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playBunny: Back in Jan 2011 (yet not that many posts ago), I asked if anyone had spotted a Ludo "backgammon", defined as the loser having all four pieces still in their base at the end. I'm sure that there must have been a few but I've not seen one myself until this game.
Now what we need is an example of a "perfect backgammon", where the hapless loser doesn't even get out of their base even once. I think that it could be a long time before we see one of those.
(dölj) Om du väntar på din tur, klicka då på "ändra" intill "Uppdatera" på huvudsidan. Sätt "Tidsintervall för att uppdatera startsidan och spelsidorna" till 30 sekunder för att snabbare få upp partierna där det är din tur att dra på skärmen. (Servant) (Visa alla tips)