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Have the rules been changed regarding Pawns entering more than one tournament, or allowing them to enter new ones if they've advanced past the first round or have been eliminated? I ask because I noticed one of my opponents who is a BrainPawn member is in two running tournaments as I write this. Though he only has eight games going at the moment, I remember Fencer telling me that a BrainPawn member could only be in one tournament at a time.
(dölj) Om du väntar på din tur, klicka då på "ändra" intill "Uppdatera" på huvudsidan. Sätt "Tidsintervall för att uppdatera startsidan och spelsidorna" till 30 sekunder för att snabbare få upp partierna där det är din tur att dra på skärmen. (Servant) (Visa alla tips)