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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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3. Ianuarie 2008, 19:33:07 
Subiectul: Re:
Puckish: Yea, the biggest issue is if you have the power to it and liquid is added - with a laptop, the "heart" of the computer is under the keyboard so... ouch.

Normally (of course you never want to do this), but if there was no power to a PC or laptop, you could open it up and spray it with water. As long as you allowed to to dry completely before you powered it back on - it should do no damage. (or course you don't want to try this - since watch *might* warp certain parts and such.)

Best bet now is to take it to a shop and see if they can fix it - they might just be able to purchase certain parts - keeping others that are not damaged - and get it working again, but will probable cost you at least a few hundred for parts and labor I would guess... but might be better then a totally wasted laptop.

Another idea, depending on where you purchased the laptop - try to clean the laptop the best you can to try to remove any indication that something was spilled - then take it into where you purchased it and act dumb and just say it stopped working. Again, worse that will happen is it won't get fixed - but possible maybe fixed - maybe just labor and/or part cost - again, depends on where you got it at and if that place has PC help center and such. (Best Buy - Circuit City both have PC help centers.)

3. Ianuarie 2008, 19:52:34
Subiectul: Re: Thanks.... I already blew it by contacting Dell and telling them what I did, in hopes to get it fixed :(

Since I am self employed, and use the laptop for billing and estimates etc, I am looking into if my business insurance covers this, or maybe if my homowners does, but I doubt it.

Maybe i could raise some money like this guy I saw, who put up a picture of his pet rabbit and said unless he raised 50K in donations, he was going to cook this rabbit for dinner, and he got people to donate money from all over to save this bunny!!!

4. Ianuarie 2008, 03:14:24
Subiectul: Re:
Puckish: you could ask Fencer for a loan, he knows how to rip it out of people in a big way LOL

4. Ianuarie 2008, 05:49:51
Subiectul: Flash Drive

Does anyone know anything about this?

Seems very cheap to me,  i checked in the store (Walmart) and a 4gb there was 55 dollars.

4. Ianuarie 2008, 06:42:02
Subiectul: Re: Flash Drive
Andersp: It sounds like an ok deal to me - i recently bought one at Office Max - 8gb for $80.... they come in pretty handy....

4. Ianuarie 2008, 07:35:32
Subiectul: Re: Flash Drive
Andersp: thats a bit expensive in my opinion (after conversion)....they are coming down and down and down all the time.........2G at the moment over here is about $25AUS - $22 US, I would have thought you could get 4G for about $35.....

Last year I bought an external HD 80G and it cost $70 AUS which would be about $65 US.........

7. Ianuarie 2008, 09:31:48
Subiectul: Tracing brainking and other sites
Can someone give me a breakdown of what this means please?
17 55 ms 55 ms 55 ms by an isp no.
I know the prg is Prauge.
Thanks very much.

7. Ianuarie 2008, 18:37:27
Subiectul: Re: Tracing brainking and other sites
Mousetrap: That just means that the 17th hop on your way to BrainKing at that particular time was a host with the name, and that it took 55ms to send a package to it and receive an answer. This is obviously taken from a traceroute output ;-)

That traceroute thing is just to get a rough estimate of a) how many gateways are passed on a package's way and b) which networks usually are passed. It's not at all guaranteed that the route will always be the same (it is in fact very unlikely that your package will go through PO8-0 every time). belongs to Interoute Communications in London. There's not much more you can learn from that line...

8. Ianuarie 2008, 02:13:04
Subiectul: Re: Tracing brainking and other sites
Gordon Shumway: Okey dokey thank you very much.

23. Ianuarie 2008, 14:35:45
Subiectul: Mac Firefox Download problem - MOVED FROM FIREFOX FELLOWSHIP
I moved this thread from the Firefox fellowship, because it is very likely that is has more to do with the Mac than Firefox itself, and because some Mac experts might read this board that are not members of the F/S.

tiaria57: Does anyone here run the Firefox with a Mac??? If so, can you let me know.. I have a major problem with downloading and although I have looked and searched for months, I can't figure it out.
I'm new to a Mac and whenever I try to download something, not an add on, etc. it goes to disc utility and there is no way I can get if from there. I have set it for all downloads to go to my desktop and even though it goes there, when I click on it, disc utility shows up and I'm lost because I can't retrieve it from there. I'm very frustrated because I am trying to download a texas hold'em site to no avail.

Gordon Shumway: I have two questions:
1) You said that happens every time you download something - does this also apply to pictures, etc. or just to executable files / disc images?
2) The hold'em software you downloaded - which site was it?
I just talked to a friend on ICQ, and he asked what file type the software is that you downloaded. Mac OSX should be able to simply install *.zip, *.tar, *.tar.gz and *.dmg. One possible reason for the failure would be if you tried to install a Windows executable (*.exe). It would help if you could post a link to the example files that you tried and that failed.

23. Ianuarie 2008, 15:38:12
Subiectul: today's Blog
what is FunWebProducts?

23. Ianuarie 2008, 15:47:53
Subiectul: Re: today's Blog

23. Ianuarie 2008, 16:11:11
Subiectul: Re: today's Blog
Fencer: Thanks! I'm happy to see that I can't find it in my add/remove programs.

23. Ianuarie 2008, 23:43:34
The Col 
Subiectul: My free Norton trial was due to expire in a few days
I read great reviews for The Shield Deluxe 2008,so I bought and downloaded it.Any opinions on this product?

27. Ianuarie 2008, 22:14:48
Subiectul: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
ive been using this for months now
even thou its not officially released yet but i wondered if anyone knew of any add ons i could use

27. Ianuarie 2008, 23:27:27
Subiectul: Re: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
TheCrazyPuppy:  There is a whole list at the Firefox Fellowship

27. Ianuarie 2008, 23:44:26
Subiectul: Re: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
Eriisa: They may not work with firefox 3 yet..

27. Ianuarie 2008, 23:59:13
Subiectul: Re: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
rod03801: ill admit it - i tried the colorful tabs add-on - but it wouldnt work without firefox 3....

28. Ianuarie 2008, 00:01:46
Subiectul: Re: Mac Firefox Download problem - MOVED FROM FIREFOX FELLOWSHIP
Gordon Shumway: Anyone with a Mac here, that has an idea for tiaria57? She said that it only happens with programs she's about to install and that the software was for the Mac...?!?

28. Ianuarie 2008, 08:54:55
Subiectul: Re: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
rod03801: yes your right there are very few addons that work with this version yet

28. Ianuarie 2008, 15:15:09 
Subiectul: Re: Mozilla firefox 3 Beta 2
TheCrazyPuppy: Yea, I've tested out the Version 3, Beta 2 in the portable version (A version I can run from my USB drive without uninstalling my main version) - One of the big problems with version 2 is that it manages my memory very bad - something that version3 should fix. Nice what I've seen so far - but I still use version2 daily since most add-on's won't make a version 3 until a final version is ready.

Portable Information (V3):

Portable Information (V2-stable):

2. Februarie 2008, 19:22:14
Us in the Firefox fellowship Know how great Firefox is

Here is the latest from PC Pro News:

Firefox makes gains on Internet Explorer

2. Februarie 2008, 22:37:16
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: hahaha with the BIG Microsoft ad in the middle......still a loooooooooong way to you think Yahoo will be called Microhoo??

5. Februarie 2008, 22:54:29
Does anyone else use igoogle ?

I been playing about with it for a couple of hours now, and its very useful to put everything you need on one page

5. Februarie 2008, 23:05:26
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: I set it up once and wound up with about 4 tabs but I don't really use it. Even thoug it has some nice things.

5. Februarie 2008, 23:08:58
Subiectul: Re:
volant: I started with 5 Tabs, but then got carried away and started adding pointless stuff

Now i have just two. One for important stuff (News, Sport, Weather, RSS etc.....oh and the Spider, he is great), and one tab with a few nice games on for when i can not get on here lol

6. Februarie 2008, 02:07:17
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: I missed the spider but they may have added him since I set it up. I've a tab for recipes, images tools and the main one for news and Garfield cartoon You can choose a different Theme for each tab if you wish.

6. Februarie 2008, 05:46:38
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: What's the spider? I haven't been to mine in quite a while.

6. Februarie 2008, 10:22:29
Subiectul: Re:
volant & Erissa: The spider lol Here he is Spider, he just follows the cursor , i added the Tree frog as well, he does the same and eats the flies you give him as well ......oh little things please little minds lol

I think it has some great games there i have Chess, Poker, Frogger, Space Invaders, Helicopter, Hangman, Suduko at the moment, but there are hundreds

7. Februarie 2008, 15:18:53
Subiectul: webtv
does anyone know if webtv users can use skype please?

9. Februarie 2008, 23:39:49
Subiectul: Re: webtv

Nirvana: I dont think WebTV users can use Skype

What equipment do I need to use Skype?

<span>The short story: you’ll need just a computer and to have downloaded Skype and an internet connection (broadband preferred).

All modern home computers can run Skype and you can use the built-in microphone and speakers to make calls. You’ll get much better audio quality if you buy a headset. You can purchase one at the Skype shop or at your local computer store.

The technical bit: You need a PC running Windows, a sound card, microphone (built-in or external) and speakers or headset.

10. Februarie 2008, 02:40:38
Subiectul: Re: webtv
Modificat de Nirvana (10. Februarie 2008, 02:41:11)
Andersp: I already have it, I was asking on behalf of a couple of webtv users from another site. Thanks.

10. Februarie 2008, 16:51:21
Subiectul: Re: webtv
Modificat de toedder (10. Februarie 2008, 16:54:07)
Andersp: You need a PC running Windows

Everything you said is correct except for that part - Skype is available for other platforms as well - including Mac OSX, Linux (but the Linux version is always way behind), Windows Mobile, Smart Phone, Nokia N800/N810 and WiFi phones with integrated Skype and standard cordless phones with integrated Skype. So WebTV users that don't want to buy a PC could as well buy a phone to use Skype. In some countries there is also a Skype phone available, called "3 Skype phone".

EDIT: On this Skype download page: Download Skype for Windows you can see a rather complete list of links with further information on all the platforms that Skype supports on the right hand side.

10. Februarie 2008, 19:01:50
Subiectul: Re: webtv
Gordon Shumway:  Everything i said was c/p from Skype's FAQs...the point is that a computer is needed.

I'm using Skype very often, use to have long video talks with friends in Sweden.  Dont think its as fun using a Skype phone tho :)

28. Februarie 2008, 01:48:20
Well, this is something to do with Computers

Poor old Microsoft, wonder if they can afford it

11. Martie 2008, 21:02:41
Subiectul: Firefox
Any one else who uses the Firefox browser getting black diamonds with question marks in them where certain english symbols like apostrophes etc should be? Anyone know how to remove them so I can see the pages I view correctly?

11. Martie 2008, 23:51:51
Subiectul: Re: Firefox
Rose: I haven't seen anything like that. Is it only on this site?

12. Martie 2008, 00:02:04
no  all sites

12. Martie 2008, 06:56:20
Subiectul: Re:
Rose: Looks like Unicode encoding problem. What does View / Character Encoding show on those sites?

19. Martie 2008, 22:05:17
I just downloaded some more FREE software that comes with my monthly Windows Advisor update (well worth subscribing if you live on your PC like me).

If you like the Vista start menu set up, but are running XP, then why not download Vista Start Menu

The Windows Advisor itself is great. You can learn absolutely everything about the inner depths of Windows itself, and how to modify your Registry to make your PC work for you

21. Martie 2008, 18:36:55
I got this update from PC Pro this morning, Firefox 3.0 will be out in June

I am trying it right now, and boy is it fast

This has not been announced yet by Mozilla, even though that PC Pro press says they are going to. It is not the final edition and many Extensions do not work with 3.0 yet. If you would like to test it without losing your current setup (as normally it would over right your current one) download this HERE and run it on its own

21. Martie 2008, 19:05:47
Subiectul: Re:
MadMonkey: ive been using it for over a year
testing it and reporting bugs
its now on beta 4 and this version has been freezing up dozens of times each day

21. Martie 2008, 19:11:39
Subiectul: Re:
Snoopy: I know, this is the first version they have recommended for general users though (yet its not said on MozillaZine yet), although it is not the final release

Works fine for me, im flying through my games

24. Martie 2008, 21:44:04
Subiectul: Firefox 3 T-Shirt Design Contest - Vote Now!
By tshahian · 12:24, March 24th, 2008 · Mozilla Community

The finalists have been chosen and voting has begun! We received close to 2,000 submissions from a growing global community of over 3,400 members on the Flickr contest group. Picking the top 5 was a very challenging task as there were many amazing designs to choose from. But the final decision is up to you!

Please take a moment and help us select the official Firefox 3 t-shirt by voting for your favorite design on the Mozilla Store. Voting will end on Sunday March 30th at 11:59 PM (PST). We’re excited to see which design wins!

Vote for Designs HERE

29. Martie 2008, 02:30:52
Subiectul: adjusting screen?
Every time I make a move, I have to scroll down to see the whole game board. Does anyone know what I can do about that?

29. Martie 2008, 02:38:36
Subiectul: Re: adjusting screen?
Binabik: go to settings, and click on the box "show board at the top of the page

29. Martie 2008, 02:45:21
Subiectul: You Tube
Is it possible to download a video from you tube to your computer?
What I really want to do is get one from you tube to Photo Bucket.

29. Martie 2008, 02:50:47
Subiectul: Re: adjusting screen?
Vikings: Thanks Vikings, I'll try that!

29. Martie 2008, 07:30:55
Subiectul: Re: You Tube

30. Martie 2008, 01:02:41
Subiectul: Re: You Tube
Fencer: thank you 

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