redsales: Why have a problem with it? You're in a Dark Chess tournament right now that excluded me from playing just because I had too high of a rating. Ponds doesn't have a rating system, so that's one type of segregation that doesn't apply to it. All the others are still available. I like how Thad summed it up, though I don't see why Fencer couldn't have a tournament just for his friends or other invitees too. If it's my tournament, I should be able to have in it who I want to and will have an invitational. If I don't care, or if I want anybody that's interested in playing, I have an open. Simple enough, so where's the problem?
(ascunde) Joacă în timp real cu adversarul!Pentru ca acesta să fie posibil şi tu şi adversarul trebuie să selectaţi opţiunea "Mută şi rămâi aici" şi să reâncarci pagina cu tasta F5! (TeamBundy) (arată toate sfaturile)