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My opponent timed out, having already borne off 1 checker. (Let's ignore my incredibly hopeless position for the moment.) I was trailing in the match 1-0 before that happened. Now the match score is given as 3-1. It appears that the server awarded me 3 points when I should have had at most 1.
alanback: I think at one time, it was discussed and it was decided on if someone times out, they lose the max amount of points (backgammoned) since they could still possible be in such a bad position that they will be put into that position and you would not want someone to time out on purpose just to be able to save a point or so.
NOW in this case, once a checker is already borne off, if a time out occurs, I agree that it should only be a 1 point lose.
(dölj) Om du inte vill att andra användare ska kunna veta vad du gör, så kan du ändra till dolt läge under Inställningar (endast för betalande medlemmar). (pauloaguia) (Visa alla tips)