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This has all been said before ... so why continue ...
This is a turn-based site. Games have specific time limits. There are rules about timing-out. Fencer has indicated that shorter time frames and OTB games may be a future feature, but right now they are not.
Some people do not come here to make as many moves in as many games as possible with the objective of just completing as many games as they can (I am one of them), but rather they come to play a bit, read a bit, enjoy themselves and relax. What you talk of is trying to turn this site into a high-powered "move-or-lose" pressure cooker. If that is where Fencer decides to take this site then I will probably move on ... the (current?) very relaxed nature of this site is one of the main reasons I stayed and paid. Maybe those who want to change the nature of the site (and that is what I believe you are trying to do) can either be patient until other formats are introduced, go elsewhere (where there might be the speed but I am yet to find the atmosphere) or set up there own (and Fencer can tell you all about that!)
We are not trying to change the nature of the site, as you suggest whisperz.
We are trying to do a much more difficult task... Change the nature of the few here who purposly hold up tournaments, either because they have way too many games to handle, or they get some sort of kick out of it. Since peer pressure doesn't seem to work on these people, we are simply making suggestions which may force them into shorter game times.
The suggestions that tell me not to play games or tournaments with these people only helps in certain instances. It is not always possible to know these people.If there is a tournament with 100 people, it only takes one "bad seed" to ruin the fun for everybody, by dragging out games by making all of their moves at the last instance. It is a shame when the rights of a few ruin it at the expense of many.
Sorry IMCK, but I think you have missed the point. Not everyone thinks the way you do or wants to play "immediately" ... I enjoy taking my time, I do not do it to slow others down, nor do I do it to deliberately drag out games to see others "suffer". I enter a tournament which gives a time limit with the full intention of using that full time limit on each move if I choose to. It seems like Steve will now ban me ... sad, but that I guess is his perogative. You seem to think people do it to spite you, well that, at least with me, is not the case. I do not enter a 4 day tournament, expecting to move every day and be hounded if I don't. I deliberately do not (usually) enter 1 or 2 day tournaments because I do not enjoy them. Please do not make me, or anyone else, play to a hidden agenda ... there are enough of those on disucssion boards without taking them into the game arena!
I asked people to PM me with their lists of players who "slow play" to help me decide who I will avoid in playing games.
I had quite a response, and to all those that wrote to me, thank you,
Whisperz, you were not on any of the lists.
I guess it may be just a problem with the way each of us looks at time limits.
Personally, if I think I will need 4 days to play my turns in a particular game, I will only sign up for games with an 8 day limit. That way I can play my 4 days, and have room for longer just in case of a problem.
To me if you play a game with a certain limit, the expectation is that you plan on playing more often than that limit, but like to have the safety net of more time, just in case.
I guess what "we" are asking you, is to pick limits on games which are longer than you expect to use. If you like to move once a week, then play tournaments with a two week limit, then no one would accuse you of slow playing, because you wouldn't be!
I personally like to play everyday, and rarely have games waiting to play. I purposly keep my amount of games played down, so that I am able to achieve this goal. I would prefer to play games with a one day limit, but I know that is unrealistic, because of potential unforeseen problems. Therfore a 3 or 4 day limit is what I like to play, with the expectation that I will move much faster than that.
All I am asking you, and other "leisurly players, is to have some courtesy for us faster players, and play games with limits which are a bit longer than you expect to play.
I think 4 day tournaments are for people who expect to move every day or two, and then have some back up time.
You think 4 day tournaments are for people who only expect to move every 4 days, with no back up time. This makes no sense. You must end up timing yourself out a lot playing like that.
Do you see my point?
Use time limits which are double what you want to play, and we have no problems. A 3 or 4 day limit is for faster players, stay out of them, if you want a leisurly game. Play 7 or 10 day limits, and you will never have to bother me again!
Fair enough IMCK ... although it looks like someone has stuffed up, maybe Fencer didn't send you a list, he plays so well that it takes me nearly all my time to work out his next devious Tank Battle plan only for it to be even more intricate than I had imagined. LOL
Maybe, the interpretation of the time frame as you expressed it (and I have no problems with what you say) is something that the tournament creator could put in the header so that there is no misunderstandings later when someone who is habitually slow gets the hurry-up :)
I gotta agree with whispers, I think he's nailed it. I don't come here to finish as many games as I can. If I did, I wouldn't play so many anti-back games. :P I don't 'purposely' try to take as long as I can, but sometimes I -do- take a while to get to certain games, especially when I have a lot of other games with shorter time limits. -I'll- decide if I have 'more than I can handle' or too little or just enough. I come here for fun, not blood. For that I'll go to RavenBlack.
Some games take longer - that's cool. Some people have other things to do, other priorities, and that's cool, too. It's not up to you, Upchucking, to decide what's best for everyone. You -are- trying to change the nature of the site. Peer pressure is NOT a good thing. Neither is public humiliation. Both say a whole lot more about the pressurers and humiliators than they do about the targets of your animosities.
I don't feel a -need- to 'wipe my slate each and every day'. If I did, I'd only choose games/tournaments with a one-day limit. If you want a 'cushion' of time 'just in case', then be prepared to play slower games. It's that simple.
(ascunde) Mutând întrun koc poţi selecţiona care dintre următoarele jocuri să apară mai înainte,selectănd opţiunea din lista de lângă butonul de cedare. (pauloaguia) (arată toate sfaturile)