Do you own any pets? Can you tell us what they are and their names?
We have 4 dogs - Nero, Alik, Bosik and Zora, some spiders - but they have not name and love my wife.
Can you tell us a little about yourself? Favorite food, color, perfume etc.
My favorite food is fresh bread, chips and chocolade - all unhealty and caloric. My favorite colors indipentence of colours dress my wife usually it is black, blue.
Have you been to North America or travelled through Europe?
I visited only some European countiries as Poland, Czech republic, Hungary, Austeia, Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Slovenia.I visited only some European countiries as Poland, Czech republic, Hungary, Austeia, Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Slovenia.
What made you decide to pay for BK when no one else had?
I want to support nice idea in our countries / Czech rebulic and Slovakia was one coutry Czechoslovakia till 1992 year and My sister live in Czech repulic and I too till 1986 year /
You started what has become one of the largest fellowships here. Do you wish you had kept it?
Of course.
You're in quite a lot of fellowships, do you keep up with them all and read the discussion boards in each one?
No it is more that I can made. But sometimes I discuss in each of them.
Who do you have on your friends and enemies lists?
I have not enemies, and 1st frends in my list was Dimitrov, Fencer, Temo, Dark Angel, blizz.
I notice your profile page is about as informative as mine . Does this indicate you're basically a private person for the most part? Or mayhaps you'd rather choose who you 'open up to' on a one-to-one basis? :>
I do not sure what interesting I can write about me.
What question(s) did you hope would be asked, and what would your answer(s) have been?
Do you feel happy, healthy, statisfied and rich? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and wish you the same.