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Subiectul: Re: Finally,my fave zydeco band LUCKY 7 has been found!
Jim Dandy: Listening....what's your fave album? I'm already looking for 801 for you. It's on my list, anyway, you want me to put Lucky 7 there too, better be specific.
TexasToest: Watching these guys on The Midnight Special at 13,sitting in a motel room in ST PETE'S Florida was my Beatles on Sullivan moment.I was mesmerised.The next day I ran to the record store,and begged the motel belly dancer to take me to her house so I could listen to it.I wrote them letters asking them to please play my home town.They also motivated me to pursue the drums.When this album came out,it created a vision in my mind of the ultimate rock concert experience,it was all I had dreamed they would sound live.This is still considered one of the best live rock albums ever released