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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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3. August 2004, 03:01:37 
Subiectul: Google Mail
Google mail is still be "Beta" / "Test" mode. Still the only people allowed to use this service has to be invited by a current member.

I still have a few invites that I can use to let people use the new Google service - get a new "yourname" - with 1 GB of space for you mail!

Anyway, if you would like an invite - send me a personal message with your e-mail address, and your name - and I'll send you an invite!

3. August 2004, 05:55:18
Subiectul: Re: Google Mail
I checked it out, and it's a very nice service. The most intuitive I've seen, in fact. Not bad, considering it's "free" (if you ignore the fact that you're loaning them your eyeballs for their ads -- lol).

3. August 2004, 06:22:27 
Subiectul: Re: Google Mail
I have not used it too much, but I have got very very few messages that even have ads. If I remember correctly, Google said probable only around 20% of emails would ever have ads - and those are just small ads on the right hand side - no pop ups or nothing like that.

3. August 2004, 07:43:25
Subiectul: Re: Google Mail
That's another plus. The ads are nonintrusive, and easy to ignore. They also have a family-friendly policy of preventing ads with objectionable content (presumably such as the enlargement ads that Yahoo likes to send so much).

So far it looks very good.

3. August 2004, 16:45:19
Subiectul: I don't trust google
but I shall check it too.
THE search engine still remains '' ... ~*~

3. August 2004, 17:21:05 
Subiectul: Google Mail
I now have no more invites to give out.

3. August 2004, 19:31:58 
Subiectul: Firefox Browser
OK, I have been trying to break myself of using Microsoft Internet Explorer and have been using Firefox (0.9.2) for the last couple of days.

So far, almost all websites seem to load very quickly - I've never played so fast on GoldToken either. But BrainKing is a different story, and it is actually taking me LONGER to play games on brainking with Firefox.

What is happening is when Firefox starts to load the BrainKing game page, it loads the game graphics. I start to move my mouse towrds my next move, THEN the game notation on the right side of the screen loads and moves the game board to the left - which messes up where I have the mouse located at (and getting ready to click, or possible have clicked)

Anyway, I have not tried to change any settings on brainking yet, but was wondering if anyone know of any settings in Firefox I could change where I can possible pick 1 site (BrainKing) to not actually show anything until fully loaded... or something.

3. August 2004, 20:11:29
Yes, that's the way how Firefox handles big tables. But I am already used to it :-)

3. August 2004, 20:18:24
Subiectul: absolutely the same here :p
Modificat de danoschek (3. August 2004, 20:19:03)
back forth on the browser pages to complete loading - my fingers react without me. :)
or viewing one image explicitely to let them all pop up of sudden on backwards, fancy :D
btw googlemail looks quite appealing, some customary patterns, yet beta enviroment ~*~

3. August 2004, 20:21:11
Subiectul: b4 eye 4get - have you used bugzilla, Fencer ?
Modificat de danoschek (3. August 2004, 20:21:44)
maybe reporting your site will gain some interest for a workaround
their coder community seems to be really ambitioned to enhance anytime ~*~

3. August 2004, 20:25:35
I can try. But I'm not sure if it's a bug.

3. August 2004, 20:29:13
Subiectul: well you are better into it ...
Modificat de danoschek (3. August 2004, 20:29:28)
but maybe a challenge after all to improve best-possibly ...
is there anything you think can be done with the tables, from your side ? ~*~

3. August 2004, 20:31:28
Well, I'd tried to use fixed column widths but with no success. Moreover, it would be risky anyway on low resolutions.
Of course, Row Layout users don't have this problem.

3. August 2004, 21:00:53 
I was playing around with the row layout, it doesn't give me the problem I listed below - but ugh - just don't like it. :-(

I would of course suggestion not having the in-game right table (Game notation), but unless we are able to see what shots were our last shots in the Boat games, I personally need the game notation. My next idea would be to move the game notation under (to the bottom) of the middle frame - under the game board/moves - but for some games, that could be a very long frame.

And then again, my suggestion that has nothing to do with frames - which is to have an option to move the "submit" buttons ABOVE the game board so I can stop having to scroll down on EVERY GAME would be a good option also.

Oh yea... this is Computer board, not suggestions. :-)

4. August 2004, 06:14:21
Subiectul: before you go off installing google toolbar...
read this:
and then make an informed decision.

6. August 2004, 16:26:30 
Well I sort-of found a solution for the firefox/brainking load issue.

Upgrade from dial-up to DSL - then it loads a lot quicker most of the time, so it is a less of an issue now. :-)

6. August 2004, 21:59:54 
Wow - doing a Speed Test on my new DSL at home, I'm almost getting T1 speeds. (1.3 megabits per second is my speed.)

6. August 2004, 22:04:37
you'll never go back to dial-up now

6. August 2004, 22:39:49 
Well I now might be able to get over 2000 moves a day now if I try. I got my current high of 1726 on a dial up 56k (well 48k) and what I'm on a 1300k connection now. Now I just need more time. :-)

7. August 2004, 03:20:15
I got 1.2 megabits per second

7. August 2004, 04:54:24
Modificat de vitalik (7. August 2004, 04:56:38)
i got 7.9 megabits per second


That means with this speed BBW can make 243489 moves a day

7. August 2004, 17:27:22
I have the bellsouth Xtreme DSL service. The line is rated at 3.0Mb down and something like 624Kb up. In real life I get about 2.7-2.85 down. Still, it's worth every penny lol

7. August 2004, 20:59:33
Subiectul: yup
the standard german dsl (1500) was sped up to 2000 now, without charge.
sadly my 3000 dsl didn't go up to 4000 though, they experiment with 5000 ... ~*~

7. August 2004, 21:57:42
Subiectul: WLAN forum and comprehensive legal information
Modificat de danoschek (7. August 2004, 21:58:45)
about free surfing are to be found at NetStumbler.Com ... ~*~

8. August 2004, 05:11:09
another good website with speed test, tools to make your broadband to work faster and other info:

8. August 2004, 09:32:52
what ever you got my friend is all in your mind...

you will have to be faster than that when the internet police get onto ya :)_

of course this isnt directed at anyone in particular....
but keep posting because that is just what they need hehehehe

8. August 2004, 16:42:10
Subiectul: I think someone is living in a dream world
Just because some people may unintentionally disclose some "public" information about someone on a games site, this does not mean the "internet police" ROFLMAO get on thier high horse and follow people around.
Get a brain. You already disclosed your whole name in a poem, you told everyone you live in Townsville. This is no secret, you divulged that. It is not hard to go to and enter those details LOL

8. August 2004, 19:47:23
Modificat de Backoff (9. August 2004, 23:27:13)
vitalik, I use DSLReports all the time. I also like

8. August 2004, 20:05:18
the link doesnt work dude, it is linked to brainking

8. August 2004, 20:48:17
Modificat de Kevin (8. August 2004, 20:48:45)

(it seems for external links you need the http://)

9. August 2004, 23:27:45
opps, I was in need of coffee lol. link fixed

9. August 2004, 23:55:21
coffee didn't help. try espresso :) "htpp"?

10. August 2004, 04:01:10
When I press printscreen to take a screenshot it works but it also prints the screen on my printer at that time without asking me if I want to do it. Is there a way to stop it from printing. Having the printer turned off doesn't work it just turns it on.

10. August 2004, 08:20:59
What about to unplug the printer?

10. August 2004, 08:54:30
Subiectul: Re: I think someone is living in a dream world
you told a member of this site that you had searched and had found my personal particulars...
as I said to you, you got it from the telephone book because the details are wrong.

you have tracked me to IYT and harrassed , also here....all your information, posts, pics, etc have been given to the police....BELIEVE speaking the truth....

****Just because some people may unintentionally disclose some "public" information about someone on a games site****......pure did it deliberately.
No Pic?? or are we trying to change our identity?

10. August 2004, 15:19:49
Will try that thanks.

10. August 2004, 15:52:47
If it still prints after the printer is unplugged..........RUN !!!!

15. August 2004, 20:33:22
Subiectul: WINDOWS XP SP2
One great feature to the service pack 2. Auto stop annoying pop up ads on sites. Great feature!
Seems this new service pack is centered around security issues which is kool too. A must get for all on XP I would say.

15. August 2004, 20:36:59
Subiectul: yep
Modificat de danoschek (15. August 2004, 20:39:33)
I will wait two weeks though, to see whether bugfixes will be released yet ...
the activeX prompt is still not on by default, but a lot of security improvements
were done ... the firewall is still uhhhm basic. safe only against intruders, but no
(possibly trojan) outgoing traffic is observed at all ... Outpost or ZA are still obligatory ~*~

15. August 2004, 20:40:10
Subiectul: Re: yep
Yup, thats why I have Norton!!

18. August 2004, 06:20:07
Subiectul: I am considering getting a new computer
at the end of this month..

I am a full time student taking 2 courses this semester online.. as well as use the computer for entertainment.. I want something fast.. and usually have cable connection..

Any suggestions??

18. August 2004, 06:34:07 
Subiectul: Re: I am considering getting a new computer
Whenever I get that question, I always answer with Dell. ( It's good, it's simple, and you know what you get (and you can custimize for what you want)

Then you need to look at the following things

Processor (CPU - Pent, Celeron, etc...) - Personally I find this lease important now days. Even the "lowest priced" that Dell offers is pretty darn good, and won't see much of a difference for normal use.

Memory - The more the better. 512MB VERY MINIMUM. 1GB would be good. (more if you can afford it)

Hard Drive - I think 30Gig is the minimum that Dell offers, so it reall depends on what you plan on doing. If you save a lot of music, or other stuff - then you would need a bigger hard drive. If you are a normal user without much, then 30 gig would probable be OK

CD Writer / DVD Writer - CD Writer is a must. DVD writer is nice, but would probable be cheaper to wait and buy one later if you don't need it now.

OK, that is my opinion. Have extra money, get more memory!

18. August 2004, 23:28:56
Subiectul: I wonder if anyone can help???
Modificat de gooner (18. August 2004, 23:50:18)
For the last 6 months now my computer has been taking longer and longer to load windows. I have had several error messages appear both on start up and shut down. On shut down I always get messages saying certain programs haven't shut down properly and also on start up I get messages saying my computer has just recovered from a serious error.

Now on start up I get this error come up and when I press don't send it keeps popping up for about 20 mins and during that time I have no start menu, tool bar or icons and can only get online through my error message. Microsoft have never heard of it and it is driving me crazy. I downloaded registry mechanic and that didn't help, also I couldn't find the file on my computer.
Please please help someone as It really is getting worse all the time and I don't want to format my hard drive as it would take forever for me to set it all up again.


seksdkcp.exe has encounter a problem and needs to close.

error signature is

offset: 000441db

BTW...I have Windows XP

19. August 2004, 00:07:42
Subiectul: I heard of similar problems
- but it's hard to guess ... I would use an emergency CD with virus/trojan-scanner
- those minimal systems don't need the hard drive and do their work independently ...
the repair programs on the CD might not help directly - but give you better diagnosis ... ~*~

19. August 2004, 00:30:44
Talking of error messages on start up, I'm getting "Error loading C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSA64CHK.DLL". Does anyone know what that is and how I cure it?

19. August 2004, 00:38:19
Subiectul: harley
from a brief search, it appears to be a 'dialer' .. for info and manual removal instructions, try :

19. August 2004, 00:43:39
Subiectul: Re: I wonder if anyone can help???
if you don't know what it is, Microsoft doesn't know what it is and it keeps crashing - delete it.

19. August 2004, 00:47:05
Subiectul: Re: I wonder if anyone can help???
I can't delete it because my computer can't find it when I type it in search. Any other realistic ideas??

19. August 2004, 01:05:17
Subiectul: Re: I wonder if anyone can help???
you searched for sdkcp.exe and it can't find it?

19. August 2004, 01:08:51
oh, yeah, and check the registry, i bet it's in "Run" somewhere, you are not the only one with this problem:

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