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31. Октября 2020, 09:34:17
Субъект: Larkin Poe
I have also been enjoying the music of these two:


31. Октября 2020, 09:29:24
Субъект: Dead & Co.
As an old Grateful Dead (and Garcia) fan, I was delighted to find "Dead & Company" and John Mayer in the beginning of the lockdown period (March), making my "home stay" bearable. Here is one old favourite:


14. Мая 2007, 09:44:23
Субъект: Tommy Emmanuel
Just heard this amazing guitarist - Tommy Emmanuel, probably Austrlia's greatest guitarist. Amazing!


30. Сентября 2006, 16:56:38
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
baddessi: Yeah, list of lead guitarists would never be complete without Clapton and Santana, and Jerry Garcia.

21. Сентября 2006, 14:47:36
My son (who is 14 now) is beginning to appreciate Doors. But he made a strange comment a couple of days back - "They'd be really great with a good lead guitarist!" Must confess, I'd never thought about that!!!

8. Августа 2006, 07:22:17
Субъект: Re: 'Love' singer Arthur Lee dies.
Nirvana: Talking of Arthur Lee, what happened to Alvin Lee (10 Years After)? Is he still around? Perhaps I'm 30 Years Too-late to ask this, but he was a fantastic lead guitarist.

24. Июля 2006, 07:15:42
Субъект: Re: Dylan et al
Nirvana: Hi Nirvana! Great to see you back here! BTW, I'm right now in my office, pretending to work but actually listening to "Baez sings Dylan". Wonderful! I'd forgotten what a voice she has!

23. Мая 2006, 09:12:48
Субъект: Neil Young
Great to see Neil Young back in action, and how! Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young were great favourites in my college days (1976 to 1981). I suppose this is the same Neil Young!!!

2. Мая 2006, 14:30:47
Субъект: Jethro Tull
One 'wonder'ful site is:

2. Мая 2020, 06:05:03
Any Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull fan in this forum?

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