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TexasToest: thanks for that Sister Texas....I didn't realize I was in such good company. And yes, I think of George every birthday..I think I probably always will..thanks for thinking of me and posting!
Сделано для MagicDragon (22. Декабря 2006, 14:33:19)
TexasToest: I personally think he would have been bigger now. I think he would have changed w/ the times but still be the same. Definitely had a singing voice that was very soothing to the ear compared to some nowadays. I heard awhile ago that his death was not an accident (something to do about the enviroment)& when someone found out, they rigged his plane. I can't remember who mentioned it but it was on a radio program late night
TexasToest: Happy B-day Odetta.......Going with the theme,I just invested a tidy sum in purchasing the complete Midnight Special DVD collection.I watched that show every friday night,it's about time it was released.
Oh yeah! That's such a wonderful song - real tear jerker. It reminds me of how much Hank III sounds like him. Maybe III has worked to get that sound, but he really does sound like his grand-daddy.
Iris Dement is 46 today. It's unfortunate that the video quality on this clip is flakey, but the last half is pretty good. It's one of my favorite songs she does, and MAN, would I have loved to have been at that jam!!!!
Today in 1969: The Beatles performed as a group for the last time in public in a 45-minute gig on the roof of their Apple Records headquarters in London during the filming of ''Let it Be" .
TexasToest: I knew about the Swiss Army but i didnt know about their drum squad. I found this video when i checked the profile of a guy who had made a comment on one of my videos :)
Of course, Carlos Santana is one of my all-time favorites. And, BOY, have I ever loved Alex Ligertwood forever! "...musta been lust." Fiona Apple I've just come around to. Maybe I settled down a little, but I really enjoy her too.
TexasToest: doncha love it when ladies venture into jazz? I loved when Joni Mitchell did her jazzy albums Heirja? and another one, escapes me now...but quite a departure from her other folksy stuff or so I thought
Joni Mitchell, even on her folk albums, was always a cut above. The way she put words and notes together was astounding. I truly, truly still love her.
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