Okay, i have messed around a bit today... its not my font size, but my images, like the icons on my desk top etc, are all too big (or bigger than they were) I used to be able to use the large backgammon board option, but now it doesnt display on one screen.
Can someone help me to get back to where I used to be?
It has been 10 years or more since I used a free website outfit.. But if you go to Google and type in free websites or something similar like free homepages, you will find what you need. Back in the day there was Geocities, Homestead, Angelfire, Tripod.. No clue if those still exist anymore or if they do if they are still free!
volant: It doesnt work here for me either but in all other sites that I type in it does work well. I never understood why it didn't work here. I find it really helpful since Im horrible with punctuation as all who read my message can tell!
Firefox has a spellchecker that underlines misspelled words in red. It works for me almost everywhere but here. I was wondering if it works here for others or not?
Vikings: hmmm, my pages are loading in between 1 and 2 seconds, and all look fine, except there are a couple of peoples pictures that arent showing, including mad monkeys and nickles on here right now
ok, thatnks, I thought I messed up my computor, My Firefox wasn't working so I un-installed it and My computor wouldn't let me use the new version I installed, and then I come here to this, I thought I was going to have a frustrating night
Vikings: Seems to be happening to a lot of people right now. Maybe everyone? In Firefox, at the bottom of my screen it just keeps saying "Waiting for img.brainking.com" .. I've never see that before. Maybe because normally it only flashes, because it's normally fast?
Others are mentioning similar problems on General Chat
MadMonkey: There are two ways for my device: First, there is a button on the front which cycles through the plugged computers, or I can use a keyboard shortcut (It's two time scroll lock [have you ever used that key?]) for that. It then gives you an accustic feedback. I think every KVM switch has these two ways of switching, just the shortcuts may vary, Ctrl+NumLock is often used I think. Of course, I never use the button on the device's front, it's just too much movement ;-) And with the keyboard shortcut I can put the switch under the desk so it doesn't even get into my way.
coan.net: the right click did the trick, i made it larger, it's so much better. will it stay bigger on both browsers or do i have to change it each time i open the browser?
If the Menu Bar is already showing (with items such as "File", "Edit", "View", etc.), it's pretty easy: View --> Text Size --> (and take your pick from the 5 choices)
If the Menu Bar items aren't already displayed, I think a right click up "near" the top of a browser page should bring up a little menu--just check "Menu Bar" there.
rod03801: i went to ff and found it on top left, i clicked view and increase, but it's not easy to find on ie7. at least i can't find it. i'll have too stay on ff til i can find it on ie. thx. rod, it's much better.
is there a way i can make the print larger on ie7 and will it stay larger for every site i go to? i definitely need new glasses but til then i need help. thx. ellie
Сделано для MadMonkey (19. Октября 2007, 21:50:23)
Christoph Daum: That looks pretty neat, just looked it up on ebay, only $9.50
Seems cheep for such a useful gadget. So, you plug a keyboard, mouse and one monitor in to it, and up to 4 base units, then you can switch between them ?
MadMonkey: I use a KVM (Keyboard/VGA/Mouse) +USB switch for that purpose. The only difference is that it's an extra device and not built into the keyboard...
I subscribe to a website called Lockergnome, and amazing place that keeps you (well me anyway lol) in contact with technology. Most the stuff i look at on there, or via there free newsletter is Computer related. Just a thing that i got in todays newsletter was an article about a problem i am sure many of you multi-computer users come across.
I repair and build computers, so when i am sitting here i have at least 3 PC's on and obviously keyboards to access them. So this short article Attention Keyboard designers was quite interesting and very true
If you find that interesting, why not subscribe to the newsletter, it very interesting
I just bought another flashdrive and this one has "vault" installed. Anyone use this B4? I'm curious as how this will work when I use it on other PCs. Will the other "PCs" have my info on their hard drive or does it stay on mine?
rod03801: And this puts the icons on the screen automatically too?
Yes, for every file in the "Desktop" folder you see one icon on the screen.
When you say "copy" it, what does that process involve? (I'm sure it's nothing like copy and pasting text! LOL)
Well, you won't copy and paste text, but it is just as easy! Open the Explorer and maneuver to your home folder aka "C:\Documents and Settings\rod1". There you can simply right click on the "Desktop" folder and chose "copy" from the context menu. Then maneuver to the home folder of the new user "C:\Documents and Settings\rod2", right click, and chose "paste" this time. Click "OK" on the upcoming popup window that asks you if you want to replace files of the same name - that's it!
You mention the desktop, my documents, and possibly some applications. Is there anything else I might not be thinking of that I would want to bring over from it?
If you just want to move data from one user to another on the same machine, that should be it! Most installed applications will be available for every user, so those should work automatically. Anyway, I would just try it out and see if you are missing something. If you don't after a few weeks, you're possibly done. If you miss something you had with the other account, then you can look what's different! Or just come back here ;-)
Christoph Daum: Thank you... That sounds pretty easy..
And this puts the icons on the screen automatically too?
You'll have to pardon me, I'm a "newbie" to having my own computer at home. (I've used plenty, at work, friends' etc...) When you say "copy" it, what does that process involve? (I'm sure it's nothing like copy and pasting text! LOL)
You mention the desktop, my documents, and possibly some applications. Is there anything else I might not be thinking of that I would want to bring over from it?
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