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Especially you Dmitri. In my original pente set, the rules state two ways of playing the game (well, actually more, but I'll stick with what we are talking about here). With the tourney rule and without it. It is not up to you nor Gary, nor anyone for that matter to decide how people should enjoy playing this game. If they choose tourney rule, fine. If not, that's also fine. The only exception to this would be in TOURNAMENT play, where the rules are defined before sign-up and actual play. But in regular play of any game, it is not up to you or Gary to make that decision for others on how a game should be played. It is up to the individual. We all have the freedom to choose which games we like to play. Since you like to use the chess example, I'll use one of my own: At IYT they have MANY chess variations (and I believe on this site as well). You once told me that you like to play some of these diferent variations because you find them fun and challenging in a different way. But, it's not traditional chess, and these chess variations are most CERTAINLY NOT found in the "official" chess rules. But you enjoy playing them any ways. And rightly so. They're games.
You and gary both know that I take tourney rule pente fairly seriously. Yet, I still enter a regular pente tourney every now and then. Why? Because, forced win for player 1 or not, I enjoy trying to win as player 2. What I'm trying to say is I ENJOY both games. I also believe that if you take away the players' choices of games here, you will most definitely be alienating many people. Some of these people might even have considered contributing to the site. But, since the game they want to play can not be found here, they'll go somewhere else (e.g. IYT). Who's going to make up for the possible money then lost by the site owner? You two? I doubt it.
Ämne: Re: Gary and Dmitri, you're out of line here
I don't think I am out of line (Why was I singled out as "especially" being out of line!?).
Of course, we are all entirled to my opinion. I will continue to state my opinion and support it with examples, as I have done. Your post ignored almost everything I have said to this opint about the chess variants. I already stated quite clearly why the chess variants are a different issue, and I have named a number of different pente variants that I support. To imply that I am opposed to variants of any sort is incorrect.
I am guessing that the "variant" will be reinstated now that people are threatening to leave Brain King because of it. It is a pity, but the people who make the most noise usually get their way, regardless of how illogical their position may be.
So, I give up. I will state that I am VEHEMENTLY opposed to the reinstatement of the pente game without the restriction, but I will not debate the matter any more. No one has refuted anything I have said, yet people still argue. I don't want to cost Fencer Members, and if people are so bent out of shape that they are threatening to return to a site as bad as IYT, then I will relent because I do not wish to cause any negative consequences for Fencer. It is quite disappointing that any serious pente player would make the post that you did, and despite your claim otherwise, I haev to wonder how serious you are about it if you consider the "variant" without the restriction to have ANY value whatsoever.
If you don't think pente with the restriction is challenging enough as player 2, I'll play some tic tac toe with you, you cn be player 2. You will no doubt love the challenge of trying to win as player 2.
But I digress.
So, Fencer, my only request at this opint is that you give the "variant" without the move restriction a fitting name that leaves NO DOUBT that it is some phony form of pente that NO ONE who is interested in being a real pente player should play.
some suggestions: Phony pente, fake pente, or, better yet, pseudopente. That last one has a nice sound to it.