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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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24. Iunie 2004, 13:23:45
i agree with bumble... bloody one too!!!

24. Iunie 2004, 13:28:42
Subiectul: toy-like features to BK 2.0
YES!! hidden keys, like the clicking on the opponents left cube while simultaneously clicking control, "a" and the F12 key with your left toe, which turns your throw into a double-6!

24. Iunie 2004, 13:38:06
rabbitoid: I've already got that feature. I discovered it while.....never mind.

24. Iunie 2004, 13:39:37
I was just about to ask, how many of those who read this took of their left sock?

24. Iunie 2004, 13:42:37
My left sock had a hole in it. Does that count?

24. Iunie 2004, 13:45:31
benefit of doubt, I suppose

25. Iunie 2004, 14:39:36
Subiectul: need someone's help
I have a friend where now neither browser will open on their computet netscape or explorer, we have uninstalled both and tried to reinstall both of them, but when you have to reboot the system it comes up with a fatal error in windows (98) and then loads but when you clic on either browser they can no longer get in, is the only solution to reload windows, they will lose everything on their computer, and all the programs will have to be reloaded, I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated

25. Iunie 2004, 16:47:32 
Subiectul: Free Software
I have not had a chance to really look at this article, but it talks about a lot of window PC "Free" stuff / Software. Thought I would post it here. (Plus then I would be able to find it when I have more time)

Story: H E R E

25. Iunie 2004, 22:15:29 
Subiectul: free e-mail war
Well first Google announced their gmail with 1000MB of space.

Yahoo then increased their limit from 4MB to 100MB for free accounts.

Today, Microsoft (Hotmail) announced their storage limit for free e-mail will be increased from 2MB to 250MB (with attachment limit of 10MB). [this change later this summer - which with Microsoft means the next couple of years] :-)

Hotmail will also have "Hotmail Plus" for $20 a year - 2GB of online storage, and up to 20MB file attachments.

2. Iulie 2004, 16:27:40
Subiectul: Internet Explorer 6
I have a windows 98se and I was having some trouble with my IE 6. So I removed it and reinstalled a new IE 6. Now I am getting pop-ups like crazy :o(( Where do I go to stop this ????

2. Iulie 2004, 16:44:39
Google Toolbar

That will stop 99.9% of pop-ups. Also are you on a broadband connection?

2. Iulie 2004, 17:17:53
No I am on a dial-up connection. Thank you I installed the toolbar :oD

2. Iulie 2004, 17:20:50
no problem. that should stop your pop-up problem!

2. Iulie 2004, 17:22:25
you are just soooooo smart LOL Thank you

2. Iulie 2004, 17:31:49
Subiectul: Re: Internet Explorer 6
Not all pop-up are from the site you are visiting. I have my own server, and I started getting popups when ever I would visit it. My kids visited a site that automatically downloaded components to show pop ups. I recomend this program...Ad-aware.

When I first ran it, it found hundreds of unwanted items (tracking cookies, ad-ware, spy ware, etc.). I highly recomend it. It is even FREE.

2. Iulie 2004, 18:01:56
Subiectul: Ad-Aware vs. Spybot-S&D
Has anyone ever compared these two products? If so, what’s your preference? Perhaps, someone can point me to some kind of comparison analysis of feature matrix on the Internet.

2. Iulie 2004, 20:58:32
Subiectul: Spybots
according to a test of magazine pc professional
Pest Patrol acchieved the best result when confronted with
an almost unreal, very malicious mix of trojans and spyware ...

Spybot ranked 2nd and AdAware 3rd ...

I made the experience that Spybot found items on a system
cleared with Adaware but it happened also viceversa ...

doublegalloppel seems to be no idle effort thus ... :D ... ~*~

2. Iulie 2004, 21:01:38
Subiectul: PopUp Blocker
There's no browser as fast as Firefox 0.9
- comes with popupblocker, cookiemanager and selective
image-management, which protects also from web-bugs (aka web-bacon) ~*~

2. Iulie 2004, 22:06:06
well I use mozilla which has a pop-up blocker built in too. If you have spyware on your system, it's not poping up in IE so much as just poping up in general when you visit certain sites or sometimes (depending on the program) just pops up when not even online. Also another problem is that when you are on a broadband connection, certain web spiders, crawelers, etc can use the windows messenging service (not windows messenger, two different things) to pop-up adds. There's a simple fix for this too, but if you don't know about it, it gets annoying.

spybot-vs-adaware. I use both because they are both free and sometimes one will catch something the other misses.

3. Iulie 2004, 03:58:16
I also use spybot and adaware, on Backoff's recommendation and find them both beneficial to each other in catching something the other misses :)
Backoff....where is the spam stopper you were talking about? Im getting about 100 spam a day :(
I use mailwasher but it isnt working properly in my mind :(

3. Iulie 2004, 05:18:17
Subiectul: Dano re Firefox
I took your word of recommendation Dano, and within 20 seconds of using it, it blew my socks off. It is far faster than anything else I have used.
Thanks Man
Download Firefox Here

3. Iulie 2004, 05:42:12 
Subiectul: Internet Protection
The suggestion I have gotten from major computer people is to use the following 3 products:

1) Ad Aware
2) Spybot S&D
3) Google Toolbar

Google toolbar is good at stoping popups, ad aware removes things that spybot does not get, and spybot removed things that ad aware does not get.

Plus you have to be carefull where you get ad aware since there are some "fake" ad aware programs with the same name... but I have not looked too much into that.

3. Iulie 2004, 06:09:31
Subiectul: Re: Internet Protection
for the popup product i use "Popup Ad Filter"
I paid for it and it is just great....never tried anything else.

I want a good email spam stopper tho...any suggestions?

3. Iulie 2004, 18:05:20
Subiectul: Re: Ad-aware vs Spybot S&D
Here is a couple of articles I found that deal with the subject of Ad-aware vs Spybot S&D. The interesting thing is that almost nobody out there clearly prefers one to the other.

3. Iulie 2004, 20:41:51
I have both
Ad-Aware seems to run faster for me and picks up the same files over and over again, spybot indicates no threats, but maybe the files adaware picks up are not really threatening?

3. Iulie 2004, 20:58:23 
I've always liked Spybot in the past, but I now use both, and suggest that for the best protection, everyone should use both. (Along with the google toolbar.)

3. Iulie 2004, 21:10:08

Here you go. This is spamfighter. It's a free plug-in for outlook/express that will get most of your spam.

3. Iulie 2004, 21:46:33
Subiectul: nobody who uses internet explorer is safe
and thanks billing gates of chAos it will remain unsafe.
e.g. two weeks ago a new bundle of vulnerabilities was discovered.
still only workarounds - no patches released by the vendor ~*~

4. Iulie 2004, 06:07:40
thanks so much Backoff, will let you know how it goes :)

4. Iulie 2004, 16:36:59
NP Bernice.

Dano-It's not just IE that's the problem. It's the whole windows OS. I have two XP machines at home just because some stuff I need windows for (certain programs, etc). I also 2 red hat 9.0 boxes that I use for most everything else. Nobody writes virus for linux yet lol

4. Iulie 2004, 20:37:55
Subiectul: right
Modificat de danoschek (4. Iulie 2004, 20:38:25)
it's the embedding of a browser into the system
which makes many connections being abusable ...

oh and there ARE viri for linux meanwhile ... ;)

I'm safe only if I connect wia my Amiga 1200,
Browser Voyager and Miami Dialer ... :D smoothly even
without e603+ ppc 200 MHz turbo, at a 50+50 MHz 68030/82 ... hehehe ! ~*~

4. Iulie 2004, 21:24:08
I've got an old Tandy 1000 with a 40Mb HDD and 5.25" floopy drive running DOS 5.0 in storage. You would be safer with that lol

4. Iulie 2004, 23:53:27
Subiectul: Awwww DOS 5 ... :D
I have 3.2 originals, also 5.25 - DOS 5 is modern yeah. 0:)
Wasn't there DosShell already - the actual Windows 1.0ß ?
Fancy, even colours !! :D ~*~

6. Iulie 2004, 09:07:50
I've started to use Firefox today. It's really very fast :-)

6. Iulie 2004, 14:20:11
I'll have to check that one out. I use mozollia. I like the tabbed browsing. Does FF use tabs?

6. Iulie 2004, 17:00:50 
Welcome BIG BAD WOLF as the new Moderator of the Computers board. What does that mean? It only means I'm going to try to get a little more information above.

As you can tell, I've already started adding some information above about the common question of spyware. Please give me any more suggestions on what I could list above - BUT at the same time, I don't want to list too much that it puts the message board too far down the screen. :-)

6. Iulie 2004, 17:44:06
I like the summary that you post of the last question. Maybe post them in the "News" section to act kind of like a FAQ.

6. Iulie 2004, 20:09:54 
FireFox Browser - I just loaded the new version, and it does seem to be quicker.

6. Iulie 2004, 20:17:26
How would you compare it to I.E. & Netscape ?

6. Iulie 2004, 20:25:26 
Well I will probable continue to use IE for awhile as my main browser since that is what I'm use to, but FireFox is similar to Netscape (Both made by the same "source" / Mozilla). So if you like the new Netscape, you will probable like FireFox.

The only downside I see is that FireFox does not come with all the plug-in's that IE does, (for example, Macromedia plug-in), so it was an extra [easy] step to download the plug-in.

But so far FireFox seems to load webpages A LOT quicker then other browsers, but I have only started using it. (Plus it comes with a built-in popup blocker)

NOTE: I always like to have at least a few different broswers on my PC. Main reason is I use one browser, and my wife will use a different browser - that way we don't have to try to share "cookies" and stuff. Plus I also like to test all my websites in a few different brosers to check how things look.

6. Iulie 2004, 21:19:48 
One thing I do like about FireFox over Netscape - is in Netscape, you may have multiple tabs open which is great, but if you out of habit go and hit the upper X in the top right corner, all tabs are closed.

In FireFox, if you do that - you will get a warning that you have XX tabs open, do you really want to close all tabs - Which I did not, just wanted to close the 1 tab.

6. Iulie 2004, 21:46:16
Thats good, i have done that a few times in Netscape.

7. Iulie 2004, 02:53:41
Subiectul: FireFox is the Browser-Core of Mozilla and Netscape
Modificat de danoschek (7. Iulie 2004, 02:53:57)
Mozilla has mailsupport and all the newsgroups-stuff implemented, but
separated you have Thunderbird for mail and FireFox for browsing then.
Another advantage, FireFox has special, fancy plugins for geeks. ~*~

7. Iulie 2004, 05:54:48
Another good browser is Opera. In the beggining of month has been released new version, actualy v7.51. It has only 3,4 MB (with Java 16.4 MB). It also included e-mail client (M2),you can use opera to connect to IRC channels, pop-up blocking, chat client, WAND password manager, download manager, cookies manager and another very usefull features. E-mail client has its own SPAM filter of good quality, multiple document interface allows you to resize and pose pages next to each other, you can configure Opera in your own style with a very good preference..... I think it´s a good choice instead of using IE (more safer, comfortable and simple to use).
Here is official site where you can learn more about this brilliant browser, you can find there documantation, features
, language options of interface, and of course download it<a/>.

7. Iulie 2004, 06:44:56 
Just to show how board I got, I just got done testing some of my websites with Links & Lynx. (Both old text based browsers) - and as a side note, BrainKing worked better with Links then Lynx! :-)

7. Iulie 2004, 19:19:37
Is anyone running php-nuke on any of there sites? I have a local server on which I have Apache, PHP, MySQL and every add-on you can think of. I installed php-nuke last night and I must say, it's very strange. Is anybody else on here running it?

8. Iulie 2004, 09:37:36
I would love to Backoff :) but tell me what does the NUKE bit do....get rid of pests like...sorry no names....i will leave it up to you :)

8. Iulie 2004, 11:50:30
Subiectul: Re:
Backoff the ladder site is using php-nuke, have you got Aragons email addy?

I use php bullitin board system on my site also, but dont use the nuke part

8. Iulie 2004, 22:21:00
I got tired of nuke (after about an hour lol) and I switched to IPBNuke so I can run IPB forums instead of the god awful phpBB. Was hard to set up, but I'm happy I did it because IPB is 400x better than phpBB.

8. Iulie 2004, 22:39:07
Subiectul: One Link is missing above in my opinion
Modificat de danoschek (8. Iulie 2004, 22:40:37)
XP-AntiSpy that is ... deals with a lot of hidden default-values
of Windows. Services that contact the net without letting you know,
only for your own good of course, as Gates of Chaos explains permanently.

XP-Antispy is obligatory for Windows XP Home, as some administrative
features are not accessible altogether unlike in Windows XP Pro.

That is removing the bandwidth limit. Those notorious 'services'
of Microschwartz actually get 20% bandwidth reserved - on a T1 connection
transfer made a leap from 2875 kB/s to 3180 after AntiSpy ... judge yourself. ~*~

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