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Backgammon and variants.

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30. Noiembrie 2010, 22:07:23
Subiectul: Re: Points
pedestrian: I got a response "It's a visual bug. Player names should be switched in the message." I have no way of verifying it now!

30. Noiembrie 2010, 21:51:31
Subiectul: Re: Points
pedestrian: > I won this match. How come I lost rating points? It was a 7 game match, which I won 4 games to 3
> Game ID: 4914333
> ennukene00 is the winner.
> ennukene00: old BKR = 2256, new BKR = 2264 (+8)
> pgt: old BKR = 2245, new BKR = 2237 (-8)
> Game type: Hyper Backgammon

29. Noiembrie 2010, 21:56:33
Subiectul: Points
Hyper Backgammon (pgt vs. ennukene00)

How come I lost rating points in this match when I won it? I resigned the 7th game because I had already won four!

10. Noiembrie 2010, 10:08:51
Subiectul: Re: Auto-pass
tonyh: Why worry about the opponent agreeing to auto-pass? There is practically no opportunity to use auto-pass in a game with the cube, and why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the cube beggars belief.
(This is not the best site in the world to play Backgammon on, and that's a FACT!)

9. Noiembrie 2010, 12:12:51
Yes, the system is rubbish. I just checked out a waiting game, and I stood to lose 83 if I lost the game, and get 1 point if I won. Why would I even bother? What encouragement is there for good players to play against novices.
And winning (or losing) by a gammon or backgammon should involve a premium. It's ridiculous that the same points are used when on wins by a backgammon, and when there is just one point difference at the end

12. Mai 2010, 04:37:09
Subiectul: Re:
AbigailII: Life's too short to drink bad wine or play cloning backgammon!

2. Mai 2010, 13:18:14
Subiectul: Re: Most games are begin with same rolling dice numbers..
pedestrian: Whatever the reason, somebody has screwed up!

18. Ianuarie 2010, 20:44:15
Subiectul: Re: Holy crap
grenv: Great idea. I have made an appointment with my lawyer and will do the update on Thursday morning.

18. Ianuarie 2010, 10:52:24
Subiectul: Re: Holy crap
AbigailII: My last move in this tournament was in March 2006. I am collecting a pension now. In those days I could afford to be a Brain Rook. I might not even be able to afford an internet connection by the time this tournament is over (lucky I have been eliminated already)

4. Noiembrie 2009, 02:04:34
Subiectul: Re: Bias
pedestrian: I just did the same exercise on currently open games and 7 out of 15 had identical rolls for the first move

16. Iunie 2009, 00:53:52
Subiectul: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
Pedro Martínez: I think we should leave gammon out of this in case the swine take offence.

15. Iunie 2009, 09:08:14
Subiectul: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
playBunny: It's absolutely clear to me. We should not be eating the eggs of battery hens.

30. Decembrie 2008, 04:36:06
Subiectul: Re: Autopass
playBunny: What I am MORE mystified by is why anybody would want to play ludo in the first place :-) (It's such a shame - since I gave up my paid membership I can't add smilies, and I can't edit my posts, so if I make a spelling mistake it stays for all thyme)

29. Decembrie 2008, 22:29:08
Subiectul: Re: Autopass
Pedro Martínez: If it had NOT been the Crawford round, it would have been (theoretically) possible for me to double on any move, and we would have had to play out the moves, tediously, one by one, over perhaps 10 days. Get it?

29. Decembrie 2008, 22:26:18
Subiectul: Re: Autopass
Pedro Martínez: It was because that was the Crawford round, when no doubling was allowed!

29. Decembrie 2008, 04:51:47
Subiectul: Autopass
grenv: Exactly!

29. Decembrie 2008, 03:50:27
Subiectul: Re: Speed indicators
Thad: You are correct. Fencer will implement what he wants to implement. Two years ago I gave up my paid membership and promised to renew it when there was a decent autopass facility. Despite a lot of great suggestions (at the time) as to how this should be done, there has been absolutely no action And I have saved 2 years subscription!!

26. Decembrie 2008, 22:15:30
Subiectul: Re: Interminability Index
playBunny: I would have thoughtb people like you would offer carrots :-)

6. Februarie 2008, 07:36:21
Subiectul: Re:
Puckish: Thanks for your kind words, but I don't want anybody to buy a membership for me. (I will quite possibly purchase a membership again when there is a decent autopass feature implemented, but for too long we gammon players have been regarded as second-class citizens on BrainKing, and until that changes, I have already provided enough financial support and encouragement.)

6. Octombrie 2007, 09:23:23
Subiectul: Re: Etiquette
grenv: I agree! If you have avoided the gammon, and can't possibly win even by thowing 6-6 in every subsequent game, what is the point of throwing out the remaining dice? It could take three weeks!! (or more if you're playing against ....... ) (Fill in the name to suit yourself!)

5. Octombrie 2007, 20:19:50
Subiectul: Re: Bug?
AlliumCepa: Looks fine to me now too! Perhaps it was just you taking a peek! It went funny about two weeks ago, I went on vacation for a week, and it was still funny when I got back. I have not (intentionally) emptied the cache.

5. Octombrie 2007, 05:46:26
Subiectul: Bug?
Backgammon (pgt vs. SMART ALX)

Has anybody ever seen this many checkers in a BG game?

12. Septembrie 2007, 13:05:36
Plleae Please Please Please can we have an option to say "skip all my turns until I can make a legal move." It is so frustrating having to roll the dice (for absolutely no good reason - whatever you throw, you can't move) and then pass. This is the biggest weakness on this site. It needs to be fixed!

1. Septembrie 2007, 01:47:26
Subiectul: Re: Pass when all you can do is double
joshi tm: I made a similar suggestion about a year ago. Rather than a "permanent setting", I suggested a check box on the specific game which allowed something like "ignore doubles at this time, and autopass until I am in a position to actually move a piece."

28. Martie 2007, 11:43:43
Subiectul: Re: offer autopass feature during a game
AlliumCepa: I suggested something similar quite some time ago. I second this suggestion. My suggestion was to had a box or similar to check saying "autopass on my behalf until I can make a legal move, ignoring doubles" or something similar, so that it could take effect meaningfully in cube games

28. Martie 2007, 10:52:39
Subiectul: Re: Scoring of timeouts
skipinnz:  I know what you mean.  I am almost 66 years old, and wonder what will happen when I leave permanently!  There are a couple of games withe a couple of players which have already been running 2 years.   Is there a feature to advise permanent demise, or do one's games all have to time out when one shuffles off this mortal coil?   (It would serve some opponents right!)

28. Martie 2007, 10:44:43
Subiectul: Re: Scoring of timeouts
AbigailIISeparately, it would be nice to have the option to resign the entire match - not just for backgammon, but for all games.

That would seem to be taking a rather defeatist position?  As Yogi Berra said, "The game's not over till it's over"

28. Martie 2007, 09:53:16
Subiectul: Re: Scoring of timeouts
nabla: I disagree. There are many situations where one needs to play a dozen or so moves to avoid a gammon, where autopass would notb help at all. If one could resign "normal" without the need to move the dozen moves to avoid a gammon, that could potgentially reduce the time of a one-move-per day game by two weeks!!!

25. Martie 2007, 03:57:08
Subiectul: Re: I would use autopass if one of my opponents would actually let me.

25. Martie 2007, 03:55:40
Subiectul: Re:Is there even a way to know if we are playing with auto pass
Family Man: I don't see what the problem is. Whether it comes back straight away or drops to the bottom of your pile, it's still a game for you to play - and you turn comes around again a lot faster than it would if your opponent has been off line.

2. Februarie 2007, 03:49:41
Subiectul: Re: Anyone as sick of hearing me whine as iof this crap???
Czuch Czuckers: No! I remembered it because I WON it!

2. Februarie 2007, 03:31:43
Subiectul: Re: Anyone as sick of hearing me whine as iof this crap???
Czuch Czuckers: Remember this one?

Backgammon (pgt vs. Czuch Czuckers)

19. Septembrie 2006, 10:57:26
Subiectul: Re: A cure for the pain of losing
Walter Montego: Iagree with Walter. We should see the initial message in the game, it is a bug, and it should be fixed! (Are you here, Fencer?)

But you make a very good point. How can you remember and carry on a meaningful conversation about a game - let alone a multi-game match - if you are playing 100+ games concurrently? I remember the game position of almost every game I play (except for one very boring game - with a fellow countryman - who moves about once every 2 weeks) because I never have more than about 30 or 40 games running concurrently. I think BrainKing is a brilliant site, and love meeting and chatting with people from all over the world, but if all they can say is "gl" and "gg" the I suggest that they get a life, reduce their quantity of games, and concentrate on quality.

19. Septembrie 2006, 06:26:33
Subiectul: Re: A cure for the pain of losing
Modificat de pgt (19. Septembrie 2006, 06:28:07)
jryden: I agree that the "gg" thing is overdone. In the situation you describe, I usually say "Thanks for the match" or something similar - it highlights that I have won, and "suggests" that perhaps my opponent should resign.

Personally I really dislike "gl" and "gg" - if my opponents can't write out a some real words, I'd rather have silence - though I do make allowances for non-English speakers. And not all games are "gg's": a good game is one which was either close, or had some special interesting feature about it - like dramatic changes in position or fortune - probably less than 50% of games. If one player - and I don't care whether it's me or my opponent - has had two pieces blocked on the bar for a dozen moves, no auoto-pass, and an elapsed week or two against a slow opponent to actually resume "playing", then by no stretch of the imaginagtion could it be called a "gg". Likewise an opponent who strings out a lost game for a dozen unnecessary moves without resigning does not deserve a "gg".

And I like Grenv's tennis match analogy - let's not "shake hands" between individual games in a multi-game match.

18. Septembrie 2006, 23:05:48
Subiectul: Re: A cure for the pain of losing
alanback: And do you wish your opponents "good luck" (or the even the worse "gl" for the typing-inhibited), not really meaning it, and hoping that you yourself actually get all the good luck? (I now respond to "Good luck" with "Have fun" or some similar friendly greeting. Anybody who wishes me "gl" simply get "tfwmgl" or similar decipher.)

25. August 2006, 02:11:34
Subiectul: Re: NEVER GIVE UP
Hannelore: That's amazing. (I also won a game ages ago from a similar position, and I should have recorded the details for posterity.) I NEVER resign until it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to win!!

10. Mai 2006, 11:48:37
Subiectul: Re: Auto pass
Jules: I've even offered to do the programming! No. it's more than that. Fencer (I believe, for some obscure reason) thinks that you should possitively see and respond to every move, however meaningless. The programming is trivial!!

10. Mai 2006, 11:43:33
Subiectul: Re: Auto pass
Modificat de pgt (10. Mai 2006, 11:46:13)
whopper: I think to get this implemented requires a lot of creative grovelling to Fencer. Nobody has managed to achieve it so far, despite many attempts. I'm not sure exactly what it is that is necessary to do, but I am willing do do anything (almost) if we can discover what the secret is.

10. Februarie 2006, 08:28:19
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I thought that was exactly what we had already concluded!

10. Februarie 2006, 02:56:02
Subiectul: Re:
Walter Montego: I did not misread the question Walter. I believe my response was correct for BG as currently implemented. I guess I could have expanded it to cover some hypothetical variation which may or may not be implemented in the future.
Should a variation be implemented, I believe my response would be the same for an "n wins match", but hopefully, for an "n points match" then 2 points would be awarded for a resignation in a gammon position, and three points in a backgammon position. Ideally, the resignation should be able to specify whether the resignation offered a 1, 2 or 3 point resignation, and the other player could accept or reject the resignation accordingly (but this last point has all been discussed in the past, I believe.)

10. Februarie 2006, 01:32:12
Subiectul: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: You opponent wins one game

1. Decembrie 2005, 01:46:10
Subiectul: Re: glitch?
Rose: You must move 11 to 10, and then 6 to 1
This is part of the new rules recently implemented - correctly - that you MUST move both pieces if you are able to. And unfortunately for you, if you move 11 to 6, you could not use your 1-spot!

22. Noiembrie 2005, 22:27:14
Subiectul: Re: Advise please
Czuch Chuckers: That's not exactly rocket science!!

22. Noiembrie 2005, 20:45:19
Subiectul: Re:
grenv: The really SIMPLE solution would be for players to sign up for only the number of games which they can savour and enjoy, and think about.

13. Noiembrie 2005, 10:01:30
Subiectul: Rules clarification
Modificat de pgt (13. Noiembrie 2005, 20:03:26)
Fencer: Could I suggest the following:

"A backgammon match with the doubling cube must specify the number of points a player must reach to win the match. The doubling cube value is initially set to 1 for each game in the match, and is displayed on the right edge of the board. The number of points allocated to the winner of each game depends upon the value of the doubling cube at the end of the game, and the winner of the match (which may comprise several games) is the first player to reach the initially agreed number of points. The following sections describe all of the rules in detail:"

2. Noiembrie 2005, 07:25:19
Subiectul: Re: Autopass in some form is needed here
Fencer: I stand corrected. I plan to transfer exactly the same philosophy to my own business starting tomorrow!

2. Noiembrie 2005, 06:43:50
Subiectul: Re: Autopass in some form is needed here
alanback: I think Fencer's time is best spent on making his paying customers happy

2. Noiembrie 2005, 05:31:17
Subiectul: Re: Autopass in some form is needed here
Walter Montego: I couldn't agree more. I've been clicking "autopass" for a week now in one game at the rate of a couple of moves a day, and to be blunt, it pisses me off!

20. Octombrie 2005, 11:50:50
Subiectul: Re: The cube and other stuff
Fencer: Then my opponent must have really offended the dice God to have lost that confidence - or maybe didn't enjoy playing against me.

I haven't been game to try resigning so far, but I will give it a go one day soon. I hope you are right, but if you are wrong ..... (you wouldn't be wrong though!)

20. Octombrie 2005, 11:32:12
Subiectul: Re: The cube and other stuff
Marfitalu: I am basically happy to win 8 points, which I did. I believe that my opponent did not realise that he/she would lose 8 points by resigning, which is why I feel bad!! I understand the rules perfectly. But thanks for your concern.

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