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Perfil: brian921

brian921 (Brian Johnson) - Nível Peão, 0 Brains, 30 pontos de façanha
Pontuação total: 234 vitórias, 2 empates, 158 derrotas, 0 vitórias em torneios

17. Outubro 2009, 04:14:37
Dear brian921,
Jesus knows your heart.
1.Christ is divine in nature. He was the God-man.
He is the Prince of Life.
2.Christ died. He was crucified.
3.He talked about peoples guilt. There is a penalty to pay.
4.Without a resurrection there is no salvation.
5.God has a plan. He was working behind the scenes to bring a substitute for mankinds sins.
6.There is a need to repent and be converted.
7.Christ said He will return.
8.Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Messiah, Savior, Son of God, God and the Way to Heaven.
Only through Jesus Christ can a person enter Heaven.
Jesus wants all to come to Heaven.
Jesus wants you to accept Him today.
"For God so loved the world that he have his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but thave eternal life." - John 3:16
Bless You
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