourhood. The school must have an expert trainer of martial arts. Sydney is the place where you can find reputed martial arts training school that offers different classes for various age groups.
Kung Fu and Martial Arts - Importance of Protection
Many people assume that Kung Fu and martial arts were Chinese or Japanese techniques of fighting that were developed before the use of guns came into the existence. What is notable here is that Kung Fu and martial arts of the old days have evolved from just fighting techniques to multimillion dollar sports enterprise. People use these arts in the gym to train and become fitter and healthier.
Kung Fu and martial arts can cause injuries while training, but with the appropriate equipment and correct precaution the negative impact can be easily minimised. All these arts are meant to give pleasurable hobbies, entertain us and also to provide an excellent sporting experience.
Mouth is considered as one of the most sensitive spots in Kung Fu and martial arts training sessions. Your teeth might get injured severely, if the correct protection gear is not used. Using mouth guard is highly recommended before you start your training session. These are small but quite important gear that helps to protect the soft and delicate tissues of mouth from hard blows and collisions.
Majority of mouth problems that are operated by dentists are linked with sports and martial arts training. The gear is also a highly effective method to avoid jaw dislocation or tooth fracture while training or competition. The mouthguards are also helpful in providing psychological safety to the fighters. It is advisable that you should get the best available mouthguard that is durable, soft and strong.
In every active session of Kung Fu and martial arts, occasional kneeling by the trainee is quite obvious spectacle. Kneeling is done to dodge a blow and quite common during training sessions. During the training, the process of kneeling is done quite frequently and quickly. This is the reason that the impact is quite hard when the kneel hits the ground, also the results can be devastating.
By having a knee guard, you can safeguard yourself from such uncertainties. The impact on the knee is fully absorbed by the guard, ensuring that the bone does not swell or crushes while practising. The best knee guard is the one that absorbs the maximum level of impact. The guard must be able to absorb the shock before it reaches your knee.
Kung Fu and martial arts are very popular sports around the globe. Just like any other sporting activity, these two also require proper intake of nutritious diet and supplements. The role of supplements in the body of a trainee or an athlete largely depends on the individual's metabolism.
It is advisable that while you are training in Kun Fu or martial arts, you should increase the nutrients in your diet. Your body may not be able to produce the required nutrition therefore proper healthy diet is a must for every trainee or athlete. The vitamin and mineral supplements enable your body to keep on training and fighting. Proper diet provides the necessary energy to deal with the rigorous training period.
To ensure complete safety of your body, you should get enrolled in a renowned school of Kung Fu and martial arts. Sydney is the place where you can easily find a renowned martial arts school.
Kung Fu has become a very popular form of martial art. The word “Kung Fu” literally translated means "hard work" or "human achievement". People generally use either the word "Kung Fu" or "Wu Shu" to describe the martial art.
Traditional Style vs. Modern Style
A division has developed between the traditional and modern styles of martial arts. During the Cultural Revolution in China, a ban was levied on practising any fighting method. When the revolution was over the Chinese government made an effort to bring back their national pride but was unwilling to bring back the fighting element, so they made it performance focused. This form came to be known as Wu Shu.
Many people still practise the traditional form which they refer as the “real Kung Fu”. Fighting skills and techniques are incorporated in this type of training which focuses on building power, speed and strength. Students are not concerned with whether the training style looks beautiful or not. There are many styles which do not look stylish but are extremely powerful.
The Art
There are various types of Kung Fu styles. These styles were created by different families who developed numerous methods of practice that grew and evolved. It’s important to remember that no matter how many styles are present in Kung Fu, it’s always considered as one art.
The Culture
Kung Fu has a deep culture, far more complex and complicated than any other form of martial art. It has a long and unbroken history. It’s often considered the oldest form of martial arts and some people call it the ‘grandfather’ of all the modern fighting arts. Many of these arts were initially influenced by Kung Fu, but later developed in their own way.
The masters of Kung Fu take a lot of pride and some of them also have secret ways of training. They may share their secret techniques with people who have trained with them for many years. The masters might hold ceremonies before accepting a beginner as their disciple.
You should not get discouraged by the length of the training period. Once you start learning, it’s only a matter of time before you start to feel more fit and active than before.
The Life
Kung Fu is considered a way of life by many of its fans across the globe. You can build the same attitude, but first you need to started in the art properly and with the right school. You can guide your life towards a positive path by learning Kung Fu. Sutherland Shire is the place to search for renowned martial arts schools.
If you are looking forward to learning a form of martial arts, first consider the core of what you want from it or put another way, think about the reason you want to learn it – it is then easier to decide on the style of martial art that will suit you best.
Only you can answer the question of why you want to learn it. Maybe you are interested in learning self-defence techniques? Then you need to choose a school who’s focus is on the practical application of Kung Fu.
Then, it’s a good idea to shortlist the styles you are interested in and to choose a category like hard external styles, or soft internal styles.
There are various types of Kung Fu training. The best method for you will depend largely on your style and needs. The teachers (Sifu) use different training methods based on their expertise and experience. Training vigorously every morning or night helps prepare you mentally and physically, builds focus and mental clarity to enable you to deal with life’s pressure and stress. Your training is regulated by your Sifu, who sets a specific curriculum.
Try to follow all of your Sifu’s instruction to get the best results from your training. Do not skip classes because doing so will hamper your training. Remember, each and every training session helps you to sharpen your skills by teaching you something new or refining the effectiveness of previous techniques.
Training helps you to stay fit and prepared. It’s a great idea to invite your siblings or friends to join you so you have someone to practise all the techniques with.
Training follows a strict routine set by your Sifu. Class begins with a Chi Kung opening to mentally prepare each student. By regulating the breath and centring the mind students are ready to begin each class. After the opening, a specific set of warm up movements and joint rotations are performed to ensure the body is physically prepared for action.
Then basic drills are performed, as set by your Sifu, this may include stance drills, pad work or partner work. Next individual practice will begin, and you concentrate on practising one sequence of new techniques only as determined by current level – This is where repetition of fine motor skills is important in the refinement and grasping of new techniques.
You can train between three to six times in a week, depending on your desire to learn the art of Kung Fu. The more you practice the better and faster you will achieve results.
Following the guidelines of your Sifu will help you to stay physically and mentally fit.
Just like any other training school, a good Kung Fu academy builds its reputation on the skills of its students. Kung Fu schools have different programs for various levels of physical training and conditioning.
Once satisfied with your development your Sifu would promote you to train for the next level. You can search online to find a renowned Kung Fuacademy in your city or region.
On walking by a martial arts school, the most common sight you will see is a group of kids learning and practising the art. In some schools, you may even see a few adults getting the training. This has led to make an impression that martial art is for the younger generation.
If you have the same thinking, then let me assure you that it is totally wrong. There are a number of misconceptions attached to it therefore it is advisable that you should conduct a small personal research if you are interested in learning any form of martial arts.
Age does not matter
What you need to understand completely is that age is not a factor that can stop you from learning any style or form of martial arts. In fact, you will become more fit physically and your body will thank you for that. It will increase your flexibility and provide you a better posture. Your muscles will feel more relaxed and chances of getting injured easily will minimise automatically.
Your physical conditioning will reach to a new level, no matter how much physically active you are. The entire body, including all the muscle groups will get a proper workout. By learning any form or style, you can also shed some excess weight and calories.
Current physical condition does not make any difference
When you find a right school with an expert instructor, then your training will be based on your current abilities and condition. An experienced instructor will decide the pace of your training making it either fast or slow and the level in which you are more comfortable.
If your instructor is experienced enough, chances of getting an injury while training are minimum. The instructor will monitor your training closely and will point out if you are making any wrong moves.
You don’t want to train with the kids
People often feel embarrassed in doing or learning physical training with kids. There are many schools that run training programs meant only for adults. With the same age group, you will surely feel more comfortable and may start looking forward to catch the fun of training with people of your age.
A better option than gym and weightlifting
Many similar health benefits you will get by joining a gym or by training in martial arts. But, there are a number of benefits of martial arts that you will not find anywhere else. At every session, it provides a full body workout with both conditioning and Cardio. Your instructor will guide you in each and every step, acting like a personal trainer.
You get an unmatched mental workout with martial arts training that you will fail to find anywhere else. Physical activities are known for reducing stress, but this type of training goes one step further. It provides an excellent focus and can be done properly only with a clear mind. Your daily stresses both mental and physical are reduced greatly by training on a regular basis.
You will get an amazing spiritual experience and inner peace which will help you to excel in your daily busy schedule. You can search online to find the martial arts school in Sydney that provides classes for adults.
Martial Arts School: 5 Rules to Consider Before Getting Enrolled
Searching for a martial arts school that fulfils all your expectations can be a tricky proposition. People are often confused in deciding about the school to select. They try to search for the right place either for their children, themselves or even for the whole family.
People often lack in the basic knowledge about martial arts, therefore they simply have no idea about the school to pick or the style in which they want to get the training. It is recommended that you should conduct a small personal research, in order to choose the best place to learn different forms of martial arts.
Nowadays, a number of schools have flourished exceptionally. What you need to understand that majority of these training schools do not provide a good level of training and you might end up wasting your money without learning the proper martial arts. What you need to do here is to follow certain rules before finalising an academy.
Rule One
Choose a school of martial arts that has been in Sydney (http://jowgar.com.au/) for minimum 5years. This does not imply that all the new schools are bad as a few of them might be very good also. But it is better to choose the one that holds some experience in the field. There are chances the new ones might get close if they fail to attract more people and if you enrolled in such an academy, then you might end up losing your money without learning anything.
Rule Two
Select a training academy that is not more than 20-25 minute commute. This rule makes a lot of sense as a convenient location will help you to extend your training period for a very long time. But, you can make an exception and break this rule if you are not satisfied with academies in your area. Martial arts schools in Sutherland Shire are quite popular for offering high standard coaching. It is much better option to drive for an extra 10-15 minutes, than getting enrolled in a substandard academy.
Rule Three
Check if the academy you are considering to join does have experienced and expert instructors. They should be able to share values and help you to achieve your goals. An instructor will shape up your routine, body and training period in a proper way.
Rule Four
Figure out the reason for which you are learning martial arts. This will ensure that you get what you want as having knowledge about what you want from a certain thing or target helps to achieve them easily. If you a beginner then you might not want to take part in tournaments. To qualify in such events, you need to work harder than basic training. Mostly these arts are learned for self defence. Kung Fu is an amazing form of martial arts and teaches various styles of self defence.
Rule Five
Always ask questions. Do not compromise on asking questions about all the aspects of martial arts which are unclear to you. Find out a few questions on the Internet about the level of training and the skills you would learn during your training period in the academy.
How Martial Arts Training Beneficial for Your Kids?
People generally think the by learning any form or style of martial arts their children might become bullies by using it as an advantage over other kids. This is a misconception about an art that is totally different from what people think. Martial art is a mixture of coordination, discipline, respect and boosts the confidence level of the learner. Following are few benefits your kid would gain by learning this art of self defence:
High level of discipline: Self-control is taught and the learner is able to concentrate more on important things. The instructors would teach the kids to concentrate and focus more on how to execute a particular technique properly and accurately.
Discipline can be defined as self-control that ensures that you do not do what has not been asked and must complete the task which has been asked to do. In other words, this technique would make your kid more disciplined than before. Any form or style would surely be hard to learn at the beginning, but the reward and goal to achieve a higher rank or level would make them disciplined.
Increases self-esteem: Your kid would gain high level of self-esteem once he/she realises his/her worth. When the child becomes more confident, capable and develops ability to face the challenges, level of self-esteem increases manifold. They would achieve success in small tasks faced in everyday life and as the training improves, these challenges start to look easier.
Learn to respect others: Value of experience, rank, age and expertise is taught by almost all the forms of martial arts. High level of experience and expertise is indicated by higher ranks. When a person achieves a particular rank, he/she can spread their art by teaching others. Even outside the gym or the training school, your kids would learn and know how respect people.
Helps to set goals in life: In any style of martial arts, specific goals in form of ranks are present. More your kid trains, the higher rank is achieved. These ranks are indicated often by using belts of different colours. Your child would learn how to face number of challenges at a time and deal with those effectively. In the training period the whole knowledge is divided into parts and ranking increase with the time and experience. This enables the learner to prioritise the gaols to advance in the process of learning.
The art of self-defence: Your kids would have to face a number of bullies in school and colleges. But they could deal with them if have ability to defend themselves. This confidence would give them immense mental peace and they would be able to concentrate more on the school activities.
Body would become fit: The training period helps to improve the muscular strength of your child. He/she would become fitter and agile than before. A better body balance is achieved and they would learn techniques to prevent injuries.
If all these points attract you, then let your kid learn martial arts. Inner West (http://jowgar.com.au/programs) is the home of many renowned schools that teach different styles of this art.
If you are looking forward to lose weight or improve your fitness level, then there is a need to do more than just jogging around in a park or treadmill. One of the best advisable things is to join some kind of physical fitness training, like martial arts, Kung Fu etc. These can help you not only to gain physical fitness but provide amazing peace mentally and emotionally also. There are multiple reasons why you should take up martial art training, some of those are:
For weight loss: with regular training, you can achieve your goal of losing extra weight. You can take up various styles and forms of Kung Fu by joining a training school. These activities generally require high intensity exercises which ultimately results in loss of calories and fat. This is an effective way to lose weight at a faster rate than any other form of workouts.
To Achieve Fitness: It incorporates drills and exercises that can help to enhance your cardiovascular fitness, improve flexibility of muscles and provide strength to muscles. These forms of trainings can help to improve cardiovascular fitness by elevating your heart rate for long periods on a regular basis. To improve the shape, size and strength of muscles, you are required to take up some type of resistance training. During the training period, you are supposed to do various types of exercise such as squats and push-ups. This results in gaining extremely high level of fitness.
A natural by-product of these physical workouts is highly improved flexibility. This majorly happens due to the reason that it incorporates different types of stretching exercises in the programs. Quite often you would find that famous athlete take up these workouts apart from their regular training just to increase the level of fitness and flexibility.
For Self Defence: One of the most basic reasons for taking this training is self-defence. The skill, strength and fitness provided by regular workouts help you in numerous ways. With ever increasing crime rate throughout Australia, people have realised that there is a real need to be skilled in some sort of self-defence technique. You can protect yourself, family and friends in case there is an attack from strangers or criminals.
Years of training are required under a professional trainer of a renowned school, to achieve a high level of confidence that you can tackle any negative situation. You can get to this goal, by getting enrolled in a martial arts school located in Caringbah (http://jowgar.com.au/protect-programs), Sydney. What is needed to be ensured here is that you get trained under an experienced and expert trainer, who can teach different styles of self-defence.
To Increase Confidence Level: Apart from offering high level of fitness and ability to defend, these trainings also help in boosting your self-confidence to an amazingly high level. This is due to the reason that you are aware about your physical fitness and defensive skills. With a better sense of achievement that is gained throughout the training period, you develop a positive attitude to face the world in a better way.
To get the best results from your martial arts training, it is advisable to get enrolled in a renowned school. If you looking forward to learn kung fu, Sydney is the place where you can find famous schools. Kung Fu offer a number of skills and benefits such as self defence, developing self confidence, helps to lose weight, increase in coordination and flexibility, makes you more disciplined and a sense of well being. Before taking admission figure out certain points related to a training centre.
What is your objective and goal for learning Kung Fu? See if you are looking for self defence physical fitness, for personal development, for competition and sports, for mental and spiritual growth. To achieve these goals you need a full-time professional school.
Find out if the school have experienced and well trained instructors as they play an important role in training. An expert instructor would help to choose the style that suits you best and develop your skills in a perfect manner. Teaching style and personality of instructor would affect your training; this is why a strong emphasis should be given on instructors. They must have excellent communication skills, leadership qualities and positive mindset. Do not make a mistake of taking admission in a school that does not have a certified black belt instructor.
Ensure that the atmosphere of the class is supportive and you are comfortable at training. See if it has all the equipment and amenities required. A class must have ample space, ventilation system and should not be overcrowded. Proper safety measures should be taken by the school and instructor must have control over students.
One of the best ways to get the right information about quality of any school is by having a conversation with its students, both current and the ones who have completed their training. Do not make quick decision after just talking to one or two students rather prefer taking advice from senior as well as beginner students. These insights are surely going to help you to a large extent in selecting the right martial arts; Sydney based school.
Figure out the style of martial arts that you want to take up. Many schools may advertise for providing different types of styles, but usually does not have expert trainers or instructors. Proper training methods and curriculum should be applied effectively. One of the styles that have become quite popular is Chinese martial art of Jow Gar Kung Fu because it results in overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth.
You would not like to come across issues related to fees between your training periods, therefore better check out all the necessary details and fee structure, ensuring that there are no hidden charges. Number of classes, schedule and location should be according to your convenience. Martial arts schools offer various training programs that usually depend on age like junior, teen and adult level. This is an excellent option as it provides a chance to train with your own age group.
People often do not take martial arts training, fearing about their physical safety. Martial art is completely safe if you get to train under expert and experienced instructor.
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