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Aganju: Mouse is stuck on a spider team in a deleted fellowship. The team and game you selected is not the game. Fencer must manually remove mousetrap from the deleted fellowship then the mouse can join any team. Until fencer addresses the issue mouse cant play.
Marshmud: ok - what about trying to 'leave' that team by creating the respective link manually? You would need to know the deleted fellowship's ID, but maybe there is a way to find it, and then insert the ID for the ### and the game ID for ***:***
If the fellowship ID cannot be found, you could use Excel or something to generate a whole list of links with "...fid=1..." to "...fid=999..", and open them all. I did something similar a while ago, and it worked perfectly - I saved the list of links in a file, loaded them as bookmarks into my browser, and then right-click 'open all'. it opens a gazillion windows, and one of them works as it should. just wait a bit and then close all.
Aganju: Exactly. I am about to delete a fellowship and will removed members manually before doing so aside from checking they are not in any teams before deleting. I am clueless in doing that procedure with links It would be easier to ask me to build a rocket to the moon Although l know the Fellowship was the Good The Bad and The Ugly. I have deleted ages ago any correspondence in messages l received from the fellowship which probably would have helped
(ascunde) Joacă în timp real cu adversarul!Pentru ca acesta să fie posibil şi tu şi adversarul trebuie să selectaţi opţiunea "Mută şi rămâi aici" şi să reâncarci pagina cu tasta F5! (TeamBundy) (arată toate sfaturile)