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Perfil: Nightowl

Nightowl (T Reed) - Nível Peão, 0 Brains, 5 pontos de façanha
Pontuação total: 40 vitórias, 0 empates, 207 derrotas, 0 vitórias em torneios

Dados pessoais

Nível de inscrição:Nível Peão
País:Estados Unidos
Primeiro login:15. Abril 2003, 10:15:35
Última acção:25. Fevereiro 2008, 12:51:47 - A aceder à página principal
Total de fichas:
Fim de semana:2ªFeira e Domingo
Dias de férias que restam :10 dias - a usar férias automáticas

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Convidar Nightowl para um jogo de
Descrição:Shout out 2 everyone!!!

Ok, 4 start I'm "One of a Kind" B^)
So please B patient with me when it's my turn 2 move.
I also like 2 get 2 know a little bit of who I'm playin' with 1-on-1.
Love to meet people so feel free 2 write if ya wish - I'll write back when possible:)
And sorry, I don't do Chess nor gammon; kinda 4got how ~
Oh yeah, I just wanna let ya all know that I love my critters very much.
In my heart, they R my children.
If you feel the same way about your pets almost as much as I do mine---please feel free to share your pet stories with me or post some 'Snap shots' (if U can; only in jpeg form please) at Redprincess7@webtv.net.
Would really like 2 start up a lil' pet rescue safehouse 2 foster/adopt out unwanted or someone in need of extra help for their critters such as foods n' such.
Thinking of naming it, "Helping Paws" Foundation or, Organization...
Still working out the ruff stuff of where to start first - uggh:^p
Looking forward to 'hear' from anyone who's interested in being a part of this special Animal rescue project ~

Toni & my 'critter babies'

"Give your pets a hug today" ;^)*
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