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I thought that leaving a pawn in my single corner gave me more chance to capture my oponents Queen if they had one and I didnt, but have found out the hard way, that this can also work against me later in the game when we both have a queen or two, meaning they have a chance to capture my single corner diagonal Queen.
I think one aim is to gain control of this diagonal, but I am open to being proved wrong.
So can anyone add to this to help myself and Patch With the tactics.
A good lesson learned in my game with Steve,once he controlled the single corner diagonal i was in limbo, leaving a piece in the corner sounds interesting
I would say that also if you can, you need to get at least a couple of your pawns to the opposite side of the single corner diagonal from your side of it, because once the opponent has a queen on that line, you will find it very hard to get across to get yourself a queen. At the same time also stopping your opponent getting to your side too.
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