nobleheart: One of australia's top sportsmen had gotten overweight in the off season and put himself on the frozen grape diet....yep he only ate frozen grapes for however long and lost weight...I havent tried it because Im a guts and like to put 2-3 in my mouth at a time LOLOL,
ewwwwww.... I found this...dont sound to appetising
With the grape cure eat black or purple grapes. Eat them with skins and pips. Preferably chew some of the pips to release their antioxidants. Soak the grapes with the addition of some hydrogen peroxide to kill and remove any fungi.
Eat about 1 kg daily according to appetite. If a temporary aversion to grapes develops, have a few days of juices with plenty of beetroot in-between. Eat only a few grapes at a time to avoid a strong rise in the blood sugar level. Be very careful to store grapes cool and dry, a good way is to hang them over a washing line in a garage.
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