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13. Июля 2006, 04:11:31
Universal Eyes 
Субъект: Re: We had the following comment....
TexasToest:I don't answer a question unless,i'm absolutly right,David Gilmour and Roger Waters,turned down a 250,000 million contract,because the don't get along,at this moment the both are competing for who is best,in my eyes Gilmours kicking ass. 

13. Июля 2006, 19:57:02
The Col 
Субъект: Re: We had the following comment....
TexasToest: Yes,legend has it that it was written about Syd,but according to Nick Mason's fantastic book: http://www.pinkfloyd.co.uk/insideOut/

It isn't necessarily true

14. Июля 2006, 03:57:05
Субъект: today's pick

16. Июля 2006, 23:17:56

80s videos

Not all of these are actually from the 80s, but close enough. ;)

17. Июля 2006, 00:11:58
Субъект: Re:
nivabef:  That'll keep us busy for a while.

Don't miss the Bangles doing Walk Like an Egyptian!

17. Июля 2006, 01:52:45
Субъект: Re:
TexasToest: Did you see the Y Kant Tori Read one?  No wonder Tori Amos doesn't like to admit she was ever in that band!

17. Июля 2006, 05:27:23
No, but I'll have to catch it.  Thanks for the tip!  I did see a few losers out there, though.  But, they're usually just funny!

19. Июля 2006, 01:35:55
I saw The Eagles in London recently, perfection is the only word suitable. They just get better and better. Anyone else at Wembley ?

19. Июля 2006, 02:26:04
The Col 
Субъект: 70's rock at it's best

19. Июля 2006, 03:13:47
Субъект: Mmmmm......
The Eagles.  I've loved them for years. 

That Montrose clip was good, Jim.  More, more!

19. Июля 2006, 03:48:23
Субъект: Re: Mmmmm......
TexasToest: I agree with you on both counts...thanks for that Jim Dandy...haven't seen anything on them in ages!!!!

And yep- Eagles are like a fine wine or scotch....awesome to start with, but even better with age

19. Июля 2006, 03:49:45
Субъект: Re: Mmmmm......
baddessi:Eagles rule!!

19. Июля 2006, 03:53:13
LOL whoops-- wrong board- sorry

yep- Eagles rule

19. Июля 2006, 04:42:11
I don't see anything embarrassing, Sister Texas.  

19. Июля 2006, 04:49:10
Субъект: Re:
TexasToest: I posted on the wrong board..left the message in case someone else saw the message..but thanks- it's all good now : )

19. Июля 2006, 07:08:38
Субъект: *snicker*
I wondered.  I was toetally in the dark on that one.  No matter.  We all make mistakes from time to time.

19. Июля 2006, 07:55:40
Universal Eyes 

Kid Rock will marry Pamela Anderson July21st.

Tommy lee don't mind

22. Июля 2006, 02:37:53
Субъект: We're around....
although, I hadn't heard about Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson.  Wonder how long that'll last. I have heard stuff of Kid Rock's I like, though.  He's on Willie Nelson's Great Divide CD.

22. Июля 2006, 21:40:03
Субъект: Feeling Texanish
on this fine saturday morning....a tribute to one of our own...he really was a legend..Mr Townes Van Zandt


22. Июля 2006, 21:41:53
Субъект: Two more of my favorite texans...

22. Июля 2006, 21:42:55
Субъект: Last one (for now)
"Come back To Texas"
Bowling for Soup


22. Июля 2006, 23:22:28
Universal Eyes 
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Сделано для Universal Eyes (23. Июля 2006, 01:04:53)
baddessi: I'm not linking on to anything you print. [message edited by TT].

23. Июля 2006, 01:06:13
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: that's fine. Your choice. Not a very nice thing to say tho, let's keep the boards nice....and on topic please.

23. Июля 2006, 01:07:57
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes:  We're not going to tolerate name calling.  I have edited your last post.

B'dessi, Townes was, I believe I have posted in the past, a friend of mine.  When I got back from El Paso on the day after he died, I really went into a funk.  I'd never had a friend that died.  I really want to replace as much of my vinyl of him as I can with CDs soon.

And of course, Rodney Crowell is one of our greats!  But, I gotta check out this Bowling for Soup.  Thanks for the links.

23. Июля 2006, 01:09:25
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
TexasToest: I knew he was..I remember you telling me. I thought you'd enjoy having him back for a few : )

23. Июля 2006, 01:12:32
Universal Eyes 
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Сделано для Universal Eyes (23. Июля 2006, 01:19:44)

baddessi: You took it over after Rockin Ron,which his wishes were,for me to take over,not to have me and Nirvana eliminated from the site,i know Texas Toast knows her music.

I will and constantly reply as fast as you type.LOL

23. Июля 2006, 01:25:41
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: ok, Mike...have your say.
I'm just the person moderating now. I was asked to mod. I said yes.
It's not up to Ron who moderates the board. As we all know, Ron has passed away.
The moderators of boards are decided upon by the site owner and his global moderators.
I've explained this to you, but you choose to believe to be some evil person who has "done you & Nirvana wrong".
I have nothing to hide. That is not the case.
You need to take this up with Fencer or the global mods. I will wholeheartedly agree with any decisions they make, but I will not allow you to trash this board.
That is my responsibility as a mod. Any further posts on this will be deleted with no notice.
Please take your arguements to where they belong...to Fencer and the globals and NOT on a public board.
I urge you to read the user statement to help you understand what is and is NOT acceptable on a public board.

23. Июля 2006, 01:38:28
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: I will agree with you that Texas Toest knows her Music tho

23. Июля 2006, 01:41:35
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: One last point that I want to make perfectly clear is that I did NOT take over the board from you & Nirvana.
Members do not have the power to "take over boards"
I also never did anything to have you & Nirvana "eliminated from the site".
I don't want you & Nirvana eliminated from the site.
I was put on as a moderator by the globals, so please quit suggesting that I "took over the board".
That can not be done.

23. Июля 2006, 02:50:29
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
baddessi:  I believe the decision was the Globals.  I'd say they made the percect choice.  TT sure knows her stuff.  I have to say I'm impressed with her knowledge of music.  She has eclectic tastes too!.  ;)

23. Июля 2006, 02:58:17
Субъект: Re: Last one (for now)
Groucho: thanks- couldn't agree more. Glad to have you here Toesty! : )

23. Июля 2006, 03:57:35
Субъект: Wow! Thanks!!!
Сделано для TexasToest (23. Июля 2006, 03:59:36)
Thanks so much for the support, baddessi and Groucho.  It's nice to hear from time to time that one might have been chosen for a reason.

I too am positive that the globals made the decision to appoint baddessi to moderate here in the first place, and that there was no animosity toward Universal Eyes, and Nirvana influencing their decision.  They chose a person who is known to be knowledgeable about the topic, and who is responsible, and adult enough to make rational decisions based on the greater good.   I think they made the best decision they knew how for the Brain King site, not just the board.  That's why they're called globals! 

I just really hate that this is coming up again.  I really thought we were through with it.  I understand that I was also approved by the globals, and it falls on me to enforce the rules here.  I'd like for you, Universal Eyes, to stay here and join in with the chat.  Because, you too know your music.  You could be a great asset to the board. 

However, I will not tolerate these personal attacks on the co-moderator here.  I do not think baddessi wronged you in anyway, but from what I've seen, she has suffered as a result of your childishness, and petty jealousy. 

I am going to look to the globals to guide me on what to do about this.  But, I wish you would police yourself, Universal Eyes, and realize you are only harming the board, not badessi.  And, you are running the risk of getting yourself permanenly banned from this board, and depriving all of us of your superior musical knowledge.

23. Июля 2006, 04:15:02
NOT a floosie 
I've seen the harrassment, and stand by your decisions on this subject. If there are any complaints about who was chosen to moderate this board or why they should be directed by pm to any of the globals and not constantly brought up on this board.

23. Июля 2006, 04:28:33
Субъект: Re: Wow! Thanks!!!
TexasToest & NOT a Floosie:
Thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate it, and the support.

Toesty, I agree with what you said about Mike (UE) and his knowledge of Music.
Mike, I hope you have a better understanding of what happened and I sincerely hope you continue to share your knowledge of Music on this board for the rest of the site. You have alot to give. I hope you continue to share it with everyone.

23. Июля 2006, 04:29:24
Субъект: Re:
NOT a floosie:  Thank you, NOT a floosie.  

23. Июля 2006, 05:37:26
Look out kid
It's somethin' you did
God knows when
But you're doing it again
You better duck down the alleyway
Lookin' for a new friend
The man in the coonskin cap
In the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
But you only got ten ................

@ The pump don't work
cause the vandals took the handles...........

23. Июля 2006, 05:46:59
Субъект: Re:

Subterranean Blues Bob Dylan.

23. Июля 2006, 05:54:45
Субъект: Re:
nice....Nirvana...that's my 2nd all time favorite song ..here's my favorite:

24. Июля 2006, 00:59:13
Субъект: Re:
Nirvana:  It's great to see you here, Nirvana.  I hope this appearance predicts things to come.

24. Июля 2006, 01:05:47
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Dylan
    A man before, during, and after his time.


24. Июля 2006, 04:07:12
Субъект: Re: Wow! Thanks!!!
MASTERMIND: that's good to hear. I've never doubted that you and UE know your music. I'll be the first to admit you probably know alot more about it than me.

24. Июля 2006, 04:28:02
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для baddessi (24. Июля 2006, 05:01:08)
MASTERMIND: that was uncalled for Al, you have no need to put me down on here. I don't have the record, so I don't know.
Since you do, why don't you tell us...

As a moderator of the board, I'm sure you understand I have to ask you to please refrain from any flaming. Enough now, ok?

24. Июля 2006, 05:05:10
Субъект: Re:
Not trying to butt in or get involved in this, but what does having a brain crammed with useless trivia have to do with being able to love and appreciate music?

24. Июля 2006, 05:43:05
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
nivabef:  Nothing.  Baddessi is more than qualified to moderate this board.  Having any knowledge of music isn't necessary to moderate, but having the ability to solve problems and understand how to handle people is.  Baddessi has  PHD in this area.  She's even had to mod me a few times and we're good friends!  That's another good characteristic of a competent moderator.  She doesn't show favoritism.  She's fair to all.  ;) 

Barb you do an excellent job and we're all lucky to have you on the mod team!!!

24. Июля 2006, 06:02:46
Субъект: The sound of sanity....
is always welcome.  You're right, Groucho, and thank you, nivabef, for stating what has been going on in my mind.  Trivia is not what music is about.  If it goes no further than the surface, how come it can heal the human soul?

We wish Universal Eyes, and Mastermind the best of luck with their fellowships.  We will miss you, but evidently, you aren't happy here.  If we can ever do anything to help you, let us know.

24. Июля 2006, 06:16:50
I sure couldn't answer any of Masterminds questions about Rockin Ron. I was very sorry to hear that he passed away but frankly I had never heard of him until I played him in a tournament.
That still doesn't mean that I don't appreciate good music!

24. Июля 2006, 06:34:56
The way I see it, we're here to enlighten one another about what's good out there.

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