Please keep things positive. Best advise I believe is to try out different sites. Find what works well for you. If you don't like it, don't go back and try another site. Nothing says you only have to play on 1 site. At one time, I played on about 6 different turn-based game sites.
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As the talk of other games site has grown recently, I've tried to update the above with some quick links to other game sites. If you know of others that you think I should add, please post them. (Feel free to add a quick descriptions).
rod03801: Using the single column setup was the first thing I tried, but just a lie..... doesn't put anything back. :-(
Of course as a guest, I can only post on a few boards... and apparently a conversation is taking place on the platinum board, but of course I don't have access to.
Wow - I think for the first time, GoldToken has went backwards in their site design. They recently took away the webtv support (which was not used very often), but for some reason they decided to not even look at who else was using that mode since many people like myself used the webtv view since it put the submit button above the game board - now it's taking me twice as long to play games there... shame to see a site go backwards.
At least here on BrainKing, I can still use my External style to put the submit button up on top. Yea BrainKing!
Snoopy: Arrow keys on your keyboard - up turns it. Down drops it a little faster. Left & right move them... well left & right. space bar drops it down to bottom quickly.
Vikings: Go to the Zynga forums - they have an "ADD ME" area, where you can without signing up read and invite others who have wrote on the board - or join their forums and post your own "ADD ME".
For my Facebook Mafia Wars, I have 1,700+ players in my mafia - and almost all of those invited me when I posted in the ADD ME, plus posted in other areas on the forum with the add me in my signature.
I don't play the Mafia Wars much anymore so I removed all my none-true friends.
Note 1: Once you add someone to your mafia, you can remove them as a Facebook friend, BUT you will not be able to help them in missions & they can't help you.
Note 2: If you want to keep your Mafia as Facebook friends, you can play with your Facebook privacy level to basically block everything so they see nothing of your personal information.
Vikings: Where at? Facebook? MySpace? Tagged? Bebo? (I have played Mafia Wars on all 4 of those sites at one time, even though I don't play it much anymore.... very fun game, but started to take way too much of my time.)
Fencer: NO - DON'T PLAY FENCER - It is way too addicting of a game, it will only start to take more and more of your time - inviting friends to grow your mafia to be able to attack more and such.... We need you here on BrainKing. Well others do, I'm too busy now playing Mafia Wars on both Facebook & MySpace.
Baked Alaskan: I've been playing for a few weeks on Facebook, and just started to play it on MySpace (just because I wanted a way to "start again" now that I know what I'm doing.)
Feel free to invite me to be part of your mafia if you want.
On this site - Frog Finder is a great game - but even in my opinion, Frog Legs is missing something - it ends up being a very long drawn out game.
Over on & - they now have a Minesweeper game based on the Frog Legs concept, with some changes: (1) You don't see where your opponent guesses wrongly - so you can now guess without the fear of giving your opponent too much information. (2) Spaces which give no new information is automatically shown - so there is no more just making "dummy" shots so you don't reveal anything new (3) Slight scoring change - losing only 2 points for a guess - making it much better to try to guess. = English language site = Dutch language site = German language site (game is not released there yet - might be with different rules)
Anyway, I suggest to go check it out - They don't have the number of games that this site does - but they are great sites with a nice selection of games
.... But they also have a GREAT Rummy based game - very fun also. I go by over there - feel free to invite me to either Rummy or Minesweeper game there.
YourTurnMyTurn has a newer Rummy game (well around since January - but newer to me) that I'm in love with.
If you don't play on YourTurnMyTurn, you should go and make an account and start to play.
Turn based site like this - many games - some limits for free accounts but still very playable. (I use to have a paid account there but currently playing as a free player)
Jim Dandy: Well it is down again. There was an update that went wrong, and as they tried to roll it back - something was not working correctly.
I read it on the beta site (which is now down also), but they also have a MSN group that they keep very active, and if you go there - you will find an update about the current downtime. (I just got back to the computer so apparently what they thought was going to be an easy fix earlier was not.... and also brought down the beta server in the process...)
Субъект: Re: If you are having trouble logging to GoldToken...
Eriisa: Thanks for that - I was just coming to this board to find the GT MSN board so I could see what was going on.
The www.Gt address got to a login, but I could not get in.
The beta site is now getting the "site is down" message.
I know the address is still pointing to the old place - but I'm wondering why they just did not keep up the page that points to either of the new addresses.... instead of a login page that does not work. O'well - I'm back in now - that is what matters.
Eriisa: Yea, hopefully GoldToken is back up soon..... just now, a few minutes ago I again could not access this site - usually not a big deal since I will just go to GoldToken to play games over there until this site is available - but now - UGH - no where to play.
(Guess I better go check out BugCafe again like I said I was going to do.)
Oh, and GoldToken's beta site is up because it is on a completely different server as I understand it.....
MadMonkey: I don't visit yourturnmyturn as much as I use to (once Dice Poker & Logic where brought here), but I did find your invite and accepted it. I still have my paid membership there, but I found that so few people are on the site - the games with the same people started to get a little boring.
Now if you want a challenge - try - which is the dutch language sister site of YourTurnMyTurn - and very popular (of Dutch speaking people). I don't understand a thing, but I did manage to get into a few games & tournaments and found there was a lot more of a challenge in the logic game on the Dutch site then the English site.
ellieoop: I use to play on the Dutch site often, but haven't for the past couple of months - so rummy must be new (or I missed it)
I might go try that out also..... and hopefully they will have it over on the English site soon - even though with so few members, it gets boring there fast.
MadMonkey: Yea, many other sites have been growing for the good. YourTurnMyTurn is continuing to add new games, many unique for the site. GoldToken has really steped up their game develpoment - they now have a great chess & checkers selection - enought of a selection to be the official game site of ACF and others... plus also working on other great non chess/checker games.
Heck, ItsYourTurn has even introduced some great games recently - I just love playing Dark Crazy Chess - plus they have some new boat variants and such.
I have not played on BugCafe for a long time - but I think I will have to check them back out here soon.
rod03801: Well I'm still curious - isn't there any players on here that also played there? If so, are they closed for good - or is it just hardware issues or something where people can't connect.
rod03801: Well it had some cool ideas - players would join a colony - limit to the number in each colony - and in there, you could buy houses and stuff for the house with fake money you earn playing games and such.
But after that, things go south. First, they had like 20 games on th site, but a colony could only have access to like 10 games at a time - and the players of the colony had to vote for which games. (me, if I'm playing - I want access to all the games).
Of course this information is from when they first opened, not sure what they had done since.
Games - they had some of the regular - plus some unique ones like a card-poker game which was pretty fun - basically it was a single player game, but made into a 2-player game where each play their own game - highest score wins. Um... I think their battleboat game was interesting - with different boats/tanks & different backgrounds. Um.... plus some of the "regular" games like chess and such.. can't remember.
Had some cool ideas, but I think the owners idea was to have a community site that just happened to have a few games - and did not want a "game site" so could care less about concerns - like mine about wanting to play all the games not just a limited selection. In my opinion, if they focused on both - they would have gained a lot of turn based game players.... well that and if the owner wasn't such a .......... well, you can fill in the blank.
As many of you know, I stopped visiting Game Driven site awhile back ( ), but I got an e-mail today from someone telling them they closed the game site down (of course after they accepted his $200 lifetime membership - which means the lifetime of the site, not his lifetime)
Anyway, like I said - I don't visit the site, I tried a few minutes ago and it did not work - so I was wondering if it is correct that the site is closed, or are they just closed for repairs or some other temporary reason.
jessica: I gave up my membership there because I did not like the limit of 100 games. (yea, it was 200 - but only 100 tournament & 100 regular games - and since I play 99% tournament games, I felt cheated out of 1/2 my games)
... so I only play a few games there now and don't plan on getting a membership again. Dark Crazy Screen Chess is fun when there is enough to start a tournament there.
Субъект: Re: Pat Chu of IYT is closing down his boards
ScarletRose: Those message boards have driven some people from his site - I think it is a smart move... I have a few games still on that site, but haven't visited the message boards there for well over a year now.
ScarletRose: I had just got done transferring some money to my PayPal account to pay for a membership there - but luckily I found out what I did when I did.... think the money was eventually spent to renew my membership here.
KJ: I was on that site when it was being developed about 2 years ago, but I felt the owner attacked me. I normally don't try to talk bad about any sites - I just ignore them and leave them alone. But they allowed players to invite others to the site, and I invited 1 person - someone who probable does not even have 1 on-line person who thinks negatively towards them, and the owner of that site turned and attacked them also.... probable thinking they were also me or something.
I kept most of the messages during that time, and turned it into this webpage:
I had first thought someone from here was telling the owner there that I was some sort of spy or something. But then the owner says something about being a spy from GT - a site at the time where I was just a normal user. I later got invited to help program at GT, but have since found I had no time to do that. Since then, I've heard of others who had similar experiences with the owner of that site, so who knows.......
All I know is I felt so personally attacked there, I've changed from my own advice and will occasionally talk bad about that site. Well I will post my side of the story, along with messages and let everyone else decide.
Blackadder Mr K: I use to be a member at IYT also, but let the membership go. The main reason was the limit of games for paid members. The limit for paid members is 200... which would be enough, but the small print is 100 for tournament games (including ladders), and 100 for non-tournament games
Well for me who rarely plays a non-tournament game, that limit of 100 would fill up fast. And just could not justify paying so much for only 100 games at the most. For people who play a good mix of regular & tournament games - this I'm sure is not an issue.
I know some people are different and can only choose 1 site they like, I've always been different - always liking to play at many different games sites. I could sit down and find something I did not like on every game site I play, but instead of doing that - and instead of just insulting the ones I like the least - I usually try to find what I like about the site and talk about those.
ItsYourTurn: What I like about this place is the number of users - Playing the same player many times can get boring, and with many players - there is always variety. Plus I've discovered they have Dark Crazy Screen Chess - my 2 favorite Chess variants mixed into 1 game - what more can a normally VERY bad chess player ask for? (Other then Dice chess on this site!)
DailyGammon: If you like backgammon & Nackgammon - this is the site. What more can I say?
GoldToken: One of the things I like about this site is it has multi-player games (more then 2 players... with the games that support more then 2). Playing many games with more then 2 players changes the strategy of the game all around - almost like playing new games since you have to play differently. But if you worry about ratings, don't play them since with more players, the chances of losing are greater.
LittleGolem: I did like this site a lot - they have a few different games, along with a fun word game - but the site has become "stall" - no real improvments or anything new. It is 100% free so I can't really complain, and is a nice place to go for a few unique games that you can't find elsewhere.
Pockey Moneky: Tic-Tac-Toe! YEA!!!! Where else can you play that game! This is a fun site, and still being worked on and developed. They have tournaments now which is always a big plus in my book - and currently free! (Even though at some point the owners said they might introduce a membership - but until then - everything is free.)
YourTurnMyTurn: This is the English copy of jijbent (which is a very popular Dutch site) The bad thing about this site is instead of doing what BrainKing did and combine all the languages into the same site - what has happened is jijbent is very popular and full of people, and the English site has very few people to play. At one time both sites looked exactly the same - so for someone like me who only knows English, I was able to signon to jijbent and play some games and get around since I could just look at the English site for the translation. But awhile back they changed the look of jijbent which now makes it a little harder for someone like me.
OK, that is all of the sites I regularly play at and can offer some advice. AGAIN - I know many people can find bad things about every site (even this site), but what I always say - and will continue to say is try them all and find the ones you like the best. Plus you don't have to limit yourself to just one.
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