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Jim Dandy: Again you're talking nonsense. You're so eager to label Brietbart as devious and you let the WH and NAACP off the hook.
"They probably didn't think anyone would be as devious as Briebart...."
That Jim is an unbelievable statement. A joke really. Acorn registered dead people, little kids, and some people dozens of times. In one Democratic precinct they kept track of those that didn't show up to vote and they CAST THEIR VOTE FOR THEM. If they later showed up, they let them vote again a second time.
Yeah, that's common place in the Democratic party. But that's not devious?
Artful Dodger:I think it's become pretty clear what Brietbart was trying to do,Was it responded to well by the head of her dept and the NAACP? no, they probably didn't think anyone would be as devious as Brietbart, so they knee jerked, but now that the facts are out, he's alone on an Island of hate
Whoppie said it best: we aren't past the issue of race in this country. There is work to do. And this incident shows that to be true. The left can be just as racially insensitive as some on the right.
Jim Dandy: Nonsense. You still ignore the facts. What is known is that the NAACP had full access to the video. THEY SHOT THE VIDEO so they are without excuse. The White House is paranoid and run by a bunch of incompetents. Just like when Obama condemned the police over the professor WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE FACTS OF THE CASE they condemned Sharrod with very little to go on. That says alot about them but says NOTHING of Brietbart.
I will be willing to at least agree that Brietbart is guilty of dishonesty if it can be shown that he had full access to the entire tape and HE edited it himself (or knew it was edited).
But, that doesn't get the NAACP off the hook NOR the WH.
Incidently, Sharrod was on the view today and there was only one small mention of Brietbart. She blames the NAACP and the WH.
And even though Sharrod says that she's learned that it's not about color but about poor people of all colors, she still took a jab at Bush and complained that the reason Obama runs into so much opposition is that he's black.
So in Sharrod's own words, it's NOT about race, but it IS about race. ???
Artful Dodger: Brietbart set a good trap didn't he, but it seems everyone is seeing through the bs.If they had not reacted quickly, of course they would be slammed for allowing a fed employee to go along her "racist" path with no punishment.Yes, Brietbart thinks he's smarter than everybody
Interesting that the NAACP shot the tape of Sherrod speaking and yet still condemned her? They didn't know what was on the tape and they are the ones that made the tape. How does that work? That explains why they so immediately condemned her - theyhad full access to the tape and yet they still failed to view the full context of the tape.
I think I know why that happened. You see, the NAACP has just recently thrown down the race card against another innocent party (no pun intended) and they panicked, knowing they had to be consistent, so true to form, they reacted without all the facts. Egg on face.
Now what's even more interesting is this possibility: The White House decided to use this situation to their advantage. Get the NAACP to over react, then over react yourselves (but from a distance) and then when all the facts come out, the Sherrod story will dominate the headlines for days.
And why is that important?
Because instead of the public focusing on the real issues of the Obama administration, they will focus on Sherrod.
Democrats repeatedly promised their massive 2009 stimulus plan would create over 3 million new jobs. It hasn’t. Instead, unemployment climbed to 10 percent as over 2 million more jobs were eliminated. This weekend Vice President Biden took the extraordinary step of suggesting stimulus failed because Republicans made it “too small”:
During the debate leading up to passage of the stimulus bill, Jared Bernstein (Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to Vice President Biden) and Christina Romer (Chair, President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors) argued that “A package in the range that the President-Elect has discussed is expected to create between three and four million jobs by the end of 2010…We have assumed a package just slightly over the $775 billion currently under discussion.” That $775 billion assumed cost was actually LESS than what CBO estimated the Democrats’ stimulus plan would cost when it was signed into law ($787 billion), which CBO later revised upwards (to $862 billion). Thus the failure of stimulus to create jobs cannot be because it spent too little – since actual stimulus spending is MORE than the level Administration economists said would “create between three and four million jobs.”
The stimulus bill was $862 billion or nearly $3,000 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.
July 22, 2010 The Sherrod matter a boon for Obama Jim Yardley Congratulations, President Obama. It looks like you've won. Any meaningful questions about your performance in office, or the agenda you, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been pushing are no longer part of the national discussion.
The dust-up over Shirley Sherrod and inferences about her "reverse racism," the rank stupidity of the NAACP in condemning her and the Department of Agriculture firing her before uttering an ear shattering "Oops!" has effectively diverted everyone's attention from the really serious issues facing our country.
Well played, sir. Sick, cynical, underhanded, true...but supremely effective.
I'm particularly impressed by how quickly you got the NAACP to fall on their sword for you by condemning this woman, especially considering that they had control of the original videotape of her comments, which they could have reviewed at any time, rather than relying on Andrew Breitbart's clip posted on
Субъект: Re: It's also a fact that Andrew Brietbart did not hide Sherrod's transformation as the NAACP suggests.
Artful Dodger:
But she criticized blogger Andrew Breitbart, who posted the video clip Monday. He argued that he posted the clip to show that racism exists at the NAACP, since members in the audience laughed as she told the story.
"He was willing to destroy me ... in order to try to destroy the NAACP," Sherrod said Thursday of Breitbart, saying she still hasn't heard an apology from him.
"He had to know what he was doing," she added. "I'm certain he didn't think the other side of the story would come out, but he knew he was misrepresenting the facts."
Субъект: Re: it's about the administration buying their lies
Jim Dandy: Because it's always military spending that goes up. Wars.. star wars projects, etc, etc.
But to spend on helping the people of the USA or it's infrastructure.. that's a sin for some reason. That under Bush the deficit sky rocketed and to bring that spending under control regardless of what is needed to stop the high probability of a total economic collapse.. is going to affect the books.
As to putting money into the economy is a waste... I saw a business just about to under on a prog. It needed just some new machinery. One gut saw the potential and invested... The business is great and the bloke is making a nice bit from the investment.
rod03801: I'll have to see what he said as I missed that show. Fact I miss most of his shows but have them Tivo'd. I do think it's funny how the NAACP and the WH don't take full responsibilities for their own failure to investigate the full story. Easier to blame others. ;)
The NAACP had full access to the entire video at all times but failed to access the full video before condemning Sherrod.
Still the NAACP, having full access to the video, applauded Sherrod's firing.
Two hours later they revers themselves with no explanation as to how they could condemn Sherrod without viewing the full video first.
It's also a fact that Andrew Brietbart did not hide Sherrod's transformation as the NAACP suggests. Even if he did, the NAACP had a duty to get the fact before jumping on the condemning bandwagon.
The NAACP says they were "snookered" by Brietbart and Fox news. But if that's true, then they could only have taken cues from commentators and NOT from Fox reporters.
8:18 Monday morning Brietbart posts the Sherrod clips on his blog
By mid-afternoon USDA under secretary demands Sherrod resigns because she's going to "be on Glen Beck."
5pm: Glen Beck show airs and there is no mention of Sherrod
Fox news airs NOTHING about the story until prime time when O'Reilly, Hannity, and Gretta picked up the story.
Just a few minutes before midnight the NAACP makes its first statement condemning Sherrod.
Sherrod has previously sued the USDA and won and is now talking about doing that again.
So much for Jim Dandy's theory. They don't stand up to the facts.
Субъект: Re: it's about the administration buying their lies
(V): True, they are masters at exploiting the "bogymen",and playing on fear.How they get away on maintaining the mantle of cutting spending I'll never know.The deficit shot up bigtime when St Ronny got in after Carter,and did the same after GW took over from Clinton..........They are very disiplined at staying on messege though, a fine tuned machine.
Субъект: Re: it's about the administration buying their lies
Jim Dandy: They have the advantage of being able to play on cold war propaganda... socialism, communism, liberalism, etc.. left is bad..
Guess the fear of a stupid WMD war being started by someone (left or right) left it's mark. So did the 331 nuclear weapons tests by the USA.. much of it just boys playing with their toys.
Субъект: Re: If she leaned any further left she'd fall over. Typical reply from the left.
Artful Dodger: One minute you are quoting as you call it.. "left wing media" the next you are dissing someone of the "left wing media" for POINTING OUT that FOX LIED.
It's that Beck stirs up the extreme right wingers... the delusional ones that might start shooting. Some from Tea party events (practising their freedom of speech) have said.. "next time we will bring guns."
.. How does threatening violence count as democracy?
Artful Dodger: Brietbart and Fox should be ashamed of themselves for commenting on an edited video without knowing the complete story.When the true story came to light, they both should have apologised to the same degree that the performed the hatchet job on her
Jim Dandy: False. they did NOT edit it and that is an indisputable fact. You don't even know where that video came from but it came edited like that. The video wasn't presented as a full video but as an edited one. And as of my last reading, they still don't know who edited it.
Artful Dodger:Andrew Brietbart, in cahoots with Fox created this mess,they along with the WH owe this woman,and the farmer an apology.The NAACP have already done so.Fox wil just keep spinning along.Instead of her speech being about her wonderful epiphony, they edited it into the gutter
Jim Dandy: The left spins it all day. If it wasn't for Fox, many stories that reveal the troubling truths about legislation coming from the Obama administration would never see the light of day.
Jim Dandy: Rachel Maddow? If she leaned any further left she'd fall over. Typical reply from the left. The fact that the White House threw her under the bus isn't newsworthy? That BAD on the WH.
And even the NAACP threw the poor girl under the bus - without checking the facts!!!
Can you say knee jerk?
But it does go to show just how racial the NAACP was back then. The crowed voiced their agreement to her statement about not helping a white man. They didn't know where she was going with it.
That said, I do find it odd that a 25 year old video can produce such negative effects. Still, wasn't it the NAACP that just made the bogus claims about the Tea Party being racist? Yeah. Never mind that left-wingers posed as Tea Partiers and made racial comments and the signs that the NAACP claims existed have never been proven. And they are still pushing forth the lie about racial slurs being leveled at certain members of congress even though ALL THE VIDEOS show otherwise.
Can you say double standard?
The White House shakes in it's boots at Fox for one reason: Fox isn't in the business of biased news reporting. And they cover stories the other outlets bury.
Sorry but I see a bit of poetic justice in all this. Obama will look so bad to his base. He caved into his fears of what Beck might have to say on the matter.
(V): They'll just change the spin, as they did at the end of the clip.Now it's not about the misrepresentation of the woman, it's about the administration buying their lies
I was watching Oliver Stone on the morning news.. His new film "South of the border" has him talking about Hugo Chavez .. The film talks about how right wing media both north and south of the border have demonised left wing leaders, and how the US gov and corporations paid to try and remove Hugo Chavez from being president.
Why.. oil.
Chavez also states this is the reason why Iraq was invaded. Not WMD's.. not 'regime change'.. but oil.
Субъект: One sure way to decrease vote for Republicans
Don't accommodate the men and women in the military. Make it impossible for them to vote. Just because they are risking their lives for us doesn't mean we owe them any extra effort to assure they get to vote in US elections. Right?
July 21, 2010 Disenfranchising those who serve us valiantly Ed Lasky In the wake of controversy regarding the Department of Justice complacency regarding violation of voting rights by New Black Panther Party members comes news that the DOJ is also freely granting waivers that allow states to ignore the votes of our citizens in the military:
From the Washington Times, commenting on the disaster of 2008 when many thousands of military votes were uncounted (and could very well have made a difference in the Minnesota race between Norm Coleman and Al Franken): Much of this disaster could have been avoided by the Voting Section of the Justice Department, and without swift action, the Voting Section will cause a similar disaster in 2010 despite congressional efforts to fix the problem.
The primary hurdle, according to most experts, is time. Nearly every military-voting expert agrees that absentee ballots must be sent to overseas military voters at least 45 days before an election to give those voters sufficient time to receive and return their ballots. The Military Postal Service Agency goes one step further and recommends that absentee ballots be sent to war zones 60 days before an election.
Unfortunately, states have been slow to revamp their voting laws to accommodate a 45-day mailing standard. Before the 2008 election, at least 10 states and the District of Columbia provided military voters with just 35 days or fewer to receive and return their ballots. Overall, the Pew Center on the States found that "more than a third of states [did] not provide military voters stationed abroad with enough time to vote or [were] at high risk of not providing enough time."
Yet the primary entity responsible for protecting military voters, the Voting Section, decided not to pursue those states even though federal law (i.e., the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) gave the section wide latitude to protect military voters.
Thousands of military members were disenfranchised because their votes came in too late to be counted. Congress acted by requiring states to send ballots much earlier-at least 45 days before an election unless a state requested a waiver. That is the nub of the problem.
The Voting Section of the DOJ is in control of granting waivers. A few months ago, a senior official of the department informed an audience of state officials that the waiver provision was "ambiguous" and tipped his hand by indicating that the DOJ would be flexible regarding granting waivers.
In other words-wink, wink-states will not be sued for failure to send absentee ballots to our men and women in uniform. They can be disenfranchised again-with no penalties.
Military members tend to vote for Republicans.
Given the seeming willingness of the DOJ to turn itself into an apparatus of the Democratic Party when it comes to enforcing voter laws (it goes beyond just The New Black Panthers Party), is it too far-fetched to assume that once again the DOJ is using its power to help elect Democrats?
Breaking: Nevada To Press On With Criminal Prosecution of ACORN by Matthew Vadum
Nevada’s Democratic attorney general, Catherine Cortez Masto, is moving forward with a criminal prosecution of ACORN even though the financially anemic group has dissolved its national structure and reportedly slashed its workforce from 250 to four employees. Trial has been scheduled for Nov. 29.
The charges relate to ACORN’s crime of choice: voter registration fraud.
Yeah, ACORN, the group that helped Obama get elected. Chicago politics on a National level.
The Tea Party Goes To Washington by Andrew Marcus 1 person liked this It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.
Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:
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