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23. Iunie 2005, 20:16:52 
Subiectul: Re: Fox mail
Rose: I tried the new version of Outlook again (version 2003), and I got to say I love it - it has done a GREAT job of seperating my spam out with their junk mail filter.....

.... I have not tried fox mail.

23. Iunie 2005, 21:36:37
Subiectul: google maps
Modificat de danoschek (23. Iunie 2005, 21:48:20)
is just a great possibility to combine satellite views and street maps ...
maprequest can't compete with these options - only some local providers do afaik
on this picture you cAn indeed see even my house almost clearly ... kiel week live ... ... ~*~

24. Iunie 2005, 17:30:34
Subiectul: Re: google maps
Modificat de fra (24. Iunie 2005, 17:30:51)
danoschek: nice :) and this is my house ... and in bottom right corner you can see the Mountain Rip

24. Iunie 2005, 17:31:10
Subiectul: Re: Re: google maps
fra: Wow lots of farm land! Awesome area

24. Iunie 2005, 17:41:36
Subiectul: Re: Re: Re: google maps
Rose: Here is an important
note about this piece of land :))

24. Iunie 2005, 17:45:51
Subiectul: Re: fra -- Rose
Modificat de danoschek (24. Iunie 2005, 17:50:13)
fancy, fra ... :) ... and Rose - if you zoom out from Kiel,
you'll see huge yellow areas - warless german oil resources
- canola fields to feed mercedes benz diesel ... for instance ... ... ~*~

24. Iunie 2005, 17:47:58
Subiectul: Re: Re: Re: Re: google maps
fra: fantastic bit of info thanks! I have learned something new today about the Rip mountain!

Dano.. on my way thanks!

24. Iunie 2005, 20:23:39
Subiectul: Critical Vulnerability in Veritas Products
Modificat de danoschek (24. Iunie 2005, 20:24:45)

24. Iunie 2005, 20:48:58
Subiectul: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: google maps
Rose: There's another site (I'll have to find it again) that you can get a sat pic of your house for free. I belive the free pics are 50m res and the pay-for-pics are 3m. On the 3m ones, you can read the headline on the paper in your yard.

24. Iunie 2005, 20:57:32
Subiectul: headlines
of cheaper newspapers only I see ... times new roman surely NOT ... ... ~*~

24. Iunie 2005, 21:27:31
Subiectul: Re: canola fields
danoschek: I like yellow color but I have nasal allergy ... so

24. Iunie 2005, 21:49:11
Subiectul: Re: canola fields
fra: metaphorically and even literally the essential part ...
and go figure it smells even worse later as diesel without particle filter ... ... ~*~

25. Iunie 2005, 01:30:15
The Listener 
Subiectul: House zooming ?
Anybody got a Webtv friendly site that lets you do somethin' similar as google maps? Snooty cows that they are!

25. Iunie 2005, 09:29:47
Subiectul: Re2: canola fields
danoschek: Yes, it smells but honey-bees like it

25. Iunie 2005, 18:01:52
Subiectul: Webcam as little bonus ?
Modificat de danoschek (25. Iunie 2005, 18:05:09)
still computer and a fancy example of an interactive webcam (2 mins p.v. queued)
today you will see as many fullships, barcs and fregates as rarely together anywhere,
traditional saturday on each kiel week - the world greatest annual sailors meeting ... ~*~

26. Iunie 2005, 13:28:32
Subiectul: Macintosh Computer
Apple-Boss Steve Jobs told that in 2006 Macintosh Computers will use Intel Chips instead of IBM Chips. It is said, you can run the Mac-System AND Windows, but you won´t be supported by Apple. But you cannot run "normal" Computers with Apple System, so if you like to use MAC, you have to buy Apple-Hardware

27. Iunie 2005, 05:25:39
Subiectul: lil update
Modificat de danoschek (27. Iunie 2005, 05:27:05)
about the socalled antispyware by the microsoft archspy-corporation ...
An Article by Anick Jesdanun ( The Associated Press ) - as expectable
- not only for prophets - . a neat debate started over what spyware is ... ... ~*~

27. Iunie 2005, 16:47:55
Subiectul: Re: lil update
danoschek, very interesting article. Personally, I don't care if software is called spyware, adware, maware, or any other name. If it is installed without asking me, it is BAD. It steals my system resources (hard drive space, cpu usages, memory, etc.). Further more, if I cannot remove it using the "add/remove software" applet, It is even worse.

28. Iunie 2005, 02:42:54
Subiectul: Gmail
Anyone have a Gmail test account?

28. Iunie 2005, 02:43:37
Subiectul: sure, endless
should I send an invite ? ~*~

28. Iunie 2005, 07:30:33
Baked Alaskan 
Subiectul: Re: Gmail
I would love to have one of those. how do I get a Gmail account?

28. Iunie 2005, 08:02:54
I still have 50 invitations left.

28. Iunie 2005, 08:11:14
Subiectul: gmail
watch out for sternenweber ... ... ~*~

28. Iunie 2005, 13:35:15
Subiectul: Re: gmail
danoschek: Many thanks!

28. Iunie 2005, 13:55:45
Baked Alaskan 
Subiectul: Thanx
Going to check mail now

28. Iunie 2005, 16:38:11
Subiectul: Re: gmail
Anyone else want an invite to try a gmail account? Just PM me your email address that you want the invite sent to.

28. Iunie 2005, 17:53:43
Subiectul: Re: Thanx
Modificat de danoschek (28. Iunie 2005, 18:01:11)
Arctic Warrior / Rose
Welcome - who needs an invitation yet feel free to pm me ... and again
the tip: gmail drive users please avoid the setting "auto-login" - it is not safe. ~*~

29. Iunie 2005, 04:01:57
Subiectul: Re: gmail
Summertop: I would love an invitation to open a Gmail account,please.I use google labs often.
but please,please do not give my email to danochek ty

29. Iunie 2005, 16:40:31
Subiectul: Re: gmail
Whoa! danoschek and nobleheart, Don't put me in the middle of something here. If you want an invite, nobleheart, just PM me your email address. For everyone...I don't give out email address without permission. Period.

29. Iunie 2005, 17:40:07
Subiectul: Summertop:
it seems you haven't read. I took you out of the humbug in which you were put by that
selfdefined public annoyance (weekend: tue/wed) ... since I even had to ban him from
books it should be very clear that I would need his addy only to block it ... . ~*~

29. Iunie 2005, 17:47:45
Subiectul: Re: Summertop:

29. Iunie 2005, 17:49:36
Subiectul: says who ?
Modificat de danoschek (29. Iunie 2005, 18:06:00)
it would be nice if you could finally refrain from
committing accompliceship with that spammer ... ... ~*~

29. Iunie 2005, 18:00:19
Subiectul: CreditCard Exploit - Update ...
Modificat de danoschek (29. Iunie 2005, 18:01:00)
Apparently information on approximately 200,000 accounts was verifiably transferred
out the payment processor's computer system, but the credit card companies said they
do not intend to notify people of the problem unless the accounts are used fraudulently. ~*~

5. Iulie 2005, 11:46:21
Subiectul: portable GPS
i made my chase for the brand : Garmin

i am in doubt between 2 models :
the eTrex Venture
the Geko 201

i made a comparison between the 2 models which resulted in this

the price is about the same (also in local shops in my town or nearby)

advantages of the etrex :
- the etrex can run for 20 hours / the geko only for 12
- the etrex uses AA batteries / the geko uses AAA which are more difficult to obtain
- the etrex has 4 shades of grey while the geko has only black and white

advantages of the geko
- the geko stores 125 waypoints per route / the etrex only 50
- the geko is slightly smaller and half the weight of the etrex

i dont know about the importance of the other differences

i especially like the longer lifetime on the etrex ... but i dont want to give up 60% of my waypoints .. i think

does anyone has any suggestions ?

5. Iulie 2005, 23:34:13
Subiectul: 7/1 an email was penned under the name of Google engineer Fritz Schneider.
Modificat de danoschek (5. Iulie 2005, 23:35:34)
"I thought I'd drop you a note to give a heads up on something Google will be releasing
next week: a version of our Internet Explorer toolbar for Firefox", the e-mail reads. - while
microsoft spoofs icann entries to spam against opensource, quality speaks for itself. ~*~

6. Iulie 2005, 02:30:25
Subiectul: faked security bulletin on mail stampede
the imitation is well crafted and identifies itself as "MS05-039".
don't use the link in it. microsoft updates are never sent via email. ~*~

8. Iulie 2005, 08:04:44
Universal Eyes 
Subiectul: Re: Macintosh Computer
morphy4ever:You can't use microsoft's not compatable with out a 516MB tower,you can lower it to 256 on the diognostics screen, but the XP will not run without the capacity of the proper equipmment.

9. Iulie 2005, 00:22:08
Subiectul: okay that's it
*plop* any answers you know where to comply. ~*~ .

11. Iulie 2005, 06:09:16
Subiectul: Programs no longer used
Hi have a question about Application Data for programs I have deleted and do not plan to use again. Can I go into Application Date, and delete the files for these programs, or will it cause problems somewhere else?

Your help appreciated


13. Iulie 2005, 17:53:58
Virus exploits London tube bombs

13. Iulie 2005, 18:22:39
Subiectul: Re:
volant: Thanks for that update volant. Sad that people will use such an event to try to cause more caos to others.

14. Iulie 2005, 05:43:01
Universal Eyes 
Subiectul: Re:virus
volant:Thank you very kindly for your article regarding the virus.

20. Iulie 2005, 06:36:02
Artful Dodger 
Subiectul: OK
Who are the experts here :)

20. Iulie 2005, 07:34:05
Subiectul: Re: OK
ArtfulDodger: a real experts knows there is always some bit of knowledge missing and therefore cant call himself an expert :)

20. Iulie 2005, 07:53:21
Subiectul: Re: OK
ArtfulDodger: Nobody. Nobody is perfect. ;-)

20. Iulie 2005, 07:58:38
Subiectul: Re: OK
Modificat de Hrqls (20. Iulie 2005, 07:59:10)
chessmec: which nobody are you talking about ?

21. Iulie 2005, 01:21:14
PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
Subiectul: I hate Compaq and Windows XP!
Any UNIX users out there? I just got through an ordeal with my mother's Compaq Presario. Windows XP stopped working and my attempts to reinstall the operating system failed because the Compaq version of Windows XP destroys the master boot record of the hardrive. It automatically loads 68 K of junk into the MBR directly from the BIOS. Then Windows XP cannot be installed any more because the Microsoft use of the master boot record and Compaq's become incompatible. The problem is so pernicious that Mandrake Linux and Sun Open Solaris failed to install. Finally, I gor Free BSD to install because it installs directly from DOS and the installation can be done without interacting with the master boot record. Now I have a nifty UNIX machine. I am really impressed with the KDE Windowing environment. You can set it to look like several other operating systems. It can easily emulate Microsoft Windows, a Mac, etc. Anyone out there using UNIX or Free BSD? Just curious to see if anyone prefers UNIX to Windows XP, or if anyone has gone through the operating system migration.

21. Iulie 2005, 07:33:18
Subiectul: Re: I hate Compaq and Windows XP!
PhatPlaya: I've used UNIX but geez.. that was back in 1998.. and that was when I was with the gov..

Used Linux too.. but, not much to do me any good.. haha..

21. Iulie 2005, 07:45:43
Subiectul: Re: I hate Compaq and Windows XP!
PhatPlaya: i used hp unix in college and sometimes use it at work now

i used to love unix because it was so 'light' compared to windows which simply loads everything an average users might need (and then some more :))

nowadays the linux distributions include a heavy graphical user interface (often kde) and several other processes which increases the load

my idea was to turn my old 200mhz machine in a fast unix machine ... but i dont think that will work with any of the standard new distributions .. so i will have to do some tweaking :)

i havent used it at home yet .. i am in the process of sorting out the data on my harddisks, back up the important parts, and format and install xp and linux on it .. i dont know which distribution yet though

i had linux on my pc at work .. but i couldnt get it work with the network card (barebone system with a network controller on the motherboard) .. found some sites about it .. but neither worked .. i gave up back then as i had more projects starting up .. will have to try again it in the near future :)

21. Iulie 2005, 07:49:36
Subiectul: Re: I hate Compaq and Windows XP!
Modificat de votacommunista (21. Iulie 2005, 10:19:03)
PhatPlaya: Any UNIX users out there?

Yes. I am one. One HP-UX-Server at university (my work) is from 1987, another from 1991. One is the mailserver, another one with graohics environment. I learned to use the program xfig there and still using it there :-)

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