I guess I am the only one who is not completely satisfied with the auto pass configuration?
Anyway, I just made a move in an auto pass game where I put my opponent on the bar, and stayed at that game, and sure enough there was my opponents roll that showed he could not make a move and my new roll as well. But when I made the next move and submitted and stayed there all that was there were my dice from the previous roll and it was my opponents turn.
Is it a bug that even though the dice are already rolled I cannot see them? Or is there some reason they stay hidden from my view until my opponent comes on to look at them?
For some reason I think that if the dice are already rolled, they should also be displayed? Is there any advantage I am not seeing that would make it more fair for me not to see the roll before my opponent does?
also again, any comments on a default to stay at any game where our opponent has auto passed?
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