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Andersp: Oh im sorry i misunderstood...so you accept a friendly invitation for backgammon?
Lol. Yes, you have misunderstood and I dare say you know it, too.
It's very clear what my position is. It's completely certain that I will reject (by ignoring) a rude invitation (defined specifically as one with no text whatsoever). And it's very unlikely, in the case of Backgammon, that I will accept even friendly invitations. "Very unlikely" is, of course, not measured as 0%. This therefore means that some percentage of friendly invitations would be accepted.
think you should add that to your profile
It's all there in one short sentence. All you have to do is not misunderstand it!
playBunny: LOL...yes Bunny you are right, i didnt misunderstand, i (and most players here) know the real reason why you dont accept even a friendly invitation.....but to me its still more rude than to resign a finished game :)
Andersp: but to me its still more rude than to resign a finished game :)
But that really is irrelevant. It's not about what you'd find rude, it's about what an opponent who wishes to continue play would think.
i (and most players here) know the real reason why you dont accept even a friendly invitation
Go on then, spell it out. Make sure you properly include the terms "in protest", "rating system" and "really sucks". And you can get bonus points if you add another sentence or two incorporating "DailyGammon" plus some choice ideas from my profile.
Czuch Czuckers: Gosh, Czuch, I certainly do enjoy a good debate but please don't ever think that I agree with you about being rude to people simply because they have a different preference. It is almost as if you view other people as machines. I know you're incapable of understanding this but I seriously think that the attitude you show is self-centred and boorish!
But I dont understand how you can defend someone being offended or upset over someone else playing within the boundaries of the rules
There's an attitude which I truly and wholeheartedly despise and it's the traffic-warden mentality that "It says so in the rules therefore I don't have to think or exercise any judgement at all. I can act just like a robot and be correct according to what it says here". If you take that position in anything where human judgement could be employed you have thrown away any chance of my respect.
That's where I'm coming from.
Anders, on the other hand, is just along for the laugh.
playBunny: There's an attitude which I truly and wholeheartedly despise and it's the traffic-warden mentality that "It says so in the rules therefore I don't have to think or exercise any judgement at all. I can act just like a robot and be correct according to what it says here". If you take that position in anything where human judgement could be employed you have thrown away any chance of my respect.
Nobody is trying to say that if asked to do so, they shouldnt comply to the request to play out their moves.
rather, that there is nothing wrong with not wanting to comply either!
Thats where I am coming from, and i am also along for the laugh
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