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20. Iulie 2010, 09:04:02


From: §Ange£(LEADERofdaPacK:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)
Date: 06/24/03, 12:20

Subject: hey....whats this...

i found a HOT PINK coconut bra over here in the bushes....hmmmmm...lQQks like the one Cathy had on...*wonders what she
was doin over here???hehehe...lQQkin up at the coaster I wonder why it is swayin so badly...and noises...skreeeeeeee....skreeeeech...i musta had one to many drinks or is it for I hurrily move away from the coaster...I hear another
noise....sounds like someone sobbin and screamin....*wwa oo ewww waann ummm
eee* sounds familar....I need to find the person in trouble but just as I
approach the door under the of the guide wires holdin
the coaster breaks...I run for help in a paniced state.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....HELP! HELP!

{*see I noticed* im in the clear:)}


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 12:46

Subject: ;) LOL n/m


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/24/03, 13:18

Subject: princess runs outside to look for the others...

she notices Angel running with her arms waving up in the air screaming at the top of her lungs,so she
runs toward Angel and asks "whats all the commotion?" where is everybody? did they
all go on the coaster? just then,she looks over at the coaster & notices something VERY WRONG...OH MY GOD!


From: §Ange£(LEADERofdaPacK:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)

Date: 06/24/03, 13:20

Subject: shhhhhh....remember you have been bound and kinky....u go gurl:)roflmcao:)


From: Paranoia Promoter


Date: 06/24/03, 17:02

Subject: Standing in the shadows he watches as people board the roller

coaster. after the ride runs for a few minutes the wires will begin to snap. He watches

carefully to see if his target has boarded the ride. Suddenly to the far side of
the coaster, he hears a piercing scream and yelling. What is happening?  Dang,
someone has noticed the first wire snapping and is warning people not to ride
the coaster! the plan foiled, the stranger disappears into the night to begin
preparations on plan B.
He thinks to himself he still has phase I to deal with. off to the hotel to see how the hostage is doing....


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 17:10

Subject: Faint screaming is heard in a distance.. Unsure of the time of day, and feeling a bit weak

due to hunger.. Cathy quietly sits.... her wrists raw due to the rope.. arms a bit achy since she has tried to rub her arms
against the sharp corner of the night stand next to her... to undo the rope.. if only she could find something a bit sharper to work with..

The room remains pitch black.. and the scampering of feet drift past the door, with a chuckling sound now and then.. If only she didn't have this cloth gag..

She hears some pacing in the hallway.. heavy steps coming towards the door.. then hears the handle slowly turning..


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«(higgsfam)

Date: 06/24/03, 17:23

Subject: **Side Note**


This is where my mystery man has a chance to come save me.. so that I can give him a big kiss.. and a hug.. and
still make it over to the amusement park so I don't miss any action


From: Paranoia Promoter

Date: 06/24/03, 17:33

Subject: walking back to her room

Raven walks past a door and she hears a strange grunting sound coming from within. She notices that the room number is
666. with a shy smile she wonders to herself what they are doing in that room. She is concerned that Cathy has not returned to the BBQ. Deciding to check on her, Raven turns to go to the elevator that will take her to Cathy's room to see what is keeping her. As she turns to there is a loud crash in room 666. concerned that someone may be hurt, she boards the elevator and goes to the lobby to report the crash.
At the front desk, Raven tells the clerk of the noises she hears from the room. The clerk returns a blank stare to Raven. "Miss"
the clerk says "We have no room 666 in this hotel".....



Date: 06/24/03, 17:34

Subject: ... Apache comes out of the elevator followed closely by Goddess...

... Not that is just what I needed, but hey!!! Where did everybody go??? Just like IYT pals to take off without me, oh well let's go ck out the amusement
park... Goddess nods and stumbles slightly as she needs to find her land legs again...


From: Studd Muffinz Hero At Your

Date: 06/24/03, 17:58

Subject: Twisting the knob.. and pushing lightly..

... on the door.. The tall bulky masculine Studd Muffin enters the room.. Hearing a slight frightened
pant coming from accross the suite.. He reaches over and flicks on the light..

Instantly he melts seeing such a beautiful sight, bound and gagged..
*thinking to himself - Wow!! What I could do with a girl that couldn't talk!!
LOL His nasty thoughts suddenly flash back into his back mind.. and paces over
to where the frightened lady awaits..

He reaches down.. lifting her in one swoop!! LMCAO!!! and carries her over to the bed..

Rolling her on her stomache.. he reaches down to her tiny hands.. letting his fingers
sweep over her skin.. and stops at the rope.. untieing it in a quick manner.. freeing Miss Cathy..

He hears her sultery voice.. as she gratefully asks how she can ever repay him.. LOL

Not a worry little Miss.. the pleasure was mine.. and with those words.. he quickly lashes out of the room..

Dropping a business card on the floor..


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 18:09

Subject: Cathy gathers her thoughts for a

moment as she rubs her wrists... *pout*

Finally arising from the bed.. she quickly runs to the door..
stopping to pick up the tiny paper card on the floor.. On it read..


Muffinz Hero -- At Your Service
No Job too big.. No Job too small..
I come prepared for anything!!!

Pushing the card down into her shorts and grabbing a towel to cover her top half *I will have to thank
him later, she thinks to herself* She quickly runs out into the hall.. almost
running smack into the Chief and Goddess.. WHoa!! How ya doing there??
She asks.. feeling a bit more safe.. What time is it?? ... I have to hurry..



Date: 06/24/03, 18:19

Subject: ... Woah down there little one...

... Were just looking to find the party... I'm hungry and Goddess wants a ride before they shut down for
the night... Why the heck are you sooo pale, are you sick or drunk??? Calm down and we will help you... Surely the party is not out of control just because we took a a a Breather, yeah thats it...


From: Paranoia

Date: 06/24/03, 18:56

Subject: Alarmed at the statement of the desk clerk

Raven reboards the elevator and pushes the button for the Sixth floor. Dashing out of the elevator she
runs down the hall to where she saw room 666. 660, 662, 664, 668 she comes to the
end of the hall. retracing her steps she checks the doors on the opposite side
of the hall 661, 663, 665, 667 again the end of the hall. this is strange,
there is no room 666. could this all have been a dream?
reboarding the elevator she decides to go up to Cathy's room to check on her anyway. the elevator
doors open and Raven steps out just in time to see Cathy disappear into her room...
she is topless! oh dear what has that girl been up to.......


From:Paranoia Promoter

Date: 06/24/03, 20:01

Subject: shrugging her shoulders
raven gets back into the elevator and goes back down to her room and changes for the BBQ. Dressed in sleek
black slacks and deep cut teal silk blouse, Raven makes her way to the
Courtyard where the BBQ is already in progress. Hello everyone, I will have a sour apple
martini please. Do i see ribs? oh boy i will need a bib for those! lol


of Oak and Thunder

Date: 06/24/03, 20:05

Subject: Hey, Chief, let's see if anyone's at the bar while we.......

.....wait for Cathy to get decent, and Raven to get her booty back down here. Besides, I need some liquid courage for those

Entering the bar, Chief and Goddess don't recognize a single face.....Strange, isn't this where we were all supposed to meet? I don't
even see Mikey or Erika. They
never miss a good party!



Date: 06/24/03, 20:33

Subject: No, we don't ever miss a good party..
Unfortunately Mike and Erika are still running thru the park, looking for Cathy.. since
nobody told us she was rescued. Would somebody please send Life-Flight.. Mike and
Erika are hyperventilating! ;)


Lady(proud member of the ES Mob)
((Foxy Lady)

Date: 06/24/03, 20:39

Subject: Nurse Foxy to the rescue with small paper bags
breath into the bags,and you'll get your breath back to normal.....Geez can't leave
you goes alone one minute.Ok party time.



Date: 06/24/03, 20:51

Subject: OOOooOoPpppSS!!! hahahaha.. OHhhhh sorry.. Wait!! Wait!! I got a
business card from a Studd!~!!
OMG!! LOL.... I gotta peee!!!!!!!! Hold on!!!!



Date: 06/24/03, 20:53

Subject: princess see's that things are starting to...
calm down a bit,but the fact that there are people on the
coaster still worries her...and where is erika? she's been dying to get
on that coaster all day! princess then starts walking slowly back to the hotel
with her head down..she feels a shiver go down her spine & begins to walk a
little faster..feeling thirsty-i think i'l
l go to the bar when i get to
the hotel & hopefully i'll see some familiar faces...


From:Studd Muffinz Hero At Your

Date: 06/24/03, 20:56

Subject: Running up to Erika..grabbing her suddenly..
Placing Cupped hands over her lips... BREATHE BABY

OMG!!! LMAO!!!



Date: 06/24/03, 21:16

Subject: Cathy hurridly with jitters from being alone.. slips into her room..
fumbles in her suitcase.. gathers up her white eyelet blouce.. along with her black leather skirt.. and hops into
the bathroom for a quick shower and change..

15 mins later.. after fluffing her hair dry she makes her way cautiously to the back patio of
the Hotel where the bbq is.. hearing laughter come from the bar she slips in

ordering up a Long Island and spots Chief and Goddess.. along with
Raven.. wow!! What a beautiful teal blouce she has.. I must ask her where she found
it.. thinking to herself.. as she confronts the table for dinner.. As she
arrives.. she inquires on the where abouts of Erika.. wondering if she had slipped
on to the Amusement park for the early bird Event.. being held.. Looking over
at the wall spoting the clock.. she quickly realizes that the amusement park
would have closed just mins before.. and decides to patiently wait for her
arrival.. as she starts to take a seat.. her chair is slipped out for her.. by a set of
strong arms.. she lets her eyes follow the masculine curves and sexy viens
leading up to a pair of Hazel eyes set in a warm face framed by dark golden hair..
OHhhhhh Wow!! You made it she screams with delite..



Date: 06/24/03, 21:27

Subject: Excuse me!!!..
I believe rescuing Erika and Mike is more important than your urge to pee! LOL

Thanks Foxy and Stud Muffinz.. Erika, still dazed from collapsing from heat

exhaustion and hyperventilation, walks back to the party. "We must still
find out who's responsible for trying to harm us on the coasters.." While the
others are busy socializing, Erika begins investig


From:bwildman (bwildman)

Date: 06/24/03, 21:44

Subject: Still looking over the invitation he recieved...the
Wildman still can't find that fine print!!!!!! LOL:)



Date: 06/24/03, 21:57

Subject: What fine print, B?? *fluttering lashes*
You snuck up on me.. When did you get here? *sassy smile*



Date: 06/24/03, 23:04

Subject: princess walks in the hotel and...
goes straight to the bar...with big relief,she see's the gang is there safe &
sound...hello everybody! barmaid,may i please get a long island?



Date: 06/24/03, 23:10

Subject: suddenly princess
feels these big...

strong hands covering her eyes from behind her...hmmmm-i wonder who it could be..


From:Paranoia Promoter

Date: 06/25/03, 06:08

Subject: He opens the door to room 666
and goes inside to claim his prize. after switching on the light, he is startled to see untied ropes
laying where his prize used to be. Rage wells in him, foiled again. But how could
anyone have found this room? mear mortals cannot see this room. There must be
another force at work in this hotel. He must find out who else, from the world, is here......

20. Iulie 2010, 08:44:57
Subiectul: Re:
Jim Dandy:  I found an oldie huh.. thought it was good reading.. Might even get some ideas going here..

20. Iulie 2010, 08:44:04

From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 23:07

Subject: princess now feeling...

all warm and fuzzy inside catches her,B-would you like to come to my room for some *ahumm*
<clearing throat>some drinks after you freshen up?


From: bwildman(bwildman)

Date: 06/23/03, 23:26

Subject: Wondering about the grass skirt

hanging from the motionless ceiling fan,the Wildman looks down at Princess and says...
Thats a mighty temting offer Princess,but first lets meet at the bar so I can say hello to
Then with a wink,says.. Then lets see what happens.....


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 23:40

Subject: ...but of coarse!...

princess then looks up at the grass skirt hanging...first confused,then bursts out laughing,remembering seeing a
man who resembled the chief wearing it earlier...


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 00:13

Subject: Sitting tied in the darkness.. a door slowly creeks open..

casting a silouette in the doorway.. blinking her eyes due to the brightness after being in the dark
for several hours.. Cathy mumbles a bit through the gag that has been tightly wrapped around her head.. her wrists hurt from the rope that keeps her
bound.. as she struggles to try and losen its constricting ways.. mumbling again a bit louder to the figure.. wwa oo ewww waann ummm eee.. ??

He slips back out closing the door behind him..

Cathy remains silent.. nervous of the outcome.. as she sits motionless she hears some laughter coming from
another area.. It sounded like B.. Hmmm??? and the Princess..


From: §Ange£(LEADER:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)

Date: 06/24/03, 07:29

Subject: ;)...big bucks

the skimpier the kini...the more they cost:) believe me i
know:) now get that pickemup truck off the lawn before the chief catches


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/24/03, 08:20

Subject: princess turns to B..and says wait!

did you hear that? i couldnt make out what the first noise was,but the second one was a door closing starting to get a bad feeling,B-i must run & tell the others...princess then runs toward the elevator,thinking to
herself,hmmm-i still havent seen cathy around...


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 08:32

Subject: ****CUT!!! Stop the Story****



Where is everyone.. you all are suppose to be at a barbecue by now.. mingling.. having fun.. Heck.. even
by best friend ahem!! Erika.. hasn't noticed that I am not around.. LOL... I guess you
all like it that way since I won't be talking as much!! LMCOA!!!

Pardon me.. Michael.. or hey! Ricky!! CYD!! if you are here.. or someone just reading
that wants to join in.. We need a detective.. I need to be rescued so that I can
go to the barbecue.. and then to the amusement park so that I can
distract Erika and who ever else was gonna ride the rollercoaster.. !!

Okay a few mins break so I can get some coffee going.. and let my hands rest from that
stupid rope tied around my hands.. To whomever it is.. can you please not tie
me up as tightly!!


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/24/03, 08:52

Subject: LOL I didn't say anything about you missing..
..cuz we're still recovering from being awakened with singing here. ;) (okay, now i'm really
confusing things.)

Let the caffiene absorb first, then i'll add on. But know that
i'm IMpatiently waiting for the coasters to come into this story line! ;)


From: bwildman

Date: 06/24/03, 08:56

Subject: Holy Sh*t......

I'm sorry,guess I didn't read the back of  the invitation!! LOL


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 09:24

Subject: I sing ONE TIME!!!!ROTFLMCAO!!!

And YOU still need recovering.. HUmph!! Fine friend you are!! hahaha

Coffee is here... with chocolate raspberry creamer!


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 09:28

Subject: *LQQK* previous in link..

Our newcomer Princess was able to notice I wasn't around.. see.. she cares for me.. *folding arms over breast, snubbing
nose up in the air, tapping right foot* ahem!! LOL

(Seeing Princess walk back over with coffee).. Well.. hey there Girlfriend.. *smiling, and turning to
her.. letting arms drop.. and sipping on coffee.. You are doing such a fine job..*

*Big Grin*


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/24/03, 09:30

Subject: *Erika kicks gate fence*.. she waits for the coaster rides to open. She sees two figures, dressed in dark clothing doing something to the cables on one of the rides.

Erika runs back to the party and informs the guests that something strange is going on
at the park. She then (FINALLY!) notices that her dear, singing friend Cathy is missing.

"Has anyone seen Cathy?" Erika panics.. and runs back to the amusement park..


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 09:36

Subject: LMCAO!!!

Oh.. I can't stop laughing.. I think I might just pee my pants!!! lol hOLD ON!!


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/24/03, 09:42

Subject: Well hello Mr Innocent!!

hahahha.. Good Morning! :D


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/24/03, 10:09

Subject: why thank you cathy! ...

mmmmmmmmm this coffee is good...i think im going to need a refill-0:-P


End Of
Part One


From: §"green eyes" (emaryjo)

Date: 06/24/03, 10:48

Subject: get going with the story! It's like

reading a good book. Next chapter, please. n/m


20. Iulie 2010, 08:30:08
The Col 
ScarletRose: You're really kickin it old school
Some of those names I have not seen for eons

20. Iulie 2010, 08:27:31

From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 13:54

Subject: still shivering...hello erika...

pleased to meet you!


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/23/03, 14:25

Subject: Nice to meet you too, Princess..

Come have a drink and ride some coasters.. it will warm ya right up. Goddess has served a spectacular
looking tray of appetizers as well. :)



Date: 06/23/03, 15:03

Subject: ... All right!!!

... Somebody took my hula skirt... Now I'm gonna take my pipe up to my room ... $%$###%!#%@$^&&**&_


From: §Goddess of Oak and Thunder (keista)

Date: 06/23/03, 15:27

Subject: Right on you heels, Babe!;)


From: Paranoia Promoter


Date: 06/23/03, 15:31

Subject: hiya chief


From: Paranoia Promoter


Date: 06/23/03, 15:32

Subject: lol fingers are slippery

from the hot butter on the steamers, lol, hit that enter key by mistake.
so how was the shark tournament? any mako for the barbie?


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 16:06

Subject: Girlfriend.. we aren't at the amusement park YET!!!

LOL.... We are still by the poolside


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/23/03, 16:28




From: §"green eyes"

Date: 06/23/03, 17:25

Subject: I want to ride the costers too, I better quit

drinking then. Wouldn't be ladylike to throw up on a ride. lol


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 17:42

Subject: Cathy steps out of the pool.. all burnt to a crisp.. Well.. I best be

getting upstairs and freshen up for the bbq... See ya all really soon! :)

Entering the hallway from the elevator on her floor.. Cathy slips her hand into her bag and fumbles for the key..
*thump!!*.. A startling noise quiets her.. as she stands stiffly, not moving a muscle.. *GASP!!*

(She shuffles and kicks, hands over her mouth.. and firm arms hold her tightly.... she drops her key)


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 18:21

Subject: Ooooooooooo coasters!

Yes!... appetizers look yummy! i think i'll have some!


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 18:24

Subject: hmmm..I wonder where cathy disappeared to..


From: Paranoia Promoter


Date: 06/23/03, 18:56

Subject: Mission one complete, meanwhile

another shadowy figure moves slowly as not to draw attention to himself. He is holding a medium sized
black bag in his hand. Reaching his destination, he takes one last look around
to make sure he is not being watched then he slips quickly into the small wooden
door under the roller coaster ride. Reaching into the bag he removes the
small flashlight. making his way to the center of the space he finds what he
is searching for..... a little snip here, a little snip there and it will be done.


From: bwildman

Date: 06/23/03, 21:51

Subject: LOOK-OUT!!!!!!!

I screamed..shaking my fist at the elderly couple who had pulled in front of the barely legal four wheel drive pick up.Damn Sunday

drivers!!!! Man,I should have left yesterday...but no....had to stay and tune those poor girls engines before I left.*chuckle* I wonder what they have
to pay for those skimpy bikini's? OH NO!!!!!missed the exit!!! oh well,I'll just cut through here..
Taking out a rather large section of chain link fence and several small trees..the big off roader finally found itself in the
parking lot of the hotel.
The Wildman says to himself"I made it!" and walks up to the office.


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 22:32

Subject: Princess happened to be in the lobby when...

she noticed the wildman checking in..she walks up to greet him-hello B! its about time you got here-it
looks to me like you could use some fun & relaxation!


From: bwildman

Date: 06/23/03, 22:54

Subject: Fun and relaxation? hehehe

Thats my middle name!!! Princess...your a sight for sore eyes! Come here and give me a big hug!
Dropping the bags he was carrying,the Wildman wraps an arm around Princess and pulls her close
for a little more than friendly kiss.Quicky remembering his manners he sets her down
gently,and says... Princess, I need a drink!..but first I need to find my room and freshen up a bit.....

20. Iulie 2010, 08:17:27
Subiectul: Re:

From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 10:45

Subject: and you certainly look so kewt in that

short cocktail hula skirt with the coconut bra like top!! *giggle*


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:02

Subject: hello cathy...

thank you,you are very kind-0:-)


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:08

Subject: thanks! <blushing>...

you look kewt yourself! where did you get that bikini?


From: §Ange£(LEADER:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:17

Subject: well then.........

wheres my drink???:)hehehe


From: §Ange£(LEADER:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:21

Subject: coconut bra.......roflmcao:)

omg...i wonder where he got that.......i want one:)...does it come in hot neon orange...i wonder....hehehe


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 11:28

Subject: I want one in Hot Pink..... Hey girl friend.. Good to see ya make it!!

Getting set for the bbq later? and then the Amusement park.. ?? wonder if we will get to meet Pat Chu.. ?? :)


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 11:40

Subject: Why thanks.. I bought mine from OP..

Ocean Pacific.. They have lots of really top styles..


From: §Ange£(LEADER:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:45

Subject: hihi:) starved...*wonders what is one the appetizer tray

over there?....and i needa drink:)oops...i think his skirt thingy just got caught on the corner of the bar....hehehe....RUN..Chief..RUN

**Myyyyyyyy BADDDDDDDDD:)


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 11:58

Subject: cool! Im gonna have to pay that store...

a visit! 0:-)..Im going to go take a dip in the pool now-would anyone like to go with me?


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 12:02

Subject: Thought I would take a quick swim also

before I go get freshened up for the BBQ.. Sneaking a baby carrot from the veggie dish as I pass by.. Okay.. so I took 5.. LOL


From: §Goddess of Oak and Thunder (keista)

Date: 06/23/03, 12:06

Subject: As always, I prepared a wide assortment of goodies.........

.....We have of course, my famous CUCUMBER SALAD, fresh fruit salad picked this
morning from the garden, mushroom caps stuffed with lobster, crab cakes, and
what party would be complete without "pigs in a blanket"?

Today's main course will include grilled T-bones, lamb kabobs, and fresh steamers flown in from
LI Sound. (don't forget to pull those condoms off!)

Ok everybody, don't get frostbite jumping into the pool. With all the rain we've been having,
it's quite chilly!

~Enjoy Life!


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 12:10

Subject: Heavenly.... Empty our stomaches will be later.. hehe..

That sounds double dili icious!!


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 13:02 Subject:


Emerging from the water quickly.. OOOOOOHhhh COLD!!!!! Moving arms around to keep warm.. It's a bit nipply in here!
*giggle*.. reaching for the beach ball floating past.. Where are all the stud muffins..!! I might need some warming up later.. *giggle*


From:§Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/23/03, 13:10

Subject: Over there!..

The studs are giving CPR to the scared women getting off the
coasters. (I bet you'll ride now, won't ya?)..(the coasters, of course!)


There's a medicine man over there too.. seems to appear similar to
that chief who had been passed out in the elevator. He has some good
stuff in that pipe of his! :)


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 13:23

Subject: brrrrrrrr...t t t teeth ch chchattering..n/m


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 13:45

Subject: hey cathy... would you mind introducing me to your friend erika? it
looks like shes having a ball!....and she knows where all the stud muffins
are! hee hee


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 13:47

Subject: Erika.. I would like you to meet a new

face to IYT Town.. *wading over a bit and tapping her shoulder to get her attention back towards Princess and I*

Erika meet Princess.. Princess meet Erika..

20. Iulie 2010, 08:06:06
Subiectul: Re:
From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/22/03, 15:36

Subject: After freshning up some, Cathy steps

out of her room... and heads down to the pool reaching the patio she quickly
heads over to the barmaid placing her order for a Long Island..

Sipping slowly on her refreshment she glances around.. mingling through the crowd.. first passing Foxy and

recalling that date to be her last wedding date.. adding that must be a popular date.. *giggle*.. after short convo Raven stops over.. I had a lovely
vacation.. just wish I could have visited more with a Special person.. adding that Erika and her family were very nice and is definately like a sister she never had.. I also was able to meet up with my oldest daughter and her special someone.. before returning home.. It was the most memorable vacation I have ever had the pleasure of taking.. True, real.. down to earth meetings.. How is your summer treating you?? Any vacations in the near future for you?.. Glancing more around the pool and noticing Erika, Excuse me.. I am being called from the other side.. perhaps we can catch up more after a bit..

Cathy steps over to Erika.. announcing the RollerCoaster she noticed from the cab on the way to the Hotel..
including the camcorder is all set and ready to catch the expressions from those who dare to ride it.. LOL..

Soon the barmaid walks over handing Cathy another Long Island.. she quickly gulps down the rest of the first one..
feeling a bit light headed in a good way..

HMmmm.. wonder who all will be here?? Glancing more around the patio..


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/22/03, 16:09

Subject: oooooooohh no ya don't..

Erika instructs one of the kids to remove the battery from the camcorder, as Erika's had enuf pics taken for the next 5 yrs.
(!!!) The lil' one gives Erika the camera battery, without Cathy noticing, Erika runs inside, hits the elevator button, and notices some passed out Indian
Chief  riding up and down in the elevator, with nobody else present. "Oh well" she thinks to herself.. wonder if he'll notice that i've exchanged this
battery for that intriguing looking white powder.

Erika then begins to walk back outside, anxious to ride the coasters, when she hears somebody yelling
"WHERE'S MY PINK LIGHTER???!!!" Whoops, she makes a 180, hoping nobody notices..


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/22/03, 16:43

Subject: Cathy stands down at the patio

mingling with
everyone.. realizing that Erika has the whole night ahead of her to wait out.. Since the trip to IYT TOWN
Amusement.. doesn't begin til Tomorrow!! LOL

Where is that battery from my camera.. Hmmm.. good thing I brought spares..


From: Paranoia Promoter

Date: 06/23/03, 08:39

Subject: Raven is now on her 3rd Martini
and feeling mello. Thats good that you had a nice trip, cathy. When my children were young, road trips were
the best thing for them. they got to see a different place almost every day
and didnt get bored. we would drive during the night when they were asleep
in the back seat, so we didnt hear alot of "are we there yet". lol
I did go on a vacation to boston just last week to visit my daughter and i plan
another in august to the deep south to visit relatives. I bet it was nice to see
your daughter again, i know how hard it is having them away from home.
Man its getting hot out here, im going for a dip, talk to you later.
Raven takes out one of the rafts with the drink holders in it and lays down on the water
to soak up the afternoon sun.


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 09:45

Subject: The Princess finally

...she looks around very nervously hoping to get aquainted with everyone here...hmmmmmm feeling
thirsty-i need a drink! 0:-)



Date: 06/23/03, 09:54

Subject: ... One long island iced tea comming up...

... Cochise ,now refreashed decides to help out the hotel by serving drinks...


From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)

Date: 06/23/03, 10:07

Subject: Long Island iced tea? mmmmm yummy!

Princess starts sipping on the "iced tea" very slowly...very satisfied,her mouth is no longer dry..thanks
cochise! its very nice of you to help out!


From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§«


Date: 06/23/03, 10:43

Subject: Well hello Princess.. :)

It is always nice to meet up with new faces.. Hope you enjoy the events of this week..

*motions to the barmaid for another round*

20. Iulie 2010, 07:55:22

Topic: Addicted to IYT

From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§« (higgsfam) Date: 06/22/03, 11:07

Subject: Cathy reaches into her mail box..

pulling out the Thursday flyers, and bills.. suddenly
an offwhite envelope drops to the floor.. HMmm?? no return
address, she thinks to herself as she slips her finger along the seal to
pop it open..

Slipping out the card snuggly fit inside she smiles as she
reads.. "Your are cordially invited!" and hurridley she opens it to find.. "To
attend The IYT annual Picnic located at the IYT Town Amusement Park"
scanning quickly over the details she runs back towards her home.. to arrange the
travel arrangements and dates her calendar.. WOw.. that is this weekend!!

She calls in her reservations and prepares her bags to leave..

Later that evening she arrives at the IYT Town Hotel and checks in.. Looking around
the lobby to see if she recognizes anyone..



Date: 06/22/03, 11:34

Subject: ... Cochise finds a message left on

his machine...
... Damn, the message is 3 days old... He quickly informs his first mate that he will be away for
the weekend and that he is to retrive the longlines on his own... Only have
time to pack a dufflebag and will pick up anything needed when I arrive... A
quick look around proves that packing should be done slowly as he picks up the
almost forgotten pipe...


From: §Erika (Erika)

Date: 06/22/03, 12:11

Subject: One question.. are there

..and how long are the lines?
(okay, that's two questions, but from my town of Nobody Cracked Here,
that's alright.) :)



Date: 06/22/03, 12:34

Subject: ... Upon entry...

... Cochise spends almost 3 hours at the airport checkin while
trying to explain the white powder in the pipe... After a quick call to
the reservation he gets the results that he was waiting for... Damn
uninformed airport police, Oh well ... Off to the hotel and a much needed


From: Paranoia Promoter

Date: 06/22/03, 13:20

Subject: Raven checks in on her message

and finds the invitation to the iyt event. Dang i hope im not too late!
Running into the lobby, I see most everyone is still by the pool, only most of them are burnt to a crisp
and sipping brightly colored drinks with funny umbrellas in them. Oh well, I
have some serious making up to do. Barkeep! i will have a Sour Apple Martini
please and get the next one ready, this one wont take long to drink! Hi
everyone! welcome back cathy, how was the trip?


From: §Foxy Lady(proud member of the ES Mob)
(Foxy Lady)

Date: 06/22/03, 13:49

Subject: Ok Cathy i'm here i got your

Did i miss it all or are you all in the ER burnt to a crisp?


From: §Big Bad Wolf ²ººº at the beach party

Date: 06/22/03, 13:56

Subject: Sneaks over to the beach nearby

Wow lQQk at all the bikini babes :P



Date: 06/22/03, 14:24

Subject: ... Ok OK!!!

... I'm here, now where is my room??? cochise runs past all the
people wanting to see if he brought the pipe and hides in the
elevator... Damn, If I don't get some rest I'll pass out in front of everyone...


29. Iunie 2010, 21:07:05
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Skyking: Sure some kind of Pirate ship

6. Decembrie 2008, 17:17:06
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Hariot had dreamed the poem and slaped herself for figuring it out. It was something she read as a child.

29. Noiembrie 2008, 20:46:40
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Hariot had to offer him passage on her time machine if she ever figured it out. The professor would be furious. She decided without no one elses help she would figure this out herself...

15. Noiembrie 2008, 20:12:52
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Peter searched everywhere on the Computer and found nothing...

26. Septembrie 2008, 01:14:28
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Heriot Juston wasn't a student of poetry but she had to involve a friend who might know who wrote this poem. So she asked a Guy named Peter Hern who was majoring in Literature....

14. Iulie 2008, 16:42:01
Subiectul: Re:
Flying ships and slapping sails.
Hooks on Pirates and black patches.
Clouds of whisp white cotton.
And boxes of treasure.
Gold sparkles and twinkling jewels.
And just as a bubble floating playfully from the lips of a child. POP!
The water whistled as the steam fluttered from the spout.

14. Iulie 2008, 15:12:18
Snoopy: So she put the kettle on and made herself a cup of tea and sat down at the table staring at the map deep in thought. Very soon she had dozed off dreaming of what was to come.

3. Iulie 2008, 07:08:42
Subiectul: Re:
Snoopy: A faint watermark twinkled when she crumpled the page.. she flatened the sheet out and carefully studied behind the text.. It was a map of sorts with the direction Emblem tucked into the upper corner.

28. Iunie 2008, 20:58:21
she knew with her major in Physics she might figure it out. She has had classes with Dolittle so she may know what he is thinking....

22. Iunie 2008, 16:14:57
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Snoopy: Her professor was a very wise man so she came to the conclusion that
1. He had placed the key within his notes intentionally
2. He was unable to talk to her about it for reasons unknown.

She knew the reasons for secrecy would be what would lead her to the next clue

22. Iunie 2008, 15:24:48
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Snoopy: picked up her papers, and then by chance noticed something stuck between 2 of the pages. As she took a closer look, she discovered it was a.............

21. Iunie 2008, 13:56:02
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Snoopy: now being the year 2240, at 25 years of age, Heriot did not hesitate to take her professor up on the offer. The deal was done and she set off to her own study, papers in hand, when all of a sudden, who should she meet along the way...............................

21. Iunie 2008, 01:45:24
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Skyking: arranged a meeting with her professor. He claimed he had exhausted all possibilities and agreed to hand over his notes to Heriot for the sum of.......

16. Februarie 2008, 20:10:40
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
.This is how she learned of Time travel. Her college professor, Dolittle in physics was fabricating a time machine as a hobby that he believed wouldn't work. Heriot heard his theory's about it and then..

7. Februarie 2008, 19:41:38
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Heriot Juston earned every right to her monument. For she was the true inventor of Time Travel.

7. Februarie 2008, 16:11:33
And the cold wind blew a dark forbodding air that chill the country folk to the bone and to their souls.

4. Februarie 2008, 05:43:48
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
ArnieTxx: The stiff crackling petals pulled clumsly to earth. The dank water left salt like rings around the inner vase.

2. Februarie 2008, 22:12:34
Subiectul: Re: Woman of Time
Skyking: At the base of the the monument was the following text: Born April 2215; died October 1838.

2. Februarie 2008, 20:58:44
Subiectul: Woman of Time
In a village of Hedgewater sttood a monument about a Woman named Heriot Juston....

16. Decembrie 2007, 21:43:49
Subiectul: a christmas storie
i thought had share this with you all . as its Xmas and we all like a wee tipple or two but remember please don't drink and drive
Christmas Shopping!

I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do!

Christmas was beginning to become such a drag. I wished that I could just sleep through Christmas. But I hurried the best I could through all the people to the toy department. Once again, I mumbled to myself at the prices of all these toys and wondered if the grandkids would even play with them. Soon I found myself in the doll aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy, about 5 or so, holding a lovely doll. He kept touching her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to help myself, I just kept looking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and call his aunt by name, saying, "Are you sure I don't have enough money?" She replied a bit impatiently, "You know that you don't have enough money for it."

The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere, that she had to go get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. She then left the aisle while the boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, "It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it."

I told him that maybe Santa would bring it. He said, "No, Santa can't go where my sister is. I have to give the doll to Momma to take to her." I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, "She has gone to be with Jesus and Daddy says that Momma is going to have to go be with her." My heart nearly stopped beating! Then the boy looked at me again and said, "I told my Daddy to tell Momma not to go yet. I told him to tell her to wait until I got back from the store." Then the boy asked me if I wanted to see his picture. I told him I would love to.

He pulled out some pictures he'd had taken at the front of the store and said, "I want Momma to take this with her so she won't ever forget me. I love my Momma so very much and I wish she did not have to leave me. But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister."

I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown very quiet. While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pulled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, "Shall we count your money one more time?" He grew excited and said, "Yes, I just know it has to be enough!" So I slipped my money in with his and we began to count. And, of course, it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, "Thank you, Jesus, for giving me enough money."

Then the boy said, " I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll so Momma can take it with her to give to my sister. And He heard my prayer. I wanted to ask Him for enough to buy Momma a white rose, but I didn't. But he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for Momma! She loves white roses so very very much." In a few minutes I saw the aunt coming back so I wheeled my cart away.

I could not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shopping in a totally different spirit than when I had started. And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing a little girl, where the mother was in serious condition. The family was deciding on whether to remove her life support. Surely this little boy did not belong to that story.

Two days later I read in the news paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the newspaper indicated the young woman's body was. And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store! I left there in tears, my life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was overwhelming. And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces!

This holiday season, and throughout the coming years, PLEASE, don't drink and drive!

1. Octombrie 2007, 17:36:46
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re: Oh Catz!!!
ScarletRose:  am having a bad hair day

1. Octombrie 2007, 17:26:07
Subiectul: Oh Catz!!!
Tigger: Love the new scaredew!!! LOL

1. Octombrie 2007, 17:25:04
Subiectul: Re: A New Sheriff is in Town
Eriisa: Thankyou.. I will try and get a new story going a bit later..

1. Octombrie 2007, 17:09:56
Subiectul: A New Sheriff is in Town
Please welcome ScarletRose as the new Main Mod of the board!

Have fun, girlie!

12. Septembrie 2007, 07:02:11
Papa Zoom 
I will be stepping down as a mod of this board because I'd like to see someone take over that has a high interest in storytelling and I don't have the time to devote to this board like I had wanted.  The main mod should be someone that will help with advancing the story (participate on a regular basis) and should have some level of skill in writing (IMO).  I know there are people out there with good story writing skills becuase they have posted here.  It would be nice to get someone that has regularly participated in  previous storychains.  (to give participants a chance at modding a board where they have a high interest).

If interested, contact Eriisa or one of the other Globals or you can leave me a PM and I'll pass it on to them.

Thanks ;)

11. Iulie 2007, 05:14:39
Foxy Lady 
Great stories keep up the good work.

7. Iunie 2007, 02:11:05

Breeanna tugged her pomeranian's leash slightly as she jogged along the beach. The waves seemed to be getting higher and higher. They flooded her path yet her feet felt cool and refreshed. The shimmering water trickled out of the newly deposited shells resting several feet down towards the sea. A bubbly foam rested at the uppermost spot the water had reached. It formed a curvy frame which Trinket was facinated with.. she bit playfully at the foam and when Breeanna sternly hollared for her she looked up showing a white beard with a dallup resting on her nose. The pup focused on the puff and shook her head back and forth. The moment startled Breeanna into a full laugh while the pup pushed her nose into the sand. Breeanna bent down and scooped her little dog up and gave her a hug while rustling her fur. She looked up just in time to see a woman run up into a house while a nice looking man stepped over a cluster of rocks and hop into her path...

Speachless she was as she now looked into the face of this man. "Pardon me" she finally mustered and stepped to the side to get on past.. She set Trinket down and clasped the leash ready to start running again..

6. Iunie 2007, 08:23:21
The Col 
Subiectul: Re: story cont.
granny2billy: "Hustle yourself into that kitchen' Johnny sternly commanded "all this fresh air has given me an appitite"
Hazel was deflated,hurt and embaressed all at once.If only Johnnie could cook,if only he could execute as simple a task as frying an egg their marriage would be perfect.Hazel had met Johnnie at one of her many cookbook signings at a local mall.He had sheltered her from the rush of adoring but rabid fans,he offered refuge for both her and Jesse.It was fun at first,cooking brunches,lunches,quick snacks and late munches.but he became far too demanding and sometimes physical.

3. Mai 2007, 17:19:30
Subiectul: story cont.
when she heard Johnie calling from the porch. Johnie was a sweet man. He was 25 years her senior and she had married him for security for her daughter Jessie. The marriage had been perfect except for one thing..... and her mind was constantly on it...... Now confronted with this handsome man, her thoughts wandered. She was snapped back into reality when she heard Johnnie's voice calling to her.

1. Mai 2007, 08:06:19
Modificat de GGROBINLOVE (1. Mai 2007, 08:07:50)
It was a beautiful day the sky was cloudless, the sea gulls were flying and taking those remarable dives into the ocean and coming up with their beaks full of fat fish! "And me! I sit all day and can't catch a bite!" this young beautiful girl stood up brushed off her shorts , folded her blanket and tucket everything in the large storage box back on the porch of the beach house slightly up the hill overlooking the fishing dock and that beautiful water. Hazel wanted to explore the other camp grounds and see who all was here this summer. She was trying to get her mind set on a new novel she was writting for her contract with Cornwell Publishers a very good publishing company it has paid her very well the past 4 years for her 50 some books all that made the New York Times Best Sellers List mind you! She was climbing over rocks and fallen trees when her foot got stuck inbetween some tree roots and ROPE! what was that doing here!" She started to yank her foot out, when she felt a searing pain go through her ankle it hurt so bad she cried out. She was in so much pain she did not see or hear this very good looking man come running up from the Hanovers Camping Ground. Tears were spilling over on her cheeks, her eyes closed tight with mouth clenched tight suddenly she felt a very soft cloth on her face she opened her eye blinking the tears awayas fast as she could....'oh my gosh ..this man is gorgeous!!! she was thinking, she started to talk and her words were getting all jumbled."Oh Great! Here I go again when will I ever beable to just say "hi" without it feeling and sounding like I have a mouth full of mashed potatoes when I see a good looking man' her brain was going overtime in the 'thinking department. Hazel started to blush, clear her throat and was about to try and talk when..........

1. Mai 2007, 06:11:45
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: The story has been posted on the website
let me know if there are any errors.  ;)

Murder at the Spring Thing

1. Mai 2007, 05:55:03
Subiectul: Re:
"Snoopy": Thanks Snoopy..

1. Mai 2007, 05:52:40
Subiectul: Re:

granny2billy: Thanks Granny for putting so much into it so quickly.. it's a shame that it had to be such a quick wrap up.. we all got so busy with Easter and Spring chores.. I am saddened to see that it had to be wrapped up like it was.. it was getting rather funny.. but, I realize that others don't always have the patience either.. or feel like they can't join in..

if you ever become a paid member we can do this in a fellowship.. I know several others are a bit upset at this outcome.. so I expect the one who HAD to have it her way to make sure it is a grand piece of reading and I will be watching the lag time..

1. Mai 2007, 05:49:25
Johnie sat doodling on his notepad glancing
at the clock counting the minutes down to his vacation
His mind wandering back to last year
when he and his family had spend 2 weeks
camping on the North East coast of England
and into his life waked Hazel

1. Mai 2007, 00:48:34
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re:
granny2billy: You're the best. Thanks for that. I'll post the story on the webpage soon. ;)

30. Aprilie 2007, 19:26:44
Subiectul: Re:
thank you so much for finishing the story of
i enjoyed it very much

30. Aprilie 2007, 18:16:42
After some time, Everyone had their chance to stell their side of the story. Sally was taken to Jail. Dan asked Robin out and they are now engaged. Bruce and Scarlet got married and moved to Aruba. Mineare was made Mayor and the Spring Hoedowns were cancelled for ever.

Hope you enjoyed the story

30. Aprilie 2007, 18:15:03
Robin saw the face of the two lawmen, and began to weep with happiness and relief. Scarlet moaned again and opened her eyes a slit. Where am I? Bruce gingerly picked Scarlets slender body up out of the trunk. As he did this scarlet opened her eyes wider. OOOOO she thought, a handsome man. she nuzzled her head into his strong shoulder. Mineare picked Robin up out of the trunk and began to untie her bonds.

30. Aprilie 2007, 18:12:39
Mineare and Bruce had reached them and the man was standing up. Mineare grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the ground, snapping the handcuffs on as he did. Bruce jumped onto sallys lifeless body and handcuffed her also.
Just as they completed this task, they heard the yelling and screaming from the trunk. They raced over to the car and Bruce found the keys still in the ignition. They opened the trunk and was shocked to see what was inside.

30. Aprilie 2007, 18:10:00
Dan landed on top of Sally with a thud. Just as he did, he heard the yelling. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! quickly he stood up with his hands in the air. DONT SHOOT, DONT SHOOT!

30. Aprilie 2007, 18:09:13
In the trunk of the car, Robin could hear the yelling. She recognized the voice of Sheriff Bigones and began screaming and banging with her free arm on the top of the trunk. Scarlet was moaning and beginning to move on top of her. SCARLET WAKE UP! Screamed Robin. HELP US HELP US she screamed.

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