These files are major programs, but if you have the disks you could replace them. The problem is that most trojans deposit other programs onto your system (often hidden) which carry out their 'dirty work' (or 'payload'). Your entire system needs 'disinfected'. PWSteal.Trojan (PassWord steal) tells me you also need to change every password you use, right down to the one you use to log on to your ISP.
A good antivirus can often 'disinfect' files, but sometimes it is necessary to delete these files and replace them from a non-contaminated CD. You may have to reinstall quicken and others from your windows CD. You -must- keep your antivirus program updated, otherwise new virii (which are released daily) can slip past your defenses.
NEVER open an email attachment without checking it first, even when it appears to be from a trusted source. They may be infected and don't yet realize it.
The links I gave you will often have detailed instructions for disinfecting your system from certain virii, but it sounds like you are infected with more than one. If you are unsure of your abilities, then you need to find someone who knows what they're doing to help you clean your system.
(ascunde) Dacă vrei să vezi un mesaj mai vechi al unuia dintre jucători,fă click pe Profilul lui şi utilizează linkul "arată mesajele acestui utilizator" de la începutul paginii. (konec) (arată toate sfaturile)