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Du har inte tillstånd att skriva på denna sida. Lägsta nivå på medlemskap för att kunna skriva i detta forum är Brain Bonde.
Does anyone have some interesting and intriguing games they would like to share for the forum here.
Or perhaps some of you can share some opening theory or interesting openings in Czech draughts style. Czech is very intersting variant - a cross between English Checkers and Russian/Brazilian Draughts.
Ämne: Re: Interesting Games - Interesting Openings
Grandmaestro: Grandmaestro, Your sample games has more errors!! More time are winning position. Exist about czech draughts 2 new books. first Guide about czech draughts and second Openning theorie in Czech draughts. First is complete for all players, is all in book and second is first complete openning theorie about czech draughts. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year and I hope, that we meet in real online server, in kurnik :-)